// includes the file that contains data for connecting to mysql database, and PDO_MySQLi class
// creates object with connection to MySQL
$conn = new PDO_MySQLi($mysql);
// UPDATE with corresponding placeholder names in the SQL statement, and the values into an associative array
$sql = "UPDATE `testclass` SET `title` = :title WHERE `url` = :url";
$vals = array('title'=>'JavaScript & jQuery', 'url'=>'http://coursesweb.net/javascript/');
// executes the SQL query, passing the SQL query and the array with values
$resql = $conn->sqlExecute($sql, $vals);
// check if the SQL query succesfully performed, displays the number of affected rows
if($resql) echo 'Updated succesfully '. $conn->affected_rows .' row';
else echo $conn->error;