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File: readme.txt
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Description: Tutorial
Class: phpforumPlus
Rapid discussion forums creation
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Date: 21 years ago
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************************************************* README FILE ************************************************* Class: phpforumPlus Author: Tsiavos Chris <> ************************************************* Table of Contents 0. Preface 1. Preparations 1.1 Creating the database tables 2. Tuning the class variables 2.1 Database Options 2.2 Icon Options 2.3 CSS StyleSheet Options 2.4 Other Options 3. Final Steps 3.1 Creating the forum scripts 3.2 Testing your configuration ************************************************* 0. PREFACE What you must already have You must already have a database server configured properly with a high preference in MySQL & PostgreSQL as being the database platforms this class has been tested on. Also you must have the DB.php installed in your computer."DB.php" is the PEAR class for database access.If you don't have this package installed point your browser at for download instructions & usage. What this class is This class provides the basic functionality needed to create a forum board. Basic functionality encompasses features such as displaying threads for different forum topics,allowing users to post new threads or reply to existing ones,searching threads by headline or member,allowing limited number of html tags in threads' bodies and customizing the tables' layout by choosing from a variety of predefined CSS Stylesheets.It will be a time saver for anyone interested in creating community boards in a simple and efficient manner. What this class isn't This class isn't a forum system with database and user management options,advanced layout customization and internationalization support.It's impossible to include all these features in a single class.Besides there are already mature projects in this area with a large user base. ********************************************************************************************************* 1. PREPARATIONS 1.1 Creating the database tables Suppose that we want to create a forum in MySQL about general php discussion. The first step is to create the database and the database tables. This class expects two tables for each forum topic we create. One table is used for posts and the other one for replies to selected posts. For the purpose of this tutorial we will create a database named forums and two tables, phpposts and phpreplies.Therefore we have: CREATE DATABASE forums;USE forums; CREATE TABLE phpposts (id INTEGER UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT,member VARCHAR(20),headline VARCHAR(15),body TEXT, date_posted DAYTIME,views INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id))Type=MyISAM; CREATE TABLE phpreplies(id INTEGER,member VARCHAR(20),headline VARCHAR(15),body TEXT,date_posted DAYTIME)Type=MyISAM; Let's explain the columns & their meaning: id: holds the thread's id member:defines the registered member who posted the thread to the forum headline:defines the headline of the selected thread body:the body of the current thread date_posted:info about posting date & time views: how many people have read this thread ********************************************************************************************************* 2. TUNING THE CLASS VARIABLES 2.1 DATABASE OPTIONS The next step is to make the class aware of the database tables & columns we' ve just created. In "myphpforum.php" script there is a section named "Database Options".Seven variables need to be configured var $database_type: Defines the type of the database currently used.In our case the database is mysql. var $database_type="mysql"; var $db_host: The name of the database server hosting the forums.If the database server is located on the same machine as your php scripts enter the name of the machine. var $db_user: Defines the user of the database. A special user such as "webuser" with limited privilleges is a good idea. var $db_passwd: Defines the password of the database user. var $forum_database: Defines the name of the database holding our forum topics. In our case we' ve created the database "forums". var $forum_database="forums"; var $topic_tables:This variable contains the topic name, a short description for the topic and the database tables related to this topic. In our case the topic is "General PHP" and the database tables related to PHP are phpposts & phpreplies. Therefore we define: var $topic_tables=array ("PHP"=>array("phpposts","phpreplies","This is a general php forum.Your one-stop resource for all things php")); var $table_struct: This variable defines the columns' names of our database tables, phpposts & phpreplies. Therefore we have: var $table_struct=array ("table_posts"=>array("id","member","headline","body","date_posted","views"), "table_replies"=>array("id","member","headline","body","date_posted")); var $threads_limit_per_page: Used to specify the number of threads per page.Below we set the value to be 42,meaning 42 threads per page. var $threads_limit_per_page=42; var $thread_length_limit:Used to limit the length(in characters) of forum threads.Default 2000 characters. var $thread_length_limit=2000; var $headline_length_limit:Same as above but for the headline of the thread.Default 20 characters. var $headline_length_limit=20; ******************************************************************************************************** 2. TUNING THE CLASS VARIABLES 2.2 ICON OPTIONS This section is used to specify icons utilized in different parts of the forum. var $forum_icon:This variable is used to specify an icon for the selected forum. For instance if we have a PHP & a Perl forum and want to specify a diverse icon for each we enter the following data. var $forum_icon=array ("PHP"=>"./phpicon.gif", "Perl"=>"./perlicon.gif"); var $thread_icon: This variable defines the thread's icon such as an envelop etc. NOTE: The icon path must be related to the location of your "displayforum.php" & "forums.php" scripts(see below) var $thread_icon="./envelop.gif"; var $hot_thread_icon: