include_once ("../ConcurrentFile.php");
include_once ("Thread.php");
function exception_handler($exception)
file_put_contents("log.txt", "Uncaught exception: " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n");
function random_string($length)
$string = "";
for ($i = 0; $i <= ($length / 32); $i++)
$string .= md5(time() + rand(0, 99));
$max_start_index = (32 * $i) - $length;
$random_string = substr($string, rand(0, $max_start_index), $length);
return $random_string;
function read($u)
$file = new ConcurrentFile("data.txt");
$contents = $file->read();
return $contents;
function write($content)
$file = new ConcurrentFile("data.txt");
return $content;
function write_slow($content)
$file = new ConcurrentFile("data.txt");
return $content;
* Test 1: a writing process followed by a read process.
$content = random_string(30);
$content2 = random_string(30);
$thread_a = new Thread("localhost", 80);
$thread_a->setFunc("write", array($content));
$thread_b = new Thread("localhost", 80);
$thread_b->setFunc("read", array(1));
$returnA = $thread_a->getreturn();
$returnB = $thread_b->getreturn();
echo "test 1(simple write): ";
if ($returnA == $returnB)
echo "<font color=green>passed</font><br>";
echo "<font color=red>not passed</font><br>";
* Test 2: a slow writing process followed by a read process.
* The read process should wait untill the write end.
$thread_c = new Thread("localhost", 80);
$thread_c->setFunc("write_slow", array($content2));
$thread_d = new Thread("localhost", 80);
$thread_d->setFunc("read", array(1));
$returnC = $thread_c->getreturn();
$returnD = $thread_d->getreturn();
echo "test 2(slow writing): ";
if ($returnC == $returnD)
echo "<font color=green>passed</font><br>";
echo "<font color=red>not passed</font><br>";