<?php /** * This script demonstrates the use of skipjack class, * for authorization of payments through Skipjack gateway * * Authorization script * */ require("SkipJack.php");
$sk = new SkipJack;
/** * Set cURL path - default is set to /usr/bin/curl */ //$sk->curlPath = "";
$sk->Debug = 0;
$postData = array( 'Serialnumber' => "000894011005", 'sjname' => "Vinay", 'Email' => "vinay@sanisoft.com", 'Streetaddress'=>"111111", 'City'=>"Nagpur", 'State'=>"Maharastra", 'Zipcode'=>"44444", 'Ordernumber'=>"123", 'Accountnumber'=>"5499990123456781", 'cvv2'=>"999", 'Month'=>"12", 'Year'=>"2010", 'Transactionamount'=>"50.00", 'Orderstring'=>"1||1||1||~", 'Shiptophone'=>"1234566576" );
$statusArr = $sk->checkAuthorization($postData);
$status = $statusArr[0]; $statusMsg = $statusArr[1];
print("Returned Status: [$status] $statusMsg");
/** if $status == 1 then the transaction usccessfully completed otherwise the value of $status corresponds to the error code supplied by Skipjack integration guide.
Anyway, you can check the error message by using $statusMsg */ ?>