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File: site/lib/DB/couch/doc/
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Class: PHP CouchDB Product CRUD
Manage products stored in a CouchDB database
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Date: 5 months ago
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This section details the available methods to work with documents Getting all documents ===================== The method **getAllDocs()** retrieve all documents from the database. In fact it only retrieve document IDs, unless you specify the server to include the documents using the [View query parameters syntax]( Example : $all_docs = $client->getAllDocs(); echo "Database got ".$all_docs->total_rows." documents.<BR>\n"; foreach ( $all_docs->rows as $row ) { echo "Document ".$row->id."<BR>\n"; } Getting a document by ID ======================== The method **getDoc($id)** gives back the document that got ID $id, if it exists. Note that if the document does not exist, the method will throw an error. The document is sent back as an HTTP object of class [stdClass]( Example : try { $doc = $client->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } echo $doc->_id.' revision '.$doc->_rev; Chainable methods to use with getDoc() ====================================== Getting a particular revision of the document --------------------------------------------- The chainable **rev($value)** method specify the document revision to fetch. Example : try { $doc = $client->rev("1-849aff6ad4a38b1225c80a2119dc31cb")->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id or revision 1-849aff6ad4a38b1225c80a2119dc31cb does not exist !"; } exit(1); } echo $doc->_rev ; // should echo 1-849aff6ad4a38b1225c80a2119dc31cb Getting a document as a couchDocument object -------------------------------------------- The **getDoc($id)** method returns a PHP stdClass object. You can however get back the document as a couchDocument object by calling the **asCouchDocuments()** method before the **getDoc($id)** method. Example : try { $doc = $client->asCouchDocuments()->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } echo get_class($doc); // should echo "couchDocument" Adding conflicts informations (if any) -------------------------------------- The chainable method **conflicts()** asks CouchDB to add to the document a property *_conflicts* containing conflicting revisions on an object. Example : try { $doc = $client->conflicts()->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } if ( $doc->_conflicts ) { print_r($doc->_conflicts); } Adding revisions list -------------------------------------- The chainable method **revs()** asks CouchDB to add to the document a property *_revisions* containing the list of revisions for an object. Example : try { $doc = $client->revs()->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } print_r($doc->_revisions); Adding revisions informations -------------------------------------- The chainable method **revs_info()** asks CouchDB to add to the document a property *_revs_info* containing the avaibility of revisions for an object. Example : try { $doc = $client->revs_info()->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } print_r($doc->_revs_info); Fetching Several revisions of a document ======================================== Using the **open_revs( $value )** method, CouchDB returns an array of objects. **$value** should be an array of revision ids or the special keyword all (to fetch all revisions of a document) Example : try { $doc = $client->open_revs( array("1-fbd8a6da4d669ae4b909fcdb42bb2bfd", "2-5bc3c6319edf62d4c624277fdd0ae191") )->getDoc("some_doc_id"); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() == 404 ) { echo "Document some_doc_id does not exist !"; } exit(1); } print_r($doc->_revs_info); Which should return something similar to : array ( stdClass( "missing" => "1-fbd8a6da4d669ae4b909fcdb42bb2bfd" ), stdClass( "ok" => stdClass( "_id" => "some_doc_id", "_rev" => "2-5bc3c6319edf62d4c624277fdd0ae191", "hello"=> "foo" ) ) ) Storing a document ================== The method **storeDoc($doc)** store a document on the CouchDB server. $doc should be an object. If the property $doc->_rev is set, the method understand that it's an update, and as so requires the property $doc->\_id to be set. If the property $doc->\_rev is not set, the method checks for the existance of property $doc->\_id and initiate the appropriate request. The response of this method is the CouchDB server response. In other words if the request ends successfully the returned object should be : stdClass ( "ok" => true, "id" => "some_doc_id" , "rev" => "3-23423423476" ) Example : creating a document without specifying id $new_doc = new stdClass(); $new_doc->title = "Some content"; try { $response = $client->storeDoc($new_doc); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } echo "Doc recorded. id = ".