usetiful - Php / Mysql Dao Generator
What Usetiful?<br/>
Usetiful is a beatiful useful class generator for Php / Mysql.
It allows you to create the classes for Create, Read and Update Mysql records.
Why Usetiful?<br/>
The main purpose is to avoid writing many lines of code, saving your time.
How Usetiful?<br/>
it's really easy to use. Download the zip file, extract it to the root where you want.
The Steps are the following:
- create a simple Php file (see the example below);
- include usetiful class (file you have downloaded);
- istantiate the object passing all the required variables in the constructor;
- enjoy your created classes! ^_^
include_once 'usetiful.php';<br/>
$server = ""; //where your db is...<br/>
$username = "root"; //db username<br/>
$password = ""; //db password<br/>
$schema = ""; //db name / schema<br/>
$project_name = "folder1"; // where you would like to create your project folder <br/>
$mp = new Usetiful($server, $username, $password, $schema, $project_name, $table = false);<br/>
IMPORTANT: For the correct execution of Usetiful you must have the mysql priviliges to select information_schema and possibly you should have administrator privileges of the webserver (also local)
Usetiful creates a folder containing some files (the first 3 are the fundamentals layers):
- Class.Actions.php
- Class.Business.php
- Class.Persistence.php
- Class.DaoUtils.php
- Class.Email.php
- Class.Html.php
- Class.Trigger.php
- Class.Validation.php
- Constants.php
It also creates one folder for each mysql table found containing a sample index.php page that shows you how easy it is now to create a select statement (just done).
Usetiful - files created.
Class.Actions.php: This is the entry point. There are the methods to perform CRUD any calls or other. By instantiating the Action object you'll get what you need.
Class.Business.php: Classes accompanied by their respective getters and setters methods already written. Beautiful is not it?
Class.DaoUtils.php: Connection to db. At the moment is still used the connection method mysql_connect. Will be replaced in the shortest possible time.
Class.Email.php: Send emails based on standard class Mail php.
Class.Html.php: A very small html framework that might be useful to build pages quickly.
Class.Persistence.php: The class that contains the heart of the application. Contains the CRUD (CRU) and some methods for queries.
Class.Trigger.php: A support class that could serve for handling exceptions
Class.Validation.php: A class designed for server-side validation of the fields. Not fully implemented yet.
Constants.php: A small class of constants.