* @author janne
* The BSD 2-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Janne Hyytiä
* phpclAl rights reserved.
* This is a debugger class for the ApacheAccessLogFilter. Basically it's just
* a proxying class for the ApacheAccessLogFilter. Not very finnished one, but
* there isn't a bit debugging need for the class as of yet, so I think it's
* sufficient.
* @example
* $debugger = new Debugger(null, $ip2nation);
* $ip2nation = $debugger;
* $accessLogStr = new ApacheAccessLogFilter($source, explode(",", $_POST['needles']), $ip2nation);
* $debugger->apacheLogClass = $accessLogStr;
* $accessLogStr = $debugger;
class Debugger {
$timeSpentDB = 0,
$timeSpentRegExp = 0,
$total = 0,
public function __construct(ApacheAccessLogFilter $class1 = null, Ip2Nation $class2 = null) {
$this->total = $this->getTime();
$this->apacheLogClass = $class1;
$this->ip2NationClass = $class2;
// ========= Proxy functions
public function resolveCountry($IPv4)
$time = $this->getTime();
$helppi = $this->ip2NationClass->resolveCountry($IPv4);
$this->addToRegExpCounter($this->getTime() - $time);
return $helppi;
public function filterVariable($value)
$time = $this->getTime();
$helppi = $this->ip2NationClass->filterVariable($value);
$this->addToRegExpCounter($this->getTime() - $time);
return $helppi;
public function filterAll()
public function __toString()
return $this->apacheLogClass->getStringi();
public function showNeedles()
return implode(",", $this->apacheLogClass->needles);
public function showDefaultNeedles()
return implode(",", $this->apacheLogClass->defaultNeedles);
public function applyMods($string)
$time = $this->getTime();
$helppi = $this->apacheLogClass->applyMods($string);
$this->addToDBCounter($this->getTime() - $time);
return $helppi;
// =========
private function addToDBCounter($time) {
$this->timeSpentDB += $time;
private function addToRegExpCounter($time) {
$this->timeSpentDB += $time;
private function getTime() {
return microtime();
public function showTotal() {
return ($this->getTime() - $this->total);