This package can generate different mobile platforms web applications pages having look and feel like native
applications running on phone. This package can generate html5, Jquery mobile and css3 code to give your
web pages look and feel like native apps. In addition this package also generates buttons to make calls,
sending emails, sms and calling to a skype user. This package also adds html form support and all form elements for
mobile platforms. It supports different mobile platforms like Apple devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch,
Devices running Android, Nokia devices and Windows phones.
Major fetures include
* Adding toolbars
* Adding Buttons to tool bars
* Adding tabbars to Header
* Buttons for sending sms, calling phone, calling skype user and sending emails
* Adding List views with multiple sections
* Adding tab bars to footer
* Adding radio, checkboxes buttons
* Adding collapseable contet
* Adding collapseable accordion
* Adding application icons and splash screen
See example sripts for more details