* @package Tld
* @author Artur Barseghyan (artur.barseghyan@gmail.com)
* @version 0.1
* @license MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* @link http://bitbucket.org/barseghyanartur/php-tld
* Gets top level domains from a URL given. List of TLD names is taken from
* http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/netwerk/dns/src/effective_tld_names.dat?raw=1
require 'exceptions.php';
* Main Tld class. Does all the job.
* @example
* require 'utils.php';
* echo Tld::getTld('http://www.google.co.uk'); // good pattern, echoes 'google.co.uk'
* echo Tld::getTld('http://www.me.congresodelalengua3.ar'); // good pattern, echoes 'me.congresodelalengua3.ar'
* echo Tld::getTld('http://www.v2.google.co.uk'); // good pattern, echoes 'google.co.uk'
* echo Tld::getTld('/index.php?a=1&b=2'); // bad pattern, raises <TldBadUrl> exception
* echo Tld::getTld('v2.www.google.com'); // bad pattern, raises <TldBadUrl> exception
* echo Tld::getTld('http://www.tld.doesnotexist'); // bad pattern, raises <TldDomainNotFound> exception
class Tld {
* Container for TLD names.
* @var <array>
private static $tldNames = array();
* URL to read the original source of TLD names from.
const NAMES_SOURCE_URL = 'http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/netwerk/dns/src/effective_tld_names.dat?raw=1';
* Local path to the TLD names file.
const NAMES_LOCAL_PATH = 'res/effective_tld_names.dat.txt';
* Initializes $tldNames array if empty. Throws a <TldIOError> exception in case of read/write errors or returns
* boolean false if <$failSilently> has been set to true.
* @static
* @param <int> $retryCount
* @param <bool> $failSilently
* @return <array>
* @throws <TldIOError>
public static function init($retryCount = 0, $failSilently = false) {
// If number of retries exceeds 1, we throw an exception to avoid infinite loops
if ($retryCount > 1) {
if ($failSilently)
return false;
throw new TldIOError();
// If $tldNames is not empty, we return its' value
if (count(self::$tldNames) > 0)
return self::$tldNames;
// Try to read the file. If something fails, we try to grab the file and recursively run the "init" again.
$localFile = @fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::NAMES_LOCAL_PATH, 'r');
// If file not opened, obtain the TLD names file from Mozilla's website and try again (recursion)
if (false === $localFile) {
return self::init(++$retryCount);
// Read file line by line.
while(false !== ($line = fgets($localFile))) {
$line = trim($line);
if (false == preg_match('/^[\/\n]/', $line) && strlen($line) > 0) {
self::$tldNames[] = $line;
return self::$tldNames;
* Extracts the TLD from the URL given. Returns a string. May throw <TldBadUrl> or <TldDomainNotFound>
* exceptions if there's bad URL provided or no TLD match found respectively. In case if <$failSilently> has been
* set to true, returns boolean false on failure, instead of raising an exception.
* @static
* @param <str> $url
* @param <bool> $activeOny: If set to true, only active TLDs are matched against.
* @param <bool> $failSilently
* @return <str>
* @throws <TldBadUrl> or <TldDomainNotFound>
public static function getTld($url, $activeOny = false, $failSilently = false) {
// Parsing URL
$parsedUrl = parse_url($url);
// Checking if we have the host key and it's not empty
if (array_key_exists('host', $parsedUrl) && $parsedUrl['host'])
$domainName = $parsedUrl['host'];
else {
if ($failSilently)
return false;
throw new TldBadUrl($url); // Bad URL
// Splitting the parts by '.'
$domainParts = explode('.', $domainName);
// Looping from much to less (for example if we have a domain named "v3.api.google.co.uk" we'll try
// "v3.api.google.co.uk", then "api.google.co.uk", then "api.google.co.uk", then "google.co.uk", then
// "co.uk" and finally "uk". If the last one does not match any TLDs, we throw a <TldDomainNotFound>
// exception.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($domainParts); $i++) {
$slicedDomainParts = array_slice($domainParts, $i); // Sliced URL
$match = implode('.', $slicedDomainParts); // Exact match
$wildcardMatch = '*.' . implode('.', array_slice($slicedDomainParts, 1)); // Wildcard match
if (in_array($match, self::$tldNames) || in_array($wildcardMatch, self::$tldNames)) {
return implode('.', array_slice($domainParts, $i - 1));
if (!$activeOny) {
$inactiveMatch = '!' . $match; // No longer active domains, still may occur.
if (in_array($inactiveMatch, self::$tldNames))
return implode('.', array_slice($domainParts, $i - 1));
if ($failSilently)
return false;
throw new TldDomainNotFound($domainName);
* Updates the local TLD names file. Throws a <TldIOError> exception in case of read/write errors or returns
* boolean false if <$failSilently> has been set to true.
* @static
* @param <bool> $failSilently
* @return <bool>
* @throws <TldIOError>
public static function updateTldNames($failSilently = false) {
$res = false;
try {
$res = file_put_contents(
} catch(Exception $e) {
if ($failSilently)
return false;
throw new TldIOError();
if (false == $res) {
if ($failSilently)
return false;
throw new TldIOError();
return true;
* Returns the array of TLD names.
* @static
* @return <array>
public static function getTldNames() {
return self::$tldNames;