$objPL = new DHLPaperless();
$file_name = 'test.pdf';
exit("<h1>File does not exist.</h1>");
$doc_id_sequence = strtotime('now')."000000000000000";
$aryParam['Hdr']['Id'] = "123456"; //Unique Request Identifier
$aryParam['Hdr']['AppCd'] = "99951"; //Requesting Application Code - Unit ID = Each customer receives one or more unit
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['Id'] = "5556667001"; //Waybill number assigned to shipment
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['CstValCurCd'] = "USD"; //Shipment Customs Value currency code. For US origin shipments, the currency code will be 'USD'
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['CstVal'] = "10.000"; //Shipment Custom Value, it should have 3 decimal places
* @MgNProdCd
* Product Valid values:
* EXPRESS 9:00 "E"
* EXPRESS 10:30 = "M"
* EXPRESS 12:00 = "Y"
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['MgNProdCd'] = "P";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['OrgSrvaCd'] = "LGB";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['OrgFcCd'] = "LGB";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['SCDtl'][0]['CRlTyCd'] = "SP"; //Shipper Country [From]
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['SCDtl'][0]['CtryCd'] = "US"; //Source Country Name [US - United States]
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['SCDtl'][1]['CRlTyCd'] = "RV"; //Receiver Country [To]
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpTr']['SCDtl'][1]['CtryCd'] = "AU"; //Destination Country Name - [AU - Australia]
* Document Type codes used in the request
* CIN = Commercial Invoice and other customs document images.
* HWB - Archive Dod label image
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['DocTyCd'] = "HWB";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['DocId'] = bcadd($doc_id_sequence,'1'); //Shipment Documentation Identifier, that must be unique within shipment elements
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgID'] = "1"; //image identifier that uniquely idenfies an image
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['Img']['SrcAppNm'] = "eXtremeShipping"; //Source Application Name
* @ImgEncdTy
* Image Encoded types used in the request to identify document image types. Valid values are:
* PDF - Portable Document Format
* TIF - Tag Image File Format
* JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
* PNG - Portable Network Graphics
* GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgEncdTy'] = "PDF";
* @ImgMimeTy
* Image encoded type used in the request to identify document image types. Valid values are:
* application/pdf = Portable Document format
* image/tiff
* image/jpeg
* image/png
* image/gif
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][0]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgMimeTy'] = "application/pdf";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['DocTyCd'] = "CIN";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['DocId'] = bcadd($doc_id_sequence,'2'); //Shipment Documentation Identifier, that must be unique within shipment elements
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgID'] = "2"; //image identifier that uniquely idenfies an image
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['Img']['SrcAppNm'] = "eXtremeShipping"; //Source Application Name
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgEncdTy'] = "PDF";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][1]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgMimeTy'] = "application/pdf";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['DocTyCd'] = "CIN";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['DocId'] = bcadd($doc_id_sequence,'3');
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgID'] = "3";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['Img']['SrcAppNm'] = "eXtremeShipping";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgEncdTy'] = "PDF";
$aryParam['Bd']['Shp']['ShpInDoc'][2]['SDoc']['Img']['ImgMimeTy'] = "application/pdf";
* @TyCd
* Generic request type code. Valid value: SHP_VAL_TY 'Shipment Validation Type'
$aryParam['Bd']['GenrcRq']['GenrcRqCritr']['TyCd'] = "SHP_VAL_TY";
* @Val
* Request Type. Valid Value:
* ECO = Validates whether shipment is allowed for Paperless Clearance
$aryParam['Bd']['GenrcRq']['GenrcRqCritr']['Val'] = "ECO";
$req = $objPL->generateXMLRequest($file_name, $aryParam);
$response = $objPL->processCurlRequest($req);
$aryResponse = $objPL->toArray();
$res = $objPL->processResponseArray($aryResponse);
// echo "<h1>Actual Response</h1>";
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($response);
// echo "</pre>";
echo "<h1>Response [In Array]</h1>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<h1>Formated Response</h1>";
echo "<h3>Success: </h3>";
echo "<h3>Error: </h3>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";