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File: mstr_S.tpl

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  Classes of Prakash Khanchandani  >  Table Maintenance  >  mstr_S.tpl  >  Download  
File: mstr_S.tpl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: template for form and list side by side
Class: Table Maintenance
Manage forms for CRUD MySQL table records
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2013-07-20 03:09
Size: 2,005 bytes


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<!-- template for master maintenance
where the form is in the left half, and
the list is in the right half
                                                                                                           <!-- the left area for the form -->
<div style="float:left; width:49%;">
    <!-- BEGIN _frmArea_blnkTopLft -->
	<div style="height:32px;">&nbsp;</div>
    <!-- END _frmArea_blnkTopLft -->
	<div style="float:left;background:rgb(230,230,230);border:2px solid rgb(0,128,0);padding:5px 0 5px 0;">


	    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    	    <!-- BEGIN _frmArea_roFlds -->
	            <td width="1%" class="{_fa_roCls}" style="padding-left:2px;">{_fa_roPrmpt}</td><!-- 1% to start from left edge -->
        	    <td class="readOnlyText" style="padding-right:2px;">{_fa_roDsplVal}</td>
    	    <!-- END _frmArea_roFlds -->

        	<!-- BEGIN _frmArea_mstRec -->
    	        <td width="1%" class="{_fmr_promptStyle}" style="padding-left:2px;">{_fmr_prmpt}</td>
            	<td class="readOnlyText" style="padding-right:2px;">
                	<INPUT class="{_fmr_boxStyle}" TYPE="TEXT" style="font-size:100%;"
	                size="{_fmr_sz}" maxlength="{_fmr_mxLn}" name="{_fmr_nm}" value='{_fmr_val}'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{_fmr_dtls}
    	    <!-- END _frmArea_mstRec -->

	    {nxtBlk}<!-- for buttons -->
	<div class="clearDiv"></div>
	<span style="font-size:0.70em;color:red;font-family:sans-serif;">
		mandatory fields have an orange border and their labels are in
		<span style="font-variant: small-caps">small caps
                                                                                                           <!-- the right area for the list -->
<div style="float:right;width:49%;">
<div class="clearDiv"></div>