<?php /** * :attribute => input name * :params => rule parameters ( eg: :params(0) = 10 of max_length(10) ) */ return array( 'required' => ':attribute field is required', 'integer' => ':attribute field must be an integer', 'float' => ':attribute field must be a float', 'numeric' => ':attribute field must be numeric', 'email' => ':attribute is not a valid email', 'alpha' => ':attribute field must be an alpha value', 'alpha_numeric' => ':attribute field must be alphanumeric', 'ip' => ':attribute must contain a valid IP', 'url' => ':attribute must contain a valid URL', 'max_length' => ':attribute can be maximum :params(0) character long', 'min_length' => ':attribute must be minimum :params(0) character long', 'exact_length' => ':attribute field must :params(0) character long', 'equals' => ':attribute field should be same as :params(0)' );