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File: nmProperties.fl

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  Classes of Prakash Khanchandani  >  Table Maintenance  >  nmProperties.fl  >  Download  
File: nmProperties.fl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: label replacement examples
Class: Table Maintenance
Manage forms for CRUD MySQL table records
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2013-07-20 03:12
Size: 809 bytes


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;	this is a sample promptReplacements.fl
;	if the first non blank sequence of a line is ';' or '#', or'--'
;	it will be treated as a comment

;	blank lines like the one above will not be processed

--	each line should contain a key word, followed by an '=' sign
--	followed by the contents which the key word represents as given
--	below. Note that the keyword, and the '=' sign have to be
--	followed at least one white space - either a space or a tab.
--	While matching for prompt replacements, cases will be ignored
--	for the first word

# Example
#    txnType = Transaction type

--	your material can follow here onwards

isparent = Is parent?
currencyCode = Currency code
dcmlPlaces = decimal places
bnkMstr = Bank Master
bankname = Bank name
bankCurrencies = Bank currencies