/** * @author Prakash Khanchandani * @copyright 2013 * @program brnchMstr.php * @description branch master maintenance * @specialities - none */
session_start(); require_once ("classes.php");
function createTableObject() { $obj = new brnchMstrTbl; if ($obj->getListAndColumns() === false) return false; else return $obj; }
class brnchMstrTbl extends mstrTable { function getListAndColumns() { $this->tableName = 'brnchMstr';
$this->orderByClause = 'bank, branch'; /* generate the list with auto determined columns, ie., dont pass any parameters. */ $result = parent::getListAndColumns(); return $result; } }
if (!isset($_REQUEST['actn'])) { $obj = createTableObject(); } else { /* if the user has taken some action, handle it. */ $obj = handleRequestOption(); }
$form = new mstrFH($obj); $form->setDemoNotes(brnchMstrNotes()); $form->displayForm(); ?>