Used to specify the icon for a thread which is marked as hot(with many replies). var $hot_thread_icon="./hot.gif"; var $hot_thread_limit: Defines the replies limit after which a thread is market as hot. For instance if we want threads with over 20 replies to have a different icon (var $hot_thread_icon) we type: var $hot_thread_limit=20; ******************************************************************************************************** 2. TUNING THE CLASS VARIABLES 2.2 CSS STYLESHEET OPTIONS This section is used to specify the CSS stylesheet name affecting the page layout. var $style_type: Defines the name of the applied CSS Stylesheet.For more information regarding methods for custom stylesheets application & changing HTML elements' attributes read the style.php script. In the below example the stylesheet named ocean is utilized. var $style_type="ocean"; ******************************************************************************************************** 2. TUNING THE CLASS VARIABLES 2.2 OTHER OPTIONS This section briefly describes enviroment,page and site options Site Options var $welcome_msg: Used to specify a welcome message for the forums. Default value "Welcome to our community" var $welcome_msg="Welcome to our community"; var $site_administrator:Defines the email address of the site administrator displayed in error messages. Page Options var $display_forum: Defines the name of the page which will be used to display the forum threads. Default value displayforum.php var $display_forum="displayforum.php"; var $view_thread_page: The name of the page used to display the selected thread and the relevant replies.Default value showmessage.php. var $view_thread_page="showmessage.php"; var $reply_page: The name of the page for posting replies to selected threads. Default value reply.php var $reply_page="reply.php"; var $post_new_thread_page: The name of the page for posting new threads. Default value post.php var $post_new_thread_page="post.php"; var $search_page: The name of the page used to search the forum threads by headline and member name var $search_page="search.php"; Environment Options var $member: Usually in forum sites only registered members can post or reply to threads.This variable defines the name of the registered member. You will often use this variable along with something like this: session_register("mymember","chris"); $this->member=$_SESSION["mymember"]; ******************************************************************************************************** 3. FINAL STEPS 3.1 CREATING THE FORUM SCRIPTS The next step in the configuration process is to create the php scripts that will utilize the class. Six scripts need to be created. CREATING THE forums.php SCRIPT The first script named forums.php is used to show the available forum topics with a short description for each.Therefore we have: ***********forums.php************** <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum( ); $myforum->display_forums( ); ?> ***********end-forums.php********* CREATING THE displayforum.php SCRIPT The second script we are going to create is used to show the threads for the selected forum. You can give any name you want to the script but do note that this name must then be declared in the var $display_forum variable of the myphpforum.php script.For demostration purposes the "displayforum.php" name is given to the script. ********displayforum.php********** <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum(); $myforum->display(); ?> ********end displayforum.php***** And in myphpforum.php script we configure the $display_forum class variable with the name of the above script. var $display_forum="displayforum.php"; CREATING THE sowmessage.php SCRIPT The third script is used to display the selected thread and all replies related to this thread. The name of the script can be again based on your personal preferences and therefore can be set to anything you want. For the purpose of this tutorial the "showmessage.php" name is selected. *******showmessage.php******** <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum(); $myforum->display_thread(); ?> ****end showmessage.php****** And in myphpforum.php script we configure the $display_forum class variable with the name of the above script. var $view_thread_page="showmessage.php" CREATING THE post.php SCRIPT The forth script is used to provide the functionality needed for posting new threads to a selected forum topic.Therefore we have: *************post.php************ <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum(); $myforum->post_new_thread(); ?> **********end post.php********** And in myphpforum.php script the appropriate declaration var $post_new_thread_page="post.php"; CREATING THE reply.php SCRIPT The last script provides the functionality needed for replying to selected threads. *************reply.php************ <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum(); $myforum->reply_to_thread(); ?> **********end reply.php********** And the appropriate declaration in "myphpforum.php" var $reply_page="reply.php"; CREATING THE reply.php SCRIPT The last script provides the functionality needed for searching threads based on headline and member values. *************search.php************ <?php include("./myphpforum.php"); $myforum=new myphpforum(); $myforum->search(); ?> **********end search.php********** And the appropriate declaration in "myphpforum.php" var $search_page="search.php"; ******************************************************************************************************** 3. FINAL STEPS 3.2 TESTING YOUR CONFIGURATION Point your browser at http://yourhost.yourdomain/forums.php. Your forum should be up & running. Don't forget that if you want to add a new forum or change any of the configuration options you should refer to myphpforum.php script and change the configuration variables as described in this tutorial. Note: If the first time you point your browser at forums.php script you receive an error such as "DB:Error Connect failed" it means that either your database server is not running or you have the database server provided with the wrong credentials. ********************************************************************************************************