$response->id." and revision = ".$response->rev."<br>\n"; // Doc recorded. id = 0162ff06747761f6d868c05b7aa8500f and revision = 1-249007504 Example : creating a document specifying the id $new_doc = new stdClass(); $new_doc->title = "Some content"; $new_doc->_id = "BlogPost6576"; try { $response = $client->storeDoc($new_doc); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } echo "Doc recorded. id = ".$response->id." and revision = ".$response->rev."<br>\n"; // Doc recorded. id = BlogPost6576 and revision = 1-249004576 Example : updating an existing document : // get the document try { $doc = $client->getDoc('BlogPost6576'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } // make changes $doc->title = 'Some smart content'; $doc->tags = array('twitter','facebook','msn'); // update the document on CouchDB server try { $response = $client->storeDoc($doc); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } echo "Doc recorded. id = ".$response->id." and revision = ".$response->rev."<br>\n"; // Doc recorded. id = BlogPost6576 and revision = 2-456769086 Updating a document =================== Using CouchDB [Update handlers](, you can easily update any document part without having to send back the whole document. Basic API --------- The method **updateDoc( $ddoc_id, $handler_name, $params, $doc_id = null )** will try to update document according to the code defined in the update handler *$handler_name* of th design document *_design/$ddoc_id*. Example : incrementing a document counter Let's say we have a design document _design/myapp containing : "updates": { "bump-counter" : "function(doc, req) { if ( !doc ) return [null, {\"code\": 404, \"body\": \"Document not found / not specified\"}] if (!doc.counter) doc.counter = 0; doc.counter += 1; var message = \"<h1>bumped it!</h1>\"; return [doc, message]; }", } To bump the counter of the document "some_doc" , use : $client->updateDoc("myapp","bump-counter",array(),"some_doc"); Full API -------- The method **updateDocFullAPI($ddoc_id, $handler_name, $options)** will try to update document according to the code defined in the update handler *$handler_name* of th design document *_design/$ddoc_id*. $options is an array of optionnal query modifiers : "params" : array|object of variable to pass in the URL ( /?foo=bar ) "data" : string|array|object data to set in the body of the request. If data is an array or an object it will be urlencoded using PHP http_build_query function and the request Content-Type header will be set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". "Content-Type": string the Content-Type HTTP header to send to the couch server Example : --------- $client->updateDocFullAPI("myapp","bump-counter",array( "data" => array("Something"=>"is set") ) ); Deleting a document =================== The method **deleteDoc ( $doc )** permanently removes $doc from the CouchDB server. $doc should be an object containing at least \_id and \_rev properties. Example : // get the document try { $doc = $client->getDoc('BlogPost6576'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } // permanently remove the document try { $client->deleteDoc($doc); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } Copying a document ================== The **copyDoc($id,$new_id)** method provides an handy way to copy a document. $id is the id of the document to copy. $new_id is the id of the new document. Upon success, this method returns the CouchDB server response, which has the main form than a document storage : stdClass ( "ok" => true, "id" => "new_id" , "rev" => "1-23423423476" ) Example : try { $response = $client->copyDoc('BlogPost6576','CopyOfBlogPost6576'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "ERROR: ".$e->getMessage()." (".$e->getCode().")<br>\n"; } Attaching a file to a document ============================== There is two methods handling attachments, it depends whether the file to send as attachment is on the harddrive, or if it's contained in a PHP variable. The first one should be more reliable for large attachments. On-disk files to attachments ---------------------------- The method **storeAttachment($doc,$file,$content_type = 'application/octet-stream',$filename = null) ** handles the process of storing an attachment on a CouchDB document. * **$doc** is a PHP object containing at least the properties \_id and \_rev * **$file** is the complete path to the file on disk * **$content_type** is the file's [content-type]( * **$filename** is the name of the attachment on CouchDB document, if the name is not the name of the file in $file Example : $doc = $client->getDoc('BlogPost5676'); $ok = $client->storeAttachment($doc,'/etc/resolv.conf','text/plain', 'my-resolv.conf'); print_r($ok); // stdClass ( "ok" => true, "id" => "BlogPost5676" , "rev" => "5-2342345476" ) PHP data to attachments ---------------------------- The method **storeAsAttachment($doc,$data,$filename,$content_type = 'application/octet-stream')** records as a CouchDB document's attachment the content of a PHP variable. * **$doc** is a PHP object containing at least the properties \_id and \_rev * **$data** is the data (the content of the attachment) * **$filename** is the name of the attachment on CouchDB document * **$content_type** is the file's [content-type]( Example : $doc = $client->getDoc('BlogPost5676'); $google_home=file_get_contents(''); $ok = $client->storeAsAttachment($doc,$google_home,'text/html', 'GoogleHomepage.html'); print_r($ok); // stdClass ( "ok" => true, "id" => "BlogPost5676" , "rev" => "5-2342345476" ) Delete a document attachment ============================ the method **deleteAttachment($doc,$attachment_name )** delete an attachment from a CouchDB document. $doc is an object with, at least, \_id and \_rev properties, and $attachment_name is the name of the attachment to delete. Example : $doc = $client->getDoc('BlogPost5676'); $ok = $client->deleteAttachment($doc,'GoogleHomepage.html'); Request a show view on a document ================================= The method **getShow($design_id, $name, $doc_id = null, $additionnal_parameters = array() )** request a show formatting of document *$doc_id* with show method *$name* stored in design document *design_id*. Example : $output = $client->getShow('blogs','html','BlogPost5676'); More infos on CouchDB show formatting [here]( Bulk operations =============== A bulk operation is a unique query performing actions on several documents. CouchDB Bulk operations API are described in [this wiki page]( Bulk documents retrieval ------------------------ To retrieve several documents in one go, knowing their IDs, select documents using the **keys($ids)** coupled with the method **getAllDocs()**. $ids is an array of documents IDs. This function acts like a view, so the output is the view output of CouchDB, and you should use "include_docs(TRUE)" to have documents contents. Example : $view = $client->include_docs(true)->keys->( array('BlogPost5676','BlogComments5676') )->getAllDocs(); foreach ( $view->rows as $row ) { echo "doc id :".$row->doc->_id."\n"; } Bulk documents storage ------------------------ To store several documents in one go, use the method **storeDocs($docs,$all_or_nothing)**. $docs is an array containing the documents to store (as couchDocuments, PHP [stdClass]( or PHP arrays). $all_or_nothing is related to the updates on the database : if set to false (which is the default), all documents are saved one by one, which means that, in case of a power failure on the database, we could have some documents stored and some not stored. When set to true, couchDB will commit all documents in one go : in case of a power failure, no document will be stored, or all documents will be stored. Example : $docs = array ( array('type'=>'blogpost','title'=>'post'), array('type'=>'blogcomment','blogpost'=>'post','depth'=>1), array('type'=>'blogcomment','blogpost'=>'post','depth'=>2) ); $response = $client->storeDocs( $docs ); print_r($response); which should give you something like : Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 8d7bebddc9828ed2edd052773968826b [rev] => 1-3988163576 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 37bcfd7d9e94c67617982527c67efe44 [rev] => 1-1750264873 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 704a51a0b6448326152f8ffb8c3ea6be [rev] => 1-2477909627 ) ) This method also works to update documents. Bulk documents removal ---------------------- To delete several documents in a single HTTP request, use the method **deleteDocs($docs,$all_or_nothing)**. $docs is an array containing the documents to store (as couchDocuments, PHP [stdClass]( or PHP arrays). $all_or_nothing is related to the updates on the database : if set to false (which is the default), all documents are saved one by one, which means that, in case of a power failure on the database, we could have some documents deleted and some not deleted. When set to true, couchDB will commit all documents in one go : in case of a power failure, no document will be deleted, or all documents will be deleted. Choosing couchClient output format ================================== When converting a JSON object to PHP, we can choose the type of the value returned from a couchClient query. Take for example the following JSON object : { 'blog' : true, 'comments' : { 'title' : 'cool' } } This can be converted into a PHP object : stdClass Object ( [blog] => true [comments] => stdClass Object ( [title] => "cool" ) ) OR into a PHP array : Array ( [blog] => true [comments] => Array ( [title] => "cool" ) ) Using the defaults, JSON objects are mapped to PHP objects. The **asArray()** method can be used to map JSON objects to PHP arrays. Example: $doc = $client->asArray()->getDoc('BlogPost5676'); print_r($doc); should print : Array ( [id] => "BlogPost5676" )