Name: XTem Upload
function make_dir($_dir, $_rights)
[$_dir] - directory name
[$_rights] - chmod rights (0777, 0755 etc.)
function change_dir($_dir)
[$_dir] - path to directory
function upload_file($_file, $_name)
[$_file] - file from form-/data post ($_FILES['tmp_name']['fieldname']
[$_name] - new name on the server
function make_thumb($_name, $_tname, $_with, $_height, $_del_source)
[_$name] - name and path to the jpeg file
[_$tname] - name for the new generated thumbnail
[_$width] - width for the new generated thumbnail
[_$height] - same as width, just for the height
[_$del_source] - of you want to delete the orignal jpeg, set this to 1
function del_file($_name)
[_$name] - name and path to the file you want to delete
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