require_once __DIR__."/base.php";
class PHPRBACMainTest extends PHPRBAC_Test
function setUp()
parent::setUp ();
function testAssign()
$RID = jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/CIO/Admin" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/add" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/edit" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/remove" );
$PID = jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/changepass" );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( $RID, $PID ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( $RID, "/Users/edit" ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( $RID, "add" ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO", "/Users/remove" ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CEO", "Users" ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CEO", $PID ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO", $PID ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "/CEO", "/Users/add" ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO/Admin", "remove" ) );
function testCheck()
// adding roles
jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/CIO/Admin" );
jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/CIO/Networking" );
jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/CIO/CISO" );
jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/Financial" );
jf::$RBAC->Roles->AddPath ( "/CEO/Secretary" );
// assingning roles to users
$res = jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO", 2 );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO/Financial", 2 );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO/Admin", 3 );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO/Networking", 3 );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO/CIO/CISO", 3 );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Users->Assign ( "/CEO/Secretary", 4 );
$this->assertTrue ( $res );
// adding permissions
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/add" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/edit" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/remove" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Users/changepass" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Signature/financial" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Signature/office" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Signature/order" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/Signature/network" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/reports/IT/network" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/reports/IT/security" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/reports/financial" );
jf::$RBAC->Permissions->AddPath ( "/reports/general" );
// assigning permissions to roles
$res = jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CEO", "Users" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CEO", "Signature" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CEO", "/reports" );
$this->assertTrue ( $res );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CIO", "/reports/IT" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CIO", "/Users" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Admin", "/Users" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Admin", "/reports/IT" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Networking", "/reports/network" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Networking", "/Signature/network" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CISO", "/reports/security" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "CISO", "/Users/changepass" );
$this->assertTrue ( $res );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Financial", "/Signature/order" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Financial", "/Signature/financial" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Financial", "/reports/financial" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Secretary", "/reports/financial" );
$res = $res and jf::$RBAC->Assign ( "Secretary", "/Signature/office" );
$this->assertTrue ( $res );
// now checking
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Users->HasRole ( "/CEO/Financial", 2 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/Signature/financial", 2 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/general", 2 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/IT/security", 2 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/IT/security", 3 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/IT/network", 3 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/Users", 3 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/Signature/office", 4 ) );
$this->assertFalse ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/Signature/order", 4 ) );
$this->assertTrue ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/financial", 4 ) );
$this->assertFalse ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/general", 4 ) );
$this->assertFalse ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/generalz", 4 ) );
$this->fail ( "No error on unknown permission" );
} catch ( RBACPermissionNotFoundException $e )
function testEnforce()
$this->assertFalse ( jf::$RBAC->Check ( "/reports/generalz", "root" ) );
$this->fail ( "No error on unknown permission" );
} catch ( RBACPermissionNotFoundException $e )