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File: controlDemo.php

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  Classes of Prakash Khanchandani   List processor   controlDemo.php   Download  
File: controlDemo.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: eg. for control totals
Class: List processor
List data from arrays in HTML tables
Author: By
Last change: removed html code and made it available in an include file
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 1,992 bytes


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 * @author Prakash Khanchandani
 * @copyright 2013
 * @program controlDemo.php
 * demonstrate the control totals feature of the list processor.

require_once "listPrcsr.php"; // the list processor class
require_once "getData.php"; // functions to generate data for the demo

$data = getFullData(); // get the data to be displayed

create a descriptive array for the data. Consult basicDemo.php for an
explanation of the array.
$des[] = array("Branch", "L", "Y", "N", "");
$des[] = array("Product Type", "L", "Y", "N", "");
$des[] = array("Account No", "L", "Y", "N", "");
$des[] = array("Title", "L", "Y", "N", "");
$des[] = array("Available Balance", "R", "Y", "N", "", 2);
$des[] = array("Ledger Balance", "R", "Y", "N", "", 2);

I want control totals on productType and Branch with the branch being most
significant. Notice in getData.php that the list is sorted branchWise and
productTypeWise. So I specifiy my first control as branch and the second
as the productType. I also indicate which elements are to be totalled, in
this case the availableBalance and ledgerBalance. */
$cntrl[] = array(0, 4, 5);
$cntrl[] = array(1, 4, 5);

$lp = new listPrcsr(); // instantiate the class
$lp->data = $data; // put in the data to be displayed
$lp->des = $des; // supply the descriptor for the data
$lp->opt = "N"; // this is a plain display, without any hyperlinks
$lp->max = 0; // display the full list, without any pagination
if you are generating control totals, the option of pagination does not
exist and if you do try listPrcsr.php will generate an error msg.
$lp->cntrlId = $cntrl; // put in the controls information
$lp->moneyFormat = "R";
/* "R" is for ruppee type formatting as in 1,23,456.78. The other option
is "T" for thousands formatting as in 123,456.78 */
$out = $lp->gnrtOutput(); // generate the output

include 'inc1.php';