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File: classes/parser/tokenizer.php

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File: classes/parser/tokenizer.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Tokenizer class
Class: Ses Parser
Parse a string with an expression of any type
Author: By
Last change: fix documentation
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 8,952 bytes


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 * class Tokenizer
 * This class not only can split a string into smaller pieces called tokens,
 * but it can be used to parse a string on the fly.
class Tokenizer {
     * This flag indicates that we want to retrieve the position of the matches.
     * This flag affects only to the 'match' function.
const OFFSET_CAPTURE = 0x1;
     * This flag indicates that we want to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters.
const CASE_SENSITIVE = 0x4;
     * This regular pattern describes a "token".
     * A token is one or more "word" characters or a single "non-word" character. For example:
     * hello_there125 -- this is a token because it is a sequence of "word" characters
     * % -- this is a token because it is a single "non-word" chatacter.
     * %! -- this is NOT a token
const TOKEN = "\w+|.";
     * This regular pattern describes a floating point number.
const NUMBER = '[+-]?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?';
     * This regular pattern describes a string.
     * You can use either single or double quotes delimiters. The following examples are strings:
     * 'hello there'
     * 'hello \'there'
     * "hello there"
     * "hello \"there"
const STRING = '(["\'])((?:\\\\\2|.)*)?\2';
     * Flags.
     * @var int
private $flags;
     * The string to be parsed.
     * @var string
protected $string;
     * The current offset.
     * @var int
protected $offset;
     * @param string $string The string to be parsed
     * @param int $flags = 0 This parameter can be Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE or Tokenizer::CASE_SENSITIVE
public function __construct($string, $flags = 0) {
$this->string = $string;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->flags = $flags;
     * Is the next equal to a given string?
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * @param string $str
     * @param int $flags = 0
     * @return string
public function eq($str, $flags = 0) {
$ret = FALSE;
        if (list(
$str) = $this->match(preg_quote($str, "/"), $matches, $flags)) {
$ret = array($str);
     * Is the next in a given list?
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * @param array $items An array of strings
     * @param int $flags = 0
     * @return string|FALSE
public function in($items, $flags = 0) {
$ret = FALSE;
// sorts the items in descending order according to their length
usort($items, function($item1, $item2) {
strlen($item1) < strlen($item2);
        foreach (
$items as $item) {
            if (
$this->eq($item, $flags)) {
$ret = array($item);
     * Is the next a number?
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * @param int $flags = 0
     * @return string|FALSE
public function number($flags = 0) {
$ret = FALSE;
        if (
$number = $this->match(Tokenizer::NUMBER, $flags)) {
$ret = $number;
     * Is the next a string?
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * @param int $flags = 0
     * @return string|FALSE
public function str($flags = 0) {
$ret = FALSE;
        if (
$this->match(Tokenizer::STRING, $matches, $flags)) {
$last_item = end($matches);
$str = is_array($last_item)? $last_item[0] : $last_item;
$ret = array($str);
     * Is the next a token?
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * Example:
     * <code>
     * // splits a string into tokens
     * $t = new Tokenizer("lorem ipsum; dolor sit amet.");
     * while (list($token) = $t->token()) {
     * echo "$token-";
     * }
     * </code>
     * @return string|FALSE
public function token() {
$ret = FALSE;
        if (list(
$token) = $this->match(Tokenizer::TOKEN)) {
$ret = array($token);
     * Compares the string with a regular expression and advances the offset if they match.
     * When successful, this function returns an array with a single string. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
     * You can use regular expression without delimiters. The advantages of using regular expression without
     * delimiters, is that you do not need to worry about ignoring the left spaces and start parsing from the
     * beginning. The backslash character is reserved for delimiting regular expressions. For example:
     * <code>
     * // these two lines are identical
     * $t->match("\w+");
     * $t->match("/^\s*(\w+)/");
     * </code>
     * More examples:
     * <code>
     * // splits a string into "words"
     * $t = new Tokenizer("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet");
     * while (list($token) = $t->match("\w+", $matches)) {
     * echo "$token-";
     * }
     * </code>
     * // captures the offset
     * <code>
     * $t = new Tokenizer("I am 105 years old");
     * if ($t->match("/\d+/", $matches, Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
     * print_r($matches);
     * }
     * </code>
     * <code>
     * // parses a basic SQL sentence
     * $t = new Tokenizer("Select Id, Name, Age From users Where Id = 101");
     * if ($t->match("select")) {
     * // columns
     * $columns = array();
     * while (list($column) = $t->match("\w+")) {
     * array_push($columns, $column);
     * if (!$t->match(",")) {
     * break;
     * }
     * }
     * // `from` clause
     * if ($t->match("from\s+(\w+)", $matches)) {
     * $table_name = $matches[1];
     * echo "You want to get the columns " . implode(", ", $columns) . " from the table $table_name.";
     * }
     * }
     * </code>
     * @param string $regexp
     * @param array &$matches
     * @param int $flags = 0
     * @return array|FALSE
     * </code>
public function match($regexp, &$matches = array(), $flags = 0) {
$ret = FALSE;
$explicit_regexp = strlen($regexp) > 0 && $regexp[0] == "/";
$substr = substr($this->string, $this->offset);
        if (!
$explicit_regexp) {
$case_sensitive = Tokenizer::CASE_SENSITIVE & ($this->flags | $flags);
$modifiers = "u" . ($case_sensitive? "" : "i");
$regexp = strlen($regexp) > 0 && $regexp[0] == "/"? $regexp : "/^\s*($regexp)/$modifiers";
        if (
preg_match($regexp, $substr, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$offset_capture = Tokenizer::OFFSET_CAPTURE & ($this->flags | $flags);
$str = $matches[0][0];
$offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($str);
            if (
$offset_capture) {
// fixes offsets
foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
$matches[$i][1] += $this->offset;
            } else {
// ignores offsets
foreach ($matches as $i => $match) {
$matches[$i] = $matches[$i][0];
            if (!
ctype_alnum($substr[$offset - 1]) || $offset == strlen($substr) || !ctype_alnum($substr[$offset])){
$this->offset += $offset;
$ret = array(ltrim($str));
     * Gets the offset.
     * @return int
public function offset() {
     * Gets the string.
     * @return string
public function string() {
     * Has the offset reached the end of the line?
     * @return boolean
public function end() {
$this->offset >= strlen(rtrim($this->string));