/* demonstrating of common gateway */
include 'gateway.php';
include 'common.php';
define('BR', '<br />');
/* test data */
$ctt = array('phn' => '444555666', 'eml' => 'info@mail.com',
'adr' => (object) array('str' => 'Elm', 'twn' => 'Sunny'));
¤::_Init(); /* instantiate common */
¤::Startup(); /* call a common method */
¤::_('ctt', $ctt); /* set a structured value */
¤::_('ctt.chd', array('Sally', 'Billy')); /* set an array value */
¤::_('bye', 'thnk'); /* save a value in workarea */
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
echo ¤::_('msg')->titl . BR; /* get a common object's property value */
echo 'Phone: ' . ¤::_('ctt.phn') . BR; /* get a value */
¤::_('ctt.adr.str', 'Oak'); /* replace a value */
echo 'Street: ' . ¤::_('ctt.adr.str') . BR; /* get a value */
echo 'Town: ' . ¤::_('ctt.adr.twn') . BR; /* get a value */
$c = 'chd';
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<')) {
$a = ¤::_("ctt.$c"); /* get a value */
echo 'Child1: ' . $a[0] . BR;
} else {
echo 'Child1: ' . ¤::_("ctt.$c")[0] . BR; /* array dereferencing */
function Bye() { /* access common data from local scope */
$c = ¤::_('bye'); /* retrieve a value from workarea */
$m = ¤::_('msg')->$c; /* get a value of common object's property */