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File: classes/database/db-parser.php

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  Classes of Gonzalo Chumillas   Ses Query   classes/database/db-parser.php   Download  
File: classes/database/db-parser.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: DBParser class
Class: Ses Query
Manipulate records retrieved with select queries
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 7,437 bytes


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 * This file contains the DBParser class.
 * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <>
 * @package database

require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/database/db-query.php";
dirname(__DIR__) . "/database/db-column.php";
dirname(__DIR__) . "/parser/parser.php";

 * class DBParser
 * This class parses an SQL sentence.
 * @package database
class DBParser extends Parser {
     * A subset of reserved words
     * @var array
private $reserved_words = array(
"from", "where", "on", "group", "having", "order", "limit", "union", "inner", "left", "right", "join", "and"
     * @var DBQuery
private $query;
     * @param DBQuery $query
     * @param string $sql
public function __construct($query, $sql) {
$this->query = $query;
parent::__construct($sql, Parser::UNGREEDY);
     * Is a reserved word?
     * @param string $word
     * @return string
private function isReservedWord($str) {
$str = strtolower(trim($str));
array_search($str, $this->reserved_words) !== FALSE;
     * Parses conditions individually.
     * @param int $offset0
     * @param int $offset1
private function parseConditions($offset0, $offset1) {
$str = trim(substr($this->string, $offset0, $offset1 - $offset0));
$conditions = preg_split("/\s+and\s+/i", $str);
        foreach (
$conditions as $condition) {
$terms = explode("=", $condition);
            if (
count($terms) != 2) {
// parse columns
$columns = array();
            foreach (
$terms as $term) {
$t = new Tokenizer($term);
                if ( (list(
$value) = $t->str()) || (list($value) = $t->number()) ) {
array_push($columns, $value);
                } else
                if (
$t->match("(`?(\w+)`?\s*\.\s*)?`?(\w+)`?", $matches)) {
$table_name = trim($matches[2]);
$column_name = trim($matches[3]);
$column = $this->query->registerColumn($table_name, $column_name);
array_push($columns, $column);
// links columns
foreach ($columns as $i => $column0) {
$column1 = $columns[($i + 1) % 2];
                if (
$column0 instanceof DBColumn) {
                    if (
$column1 instanceof DBColumn) {
                    } else {
     * Is the next an identifier?
     * @return array|boolean
protected function identifier() {
        if (
$this->match("`([^`]+)`", $matches)) {
            return array(
        } else {
$offset = $this->offset;
            if (list(
$name) = $this->match("\w+")) {
                if (
$this->isReservedWord($name)) {
$this->offset = $offset;
                } else {
                    return array(
     * Is the next a join clause?
     * @throws ParserError
     * @return array|boolean
protected function join() {
// gets join type
if (!list($str) = $this->match("((inner|(left(\s+outer)?))\s+)?join\s+", $matches, Tokenizer::SEARCH_ANYWHERE|Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$join_type = stripos($str, "inner") !== FALSE? DBTable::INNER_JOIN : DBTable::LEFT_JOIN;
$offset = $matches[0][1];
// gets table name
if (!list($table_name) = $this->is("identifier")) {
            throw new
ParserException($this, "Table name expected");
// gets table alias
$table_alias = $table_name;
        if (
$this->eq("as")) {
            if (!list(
$table_alias) = $this->is("identifier")) {
                throw new
ParserException($this, "Table alias expected");
        } else
        if (list(
$str) = $this->is("identifier")) {
$table_alias = $str;
// register table
$table = $this->query->registerTable($table_alias, TRUE);
// optional "on"
        return array(
     * Is the next a where clause?
     * @return array|boolean
protected function where() {
        if (!
$this->match("where\s+", $matches, Tokenizer::SEARCH_ANYWHERE|Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$offset = $matches[0][1];
        return array(
     * Is the next whatever?
     * @return array|boolean
protected function whatever() {
        if (
$this->match("(group|having|order|limit|union)\s+", $matches, Tokenizer::SEARCH_ANYWHERE|Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
            return array(
        return array(
     * Is the next a select?
     * @throws ParserError
     * @return array|boolean
protected function select() {
$main_table = NULL;
        if (
$this->match("select.*from")) {
// gets table name
if (!list($table_name) = $this->is("identifier")) {
                throw new
ParserException($this, "Table name expected");
// gets table alias
$table_alias = $table_name;
            if (
$this->eq("as")) {
                if (!list(
$table_alias) = $this->is("identifier")) {
                    throw new
ParserException($this, "Table alias expected");
            } else
            if (list(
$str) = $this->is("identifier")) {
$table_alias = $str;
// register main table
$main_table = $this->query->registerTable($table_alias, TRUE);
// join clauses
$offset0 = $this->offset;
            while (list(
$offset1) = $this->is("join")) {
$this->parseConditions($offset0, $offset1);
$offset0 = $this->offset;
// where clause
if (list($offset1) = $this->is("where")) {
$this->parseConditions($offset0, $offset1);
$offset0 = $this->offset;
// whatever else
if (list($offset1) = $this->is("whatever")) {
$this->parseConditions($offset0, $offset1);
$main_table != NULL && $main_table->getPrimaryKey() != NULL;
     * Parses the sql sentence.
     * @return array|boolean
public function _parse() {