* This example, sends a Text + HTML + Embedded Image + Atachment eMail
* via Auth SMTP
* We need to include the class and declare it
include ('nomad_mimemail.inc.php');
$mimemail = new nomad_mimemail();
* Asign SMTP values need to connect
* Note: SMTP user can be a email if needs
$smtp_host = "smtp.host.com"; // *Change Value*
$smtp_user = "user"; // *Change Value*
$smtp_pass = "pass"; // *Change Value*
* Asign mail variables to create the mail
* Check the $html var, have a img tag with src='image.gif'
$from = "sender@mail.com"; // *Change Value*
$to = "recipient@mail.com"; // *Change Value*
$subject = "Nomad MIME Mail example";
$text = "This is a MIME Mail Plain Text\n\n";
$html = "<p>This is a <b>MIME</b> Mail with:</p>
<li>Embedded Image</li>
<img src='my_image.jpg' border='0'>";
* Asign Atachments file path and name variables
$attach_image = "test_files/image.jpg";
$attach_file = "test_files/file.gz";
* Asign all the vars in the class
// Shortcut to declare the 5 lines above
// $mimemail->new_mail($from, $to, $subject, $text, $html);
* Adding Atachments with it's file name, you can see the
* image name in the method is the same declared in the HTML text
* for the Embedded Image works
$mimemail->add_attachment($attach_image, "my_image.jpg");
$mimemail->add_attachment($attach_file, "my_file.gz");
* Asign the SMTP values to connect.
* If you dont need Auth SMTP you can comment the set_smtp_auth method.
* If you dont need any SMTP you can comment both lines and the mail sends via
* PHP mail function.
//$mimemail->set_smtp_log(true); // If you need debug SMTP connection
$mimemail->set_smtp_auth($smtp_user, $smtp_pass);
* Send the mail
if ($mimemail->send()){
echo "The MIME Mail has been sent";
else {
echo "An error has occurred, mail was not sent";
//echo "<br><br><textarea cols=80 rows=30>" . $mimemail->get_smtp_log() . "</textarea>"; // If you need debug SMTP connection