* @author Prakash Khanchandani
* @copyright 2013
* @program bnkCrncy.php
* @description bank currencies maintenance
* @specialities - column comments displayed in form
* - explicit foreign key definitions for auto validation of form data
* - display of data from x-ref tables
* - additional, table specific validation
require_once ("classes.php");
function createTableObject()
$obj = new bnkCrncyTable;
if ($obj->getListAndColumns() === false)
return false;
return $obj;
class bnkCrncyTable extends mstrTable
function getListAndColumns()
$this->tableName = 'bankCurrencies';
set the constraints. Initialise the master class with the constraints.
setting bank=412 IS FOR THIS DEMO ONLY. In my case in the project in which
it is used it comes from the session which is set at login. */
$var = array();
$pair[0] = 'bankCode';
$pair[1] = '412';
$var[] = $pair;
$this->constraints = $var;
create foreign references. For the structure, you can refer the
checkExplicitForeignReferences() func in the mstrTable class. The set below
creates 3 references, one to the bnkPrmtrs, another to currencies, and the
third to generalLedgerMstr. */
$this->explicitFrgnRef[] = array("bnkPrmtrs", "bank=bankCode");
$this->explicitFrgnRef[] = array("currencies", "currencyCode =currencyCode");
$this->explicitFrgnRef[] = array("generalLedgerMstr", "bank = bankCode ",
"acNo = cohGLacNo");
no special order or number of columns required in the list. Use the default. */
$result = parent::getListAndColumns('currencyCode', 'cohGLacNo',
'minRetentionAmt', 'maxRetentionAmt');
return $result;
function populateRecordValues()
/* need to override the master class function since some additional material is
to be displayed
if (parent::populateRecordValues() === false)
return false;
having populated all the variables into colValu for the record, get the bankName,
currencyName, cashOnHandGLacDescription for display in the form. Remember that we
have given explicit foreign references and therefore the populateRecordValues of
the parent function would have got the reference records already. */
return true;
private function displayXrefDescriptions()
/* populate the adtnlInfo with bankName, currencyName, cashOnHandGLdescription
for display on the form. Used by populate and validate functions in this file. */
We have given explicit foreign references and therefore the reference records
would be available in the master class. */
get the column values that you want to display on the form. */
$bankDes = $this->getForeignRefDescription('bnkPrmtrs', 'bankName');
$crncyDes = $this->getForeignRefDescription('currencies', 'description');
$acName = $this->getForeignRefDescription('generalLedgerMstr', 'acName');
get the ids of the columns where you want the descriptions to be displayed. */
$idBank = $this->getColDefsId('bankcode', 'n');
$idCrncy = $this->getColDefsId('currencycode', 'n');
$idGLacNo = $this->getColDefsId('cohGLacNo', 'n');
display the stuff that you have got in the respective ids. */
$this->addAdditionalInfo($idBank, $bankDes);
$this->addAdditionalInfo($idCrncy, $crncyDes);
$this->addAdditionalInfo($idGLacNo, $acName);
protected function validateInput()
/* We have used explicit foreign references to validate currency code, bank code, and
GL code. SO THESE 3 CODES NEED NOT BE VALIDATED HERE. Just get the description details
from the foreign records to display for user confirmation.
Specific validation for retention amount.
$errors = 0;
$minAmt = $this->getColDefsVal('minRetentionAmt') + 0;
$maxAmt = $this->getColDefsVal('maxRetentionAmt') + 0;
if ($minAmt > $maxAmt) {
addToErrorMsg('inconsistent min and max amounts');
$errors = $errors + 1;
* maybe there are some other validations that you would like to do?
* You can do them here.
if ($errors > 0)
return false;
return true;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['actn'])) {
$obj = createTableObject();
} else {
/* if the user has taken some action, handle it. */
$obj = handleRequestOption();
$form = new mstrFH($obj);