$rpa = array('title'=>'Lint v0.2alpha test page','css'=>'#pageContent {
background-color: rgb(230,230,230);
.content {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
}','c1'=>'<p>Lint v0.2alpha test page<br>
A new version of Lint has been released!!! Features:<br>
<li>Now in OOP - Lint has put the <b>O</b>bject <b>O</b>riented <b>P</b>rogramming concept to use!</li>
<li>Multiple templates - Thanks to the generation of a unique and random template file for each "LintTemplate" instance, you can now process multiple templates in one PHP script!</li>
<li>Template Manager - In order to make processing multiple templates in one PHP script easier, a "LintManager" class is currently being developed.</li>
$tmp = new LintTemplate('template256.tpl',$rpa);