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File: Sync.test.php

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File: Sync.test.php
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: PHPUnit tests
Class: PHP Sync Files
Share variables across applications using files
Author: By
Last change: Added die() at the beginning of the file, to force user to check if the test suite can be run safely.
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 12,714 bytes


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<?php require("Sync.php"); die("Please read warning inside that file and comment this die() before running tests."); /** * Test Case for Sync class * * Warning: * This test case creates a directory in /tmp, check that * permissions are granted and the 'sync' directory not * already in use. * * Requires PHPUnit (developped using 3.6.12) */ class SyncTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { const DIR = "/tmp/sync"; public function setUp() { if (!is_dir(self::DIR)) { if (!mkdir(self::DIR)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("Could not create test directory: %s\n", self::DIR)); } } } public function tearDown() { // Removes all files and directories inside self::DIR $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(self::DIR, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST ); foreach ($files as $fileinfo) { $todo = ($fileinfo->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink'); $todo($fileinfo->getRealPath()); } rmdir(self::DIR); } public function testGetNoFile() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $this->assertNull($sync->test); $this->assertFalse(is_file($file)); } public function testGetFileExistsButNotReadable() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $fd = fopen($file, 'w'); fclose($fd); chmod($file, 0000); $sync = new Sync($file); try { $test = $sync->test; } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = sprintf("File '%s' is not readable.", $file); $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testGetPropertyNotFound() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $this->assertNull($sync->not_found); $this->assertNull($sync->{0}); $this->assertNull($sync->{'&#37325;&#24198;'}); } public function testGetSetSmallValue() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->data = "test a"; $this->assertEquals("test a", $sync->data); $sync->{0} = "test b"; $this->assertEquals("test b", $sync->{0}); $sync->{'&#37325;&#24198;'} = "test e"; $this->assertEquals("test e", $sync->{'&#37325;&#24198;'}); $test = $sync->hello = 'world'; $this->assertEquals('world', $test); } public function testGetSetBigValue() { $value = str_repeat("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 64 * 1024 + 1); $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->data = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $sync->data); $sync->{0} = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $sync->{0}); $sync->{'&#37325;&#24198;'} = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $sync->{'&#37325;&#24198;'}); $test = $sync->hello = $value; $this->assertEquals($value, $test); } public function testSetDirectoryDoesNotExists() { $dir = self::DIR . "/xxx"; $file = $dir . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->test = "fail"; } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = sprintf("Directory '%s' does not exist or is not writable.", $dir); $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testSetNoFileDirectoryNotWritable() { $dir = self::DIR . "/xxx"; mkdir($dir); chmod($dir, 000); $file = $dir . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->test = "fail"; } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = sprintf("Directory '%s' does not exist or is not writable.", $dir); $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); chmod($dir, 770); return; } chmod($dir, 770); $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testSetFileExistsButNotWritable() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $fd = fopen($file, 'w'); fclose($fd); chmod($file, 0000); $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->test = "fail"; } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = sprintf("File '%s' is not writable.", $file); $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testSetNoFileButDirectoryWritable() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file)); $sync->hello = "world"; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file)); $this->assertEquals("world", $sync->hello); } public function testSetFileAlreadyExisting() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file)); $sync->hello = "world"; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file)); $this->assertEquals("world", $sync->hello); $sync->hello = "foo"; $this->assertEquals("foo", $sync->hello); } public function testIssetNotSetFileDoesNotExists() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = "world"; unlink($file); $this->assertFalse(isset($sync->hello)); } public function testIssetNotSetPropertyDoesNotExists() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = "world"; $this->assertFalse(isset($sync->foo)); } public function testIssetNotSetPropertyIsNull() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = null; $this->assertFalse(isset($sync->hello)); } public function testIssetPropertyExists() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = 0; $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); $sync->hello = ''; $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); $sync->hello = false; $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); $sync->hello = array(); $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); $sync->hello = new \stdClass(); $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); $sync->hello = 42; $this->assertTrue(isset($sync->hello)); } public function testUnsetNoFile() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = "world"; unlink($file); unset($sync->hello); } public function testUnsetPropertyNeverSet() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = "world"; unset($sync->test); } public function testUnsetPropertyExists() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $sync->hello = "world"; $sync->foo = "bar"; unset($sync->hello); $this->assertNull($sync->hello); $this->assertEquals("bar", $sync->foo); } public function testAliases() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); $this->assertNull($sync->get('hello')); $this->assertNull($sync->get('foo')); $this->assertFalse($sync->has('hello')); $this->assertFalse($sync->has('foo')); $this->assertEquals('world', $sync->set('hello', 'world')); $this->assertEquals('bar', $sync->set('foo', 'bar')); $this->assertEquals('world', $sync->get('hello')); $this->assertEquals('bar', $sync->get('foo')); $this->assertTrue($sync->has('hello')); $this->assertTrue($sync->has('foo')); $sync->remove('foo'); $this->assertNull($sync->get('foo')); $this->assertFalse($sync->has('foo')); } public function testLockTimeoutNotNumeric() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->lock(array()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = 'Lock timeout should be an integer greater or equals to 0.'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testLockTimeoutLesserThanZero() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->lock(-42); } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = 'Lock timeout should be an integer greater or equals to 0.'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testLockIntervalNotNumeric() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->lock(0, array()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = 'Lock check interval should be an integer greater or equals to 5000.'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testLockIntervalLesserThan5000() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $sync = new Sync($file); try { $sync->lock(4999, array()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = 'Lock check interval should be an integer greater or equals to 5000.'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testLock() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $syncA = new Sync($file); $syncA->hello = 'world'; $syncA->lock(1); $syncB = new Sync($file); try { $syncB->hello; } catch (\Exception $e) { $expected = "Can't access shared object, it is still locked after 1 second(s)."; $this->assertEquals($expected, $e->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception, but never raised."); } public function testUnlock() { $file = self::DIR . "/test.sync"; $syncA = new Sync($file); $syncA->hello = 'world'; $syncA->lock(1); $syncA->foo = 'bar'; $syncA->unlock(); $syncB = new Sync($file); try { $test = $syncB->hello; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail(sprintf("Unexpected exception has been raised: %s.", $e->getMessage())); return; } $this->assertEquals('world', $test); } public function testGetSetFile() { $fileA = self::DIR . "/testA.sync"; $fileB = self::DIR . "/testB.sync"; $sync = new Sync($fileA); $this->assertEquals($fileA, $sync->getFile()); $sync->hello = 'world'; $this->assertEquals('world', $sync->hello); $this->assertEquals($fileB, $sync->setFile($fileB)->getFile()); $sync->foo = 'bar'; $this->assertEquals('bar', $sync->foo); $this->assertNull($sync->hello); $this->assertEquals($fileA, $sync->setFile($fileA)->getFile()); $this->assertNull($sync->foo); $this->assertEquals('world', $sync->hello); } }