See README file.
* Unpack the zip-file to a directory that is in your PHP include_path, or set the
include_path in your script.
* Open in your browser file setup.php and follow instructions or setup manually.
* Create a database in mySQL. SQL queries for creation of tables can be taken
from file base.sql in root directory.
* Fill the tables by data from file tree.sql in root directory.
NOTE: you must fill all data from this file.
NOTE: for work of automatic tests, tables should remain empty.
* A good working example is included to get you started.
* TECHNICAL NOTE: If you do not have access to the php.ini file, you can change
non-server settings (such as your include_path) with the ini_set() command.
example: ini_set("include_path", ".:/usr/local/lib/myXTree");