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File: code/index.php

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  Classes of Junaid Hassan  >  PHP MVC  >  code/index.php  >  Download  
File: code/index.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: index
Class: PHP MVC
MVC framework that loads XML configuration files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2013-04-27 07:05
Size: 549 bytes


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/* File name        : index.php
 * Created by       : Junaid Hassan (email : junaidhassanalvi@gmail.com , blog : junaidhassanalvi.wordpress.com)
 * Created On       : 13-April-2103
 * Description      : This is entry point. Every request will be landed here.
 *                  : change the path of includes here, if you want
 * Change Logs      :     

<?php define("INCLUDES""includes"); ?>

<?php //jha-- to start the process ?>
include(INCLUDES '/starter.php'); ?>