// includes the file that contains data for connecting to mysql database, and PDO_MySQLi class
// creates object with connection to MySQL
$conn = new PDO_MySQLi($mysql);
for values used in LIKE statement, add the "?" or "%" characters in the value. Use like this
$val = '%'. $val .'?';
// SELECT with named placeholders and values for placeholders added into an associative array
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `testclass` WHERE `title` LIKE :title ORDER BY `id`";
$vals = array('title'=> '%Course%');
// executes the SQL query (passing the SQL query, and array with values), and gets the selected rows
$rows = $conn->sqlExecute($sql, $vals);
$nr_rows = $conn->num_rows; // number of selected rows
$nr_cols = $conn->num_cols; // number of selected columns
// if there are returned rows, traverses the array with rows data, using foreach()
if($nr_rows > 0) {
echo 'Number of selected rows: '. $nr_rows .' / Number of columns: '. $nr_cols;
// outputs data using index number of column order (index starting from 0)
foreach($rows AS $row) {
echo '<br/>Col1 = '. $row[0] .' / Col2 = '. $row[1] .' / Col3 = '. $row[2] .' / Col4 = '. $row[3];
else {
if($conn->error) echo $conn->error; // if error, outputs it
echo '0 selected rows';