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File: date.php

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  Classes of Moroz Yuriy   frogDate   date.php   Download  
File: date.php
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Description: Class Date
Class: frogDate
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Date: 23 years ago
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<? /*************************************************************************** |date.php - date manipulate ------------------- begin : 29/09/2000 12:27:56 EEST version : 1.1 copyright : (C) Moroz Yuriy, 2001 email : ***************************************************************************/ class Date { var $classname = "Date"; // public var $strDate; var $arrayDate = array(); var $separator = "-"; function now() { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time()); } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: formated string with global $separator * * string format YYYY-MM-DD * ************************************************************/ function getStr($day,$month="",$year="") { $this->convert($day,$month,$year); return $this->strDate; } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: Array * * Array format Date[year]=YYYY, Date[month]=MM, Date[dd]=DD * ************************************************************/ function getArray($day,$month="",$year="") { $this->convert($day,$month,$year); return $this->arrayDate; } /************************************************************ * not implemented * ************************************************************/ function add() { } /************************************************************ * not implemented * ************************************************************/ function sub() { } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: 1 if left > right * ************************************************************/ function isGreat($left,$right) { $aLeft = $this->convert($left); $aRight = $this->convert($right); if($aLeft[year] > $aRight[year]){ return 1; }elseif($aLeft[year] < $aRight[year]){ return 0; }else{ if($aLeft[month] > $aRight[month]){ return 1; }elseif($aLeft[month] < $aRight[month]){ return 0; }else{ if($aLeft[day] > $aRight[day]){ return 1; } } } return 0; } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: 1 if left < right * ************************************************************/ function isLess($left,$right) { return $this->isGreat($right,$left); } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: 1 if left = right * ************************************************************/ function isEqual($left,$right) { $aLeft = $this->convert($left); $aRight = $this->convert($right); if($this->ArrayToStr($aLeft) == $this->ArrayToStr($aRight)){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: 1 if left >= right * ************************************************************/ function isGreatOrEqual($left,$right) { $test = $this->isGreat($left,$right) | $this->isEqual($left,$right); return $test; } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: 1 is date valid * ************************************************************/ function validate($day,$month="",$year="") { $this->convert($day,$month,$year); /* FIX ME may be make first parameter Array */ if(!preg_match("/^\d{1,2}$/",$this->arrayDate[day])){ return 0; } if(!preg_match("/^\d{1,2}$/",$this->arrayDate[month])){ return 0; } $year = "20".$year; if(!preg_match("/^\d{1,4}$/",$this->arrayDate[year])){ return 0; } switch($this->arrayDate[month]){ case "03": case "05": case "08": case "12": case "07": case "10": if($this->arrayDate[day] < 32 ){ return 1;}else{ return 0;} break; case "01": case "04": case "06": case "09": case "11": if($this->arrayDate[day] < 31){ return 1;}else{ return 0;} break; case "02": $leap=(($this->arrayDate[year]-2000)/4); $type=gettype($leap); if($type == "integer"){ $daysin="29"; }else{ $daysin="28"; } if($this->arrayDate[day] < ($daysin+1)){ return 1;}else{ return 0;} break; default: return 0; } } /************************************************************ * input: Array or triplet "$day $month $year" or string * * output: date Array * * Array format Date[year]=YYYY, Date[month]=MM, Date[dd]=DD * ************************************************************/ function convert($day,$month="",$year="") { if(is_array($day)){ $this->arrayDate = $day; $this->strDate = $this->ArrayToStr($day); }elseif(is_string($day) && empty($month)){ $this->strDate = $day; $this->splitStr($day); }else{ $this->arrayDate[day] = $day; $this->arrayDate[month] = $month; $this->arrayDate[year] = $year; $this->strDate = $this->ArrayToStr($this->arrayDate); } return $this->arrayDate; } /************************************************************ * input: Array and separator * * output: string * * string format YYYY-MM-DD * * Array format Date[year]=YYYY, Date[month]=MM, Date[dd]=DD * ************************************************************/ function ArrayToStr($arrayDate,$separator="") { if(empty($separator)) $separator = $this->separator; $str = $arrayDate[year].$separator; $str .= $arrayDate[month].$separator; $str .= $arrayDate[day]; return $str; } /************************************************************ * input: triplet "$day $month $year" * * output: string * * string format YYYY-MM-DD * ************************************************************/ function ToStr($day,$month,$year) { $this->arrayDate[day] = $day; $this->arrayDate[month] = $month; $this->arrayDate[year] = $year; return $this->ArrayToStr($this->arrayDate); } function splitStr($str) { list($this->arrayDate[year], $this->arrayDate[month], $this->arrayDate[day] ) = split("-",$str); /* FIX ME */ if(strlen($this->arrayDate[year]) < 4){ $this->arrayDate[year] = "20".$this->arrayDate[year]; } } } // end of class ?>