* SumaTag mainclass
* @package SumaTag
* @author Till Wehowski, http://webfan.de
* @version 1.0.0
* @License Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License
* @Requires class wUri http://www.phpclasses.org/package/8005-PHP-Parse-an-URL-and-extract-its-parts.html
$st = new SumaTag();
$keyword = $st->detect();
class SumaTag
private $se;
/* pointer to wURI */
private $u;
function __construct($defaultSetting = TRUE)
$this->u = & wURI::getInstance();
$this->se = array();
if($defaultSetting === TRUE)$this->loadDefaults();
Example settings:
'google', 'q',
'yahoo', 'p',
'live', 'q',
'aolsvc', 'q',
'bing', 'q',
'suche.webfan.de', 'q',
'localhost', 'q',
public function loadDefaults()
$this->addSe('*.google.*', 'q');
$this->addSe('*.yahoo.*', 'p');
$this->addSe('*.live.*', 'q');
$this->addSe('*.bing.*', 'q');
$this->addSe('*.aolsvc.*', 'q');
$this->addSe('suche.webfan.de', 'q');
addSe - add search engine
@param string $host E.g.: 'sub.google.com' OR '*.google.com' OR 'google.*' OR '*.*'
@param string $kpn - keywordParameterName - The query parameter of the referer url where the search-keyword is found
e.g. for google it is 'q'
e.g. for yahoo it is 'p'
public function addSe($host, $kpn)
$host = trim($host);
$regex = str_replace('.', '\\.', $host);
if(substr($host, 0, 1) !== '*')$regex = '^'.$regex;
if(substr($host, -1, 1) !== '*')$regex.= '$';
$regex = str_replace('*', '', $regex);
$this->se[$host] = array(
'name' => $host,
'regex' => $regex,
'kpn' => $kpn,
removeSe - remove search engine
@param string $host
public function removeSe($host)
public function detect()
$u = $this->u->getU();
return $this->check($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $u->location);
check - check for keyword in referer !Returns only the first match!
@param string $ref - referer url to check
@param string $loc - url found on your page - OPTIONAL
@return FALSE || array(host, keyword, url)
public function check($ref = NULL, $loc = NULL)
if($loc === NULL || parse_url($loc) === FALSE)
$u = $this->u->getU();
$loc = $u->location;
if($ref === NULL)$ref = strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$ru = parse_url($ref);
if($ref === '' || $ru === FALSE)return FALSE;
$r = $this->u->parse_uri($ru['scheme'], $ru['host'], $ru['path'].'?'.$ru['query']);
foreach($this->se as $host => $h)
$regex = "/".$h['regex']."/";
if(!preg_match($regex, $r->server) )continue;
if(!isset($r->query[$h['kpn']]) )continue;
return array(
'host' => $h['name'],
'keyword' => trim(urldecode($r->query[$h['kpn']])),
'url' => $loc,
return FALSE;
//eof class