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File: html.def.php

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  Classes of Manuel Gonzalez   PHP HTML Database   html.def.php   Download  
File: html.def.php
Role: Configuration script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Configuration script
Class: PHP HTML Database
Generate HTML from query results programmatically
Author: By
Last change: Update of html.def.php
Date: 9 months ago
Size: 13,926 bytes


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<?php /** * Contains the default constants used by the class * * Edit only if you understand the functionality * * @package PHP2HTML * @version 1.0 BETA * @author MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @copyright Copyright (R) 2012, MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @license Apache License, Version 2.0 * */ /** * */ define ('DEVELOP',TRUE); /** * Named constant for Document type */ define('DOC_TYPE','<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"'."\r\n". '"">'); /** * Named constant for default language document */ define('HTML_LANG' ,'en'); /** * Named constant for default content-type document */ define('META_CONTENT' ,'text/html'); /** * Named constant for default charset encode document */ define('META_CHARSET' ,'utf-8'); /** * Named constant for default page title */ define('META_TITLE' ,'PHP2HTML'); /** * Named constant for default page description */ define('META_DESC' ,'Library that allows you to write html pages using only PHP code. With support for SQL, MySQL and Oracle'); /** * Named constant for default keywords page */ define('META_KEYWORD' ,'CLASS, PHP2HTML, Converter, PHP, Class, Web, Vista, Controller, Framework, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, PHP, HTML '); /** * Named constant for default page author.(You) :) */ define('META_AUTHOR' ,'Manuel González R'); /** * Named constant for default robots page action * NOINDEX, FOLLOW, INDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW */ define('META_ROBOTS' ,'INDEX,FOLLOW'); /** * Named constant for include favicon */ define('FAV_ICON', TRUE); /** * Named constant for the favicon url */ define('FAV_ICON_URL', 'favicon.ico'); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /****************************DATABASE OPTIONS**********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /** * Named constant for default connection type * (none, mssql, oracle, mysqli, mysql) */ define('CON_TYPE', 'mssql'); /** * Named constant for default database host name or address */ define('DB_HOST','localhost'); /** * Named constant for default database name */ define('DB_DATABASE','world'); /** * Named constant for default database username */ define('DB_USER','root'); /** * Named constant for default database password */ define('DB_PASS','Adivina01'); /** * Named constant for default connection option */ define('DB_PERSIST',false); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /*******************************HTML CONSTANTS*********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /** * Named constant for default select option */ define('SELECT_DEFAULT', "--SELECT AN ITEM--"); /** * Named constant for default area rows */ define('AREA_ROWS','4'); /** * Named constant for default area cols */ define('AREA_COLS','20'); /** * Named constant for BLANK anchor target type */ define ('BLANK','_blank'); /** * Named constant for TOP anchor target type */ define ('TOP','_top'); /** * Named constant for PARENT anchor target type */ define ('PARENT','_parent'); /** * Named constant for mail hyperlink type */ define ('MAIL','mail'); /** * Named constant for ftp hyperlink type */ define ('FTP','ftp'); /** * Named constant for file hyperlink type */ define ('FILE','file'); /** * Named constant for page hyperlink type */ define ('PAGEF','page'); /** * Named constant for button type */ define('BT','button'); /** * Named constant for submit button type */ define('ST','submit'); /** * Named constant for reset button type */ define('RT','reset'); /** * Named constant for Checekd property */ define('checked_', ' checked="checked"'); /** * Named constant for Enctype enable a form to upload files */ define('form_data_', ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'); /** * Named constant for Selected property */ define('selected_', ' selected="selected"'); /** * Named constant for Disabled property */ define('disabled_', ' disabled="disabled"'); /** * Named constant for new line (format code) */ define('BK',"\r\n"); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ define('sp_', '&nbsp;'); /** * Named constant for anchor tag */ define('a_','<a>'); /** * Named constant for close anchor tag */ define('_a','</a>'.BK); /** * Defines an abbreviation */ define('ab_','<abbr>'); /** * Close an abbreviation */ define('_ab','</abbr>'.BK); /** * Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document */ define('ad_','<address>'); /** * Close contact information for the author/owner of a document */ define('_ad','</address>'.BK); /** * Defines an area inside an image-map */ define('ar_','<area>'); /** * Close an area inside an image-map */ define('_ar','</area>'.BK); /** * Defines bold text */ define('b_','<b>'); /** * Close bold text */ define('_b','</b>'); /** * Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document */ define('base_','<base>'); /** * Close the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document */ define('_base','</base>'.BK); /** * Defines a section that is quoted from another source */ define('blk_','<blockquote>'); /** * Close a section that is quoted from another source */ define('_blk','</blockquote>'.BK); /** * Defines a single line break */ define('br_', '<br />'.BK); /** * Defines a table caption */ define('capt_','<caption>'); /** * Close a table caption */ define('_capt','</caption>'.BK); /** * Defines the title of a work */ define('cit_','<cite>'); /** * Close the title of a work */ define('_cit','</cite>'.BK); /** * Defines a piece of computer code */ define('code_','<code>'); /** * Close a piece of computer code */ define('_code','</code>'.BK); /** * Defines a description of an item in a definition list */ define('dd_','<dd>'); /** * Close a description of an item in a definition list */ define('_dd','</dd>'.BK); /** * Defines a description of an item in a definition list */ define('del_','<del>'); /** * Close a description of an item in a definition list */ define('_del','</del>'.BK); /** * Defines a section in a document */ define('div_','<div>'); /** * Close a section in a document */ define('_div','</div>'.BK); /** * Defines a definition list */ define('dl_','<dl>'); /** * Close a definition list */ define('_dl','</dl>'.BK); /** * Defines a term (an item) in a definition list */ define('dt_','<dt>'); /** * Close a term (an item) in a definition list */ define('_dt','</dt>'.BK); /** * Defines emphasized text */ define('em_','<em>'); /** * Close emphasized text */ define('_em','</em>'.BK); /** * Defines a container for an external (non-HTML) application */ define('emb_','<embed>'); /** * Close container for an external (non-HTML) application */ define('_emb','</embed>'.BK); /** * Groups related elements in a form */ define('field_','<fieldset>'); /** * Close Groups related elements in a form */ define('_field','</fieldset>'.BK); /** * Defines a footer for a document or section */ define('foot_','<footer>'); /** * Close a footer for a document or section */ define('_foot','</footer>'.BK); /** * Defines an HTML form for user input */ define('form_','<form>'); /** * Close an HTML form for user input */ define('_form','</form>'.BK); /** * Not supported in HTML5. * Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset */ define('frame_','<frame>'); /** * Not supported in HTML5. * Close a window (a frame) in a frameset */ define('_frame','</frame>'.BK); /** * Not supported in HTML5. * Defines a set of frames */ define('framest_','<frameset>'); /** * Not supported in HTML5. * Close a set of frames */ define('_framest','</frameset>'.BK); /** * Defines a thematic change in the content */ define('hr_','<hr/>'); /** * Defines a part of text in an alternate voice */ define('i_','<i>'); /** * Close a part of text in an alternate voice */ define('_i','</i>'); /** * Defines an inline frame */ define('ifr_','<iframe>'); /** * Close an inline frame */ define('_ifr','</iframe>'.BK); /** * Defines an image */ define('img_','<img>'); /** * Close an image */ define('_img','</img>'.BK); /** * Defines a text that has been inserted into a document */ define('ins_','<ins>'); /** * Close a text that has been inserted into a document */ define('_ins','</ins>'.BK); /** * Defines a label for an <input> element */ define('lbl_','<label>'); /** * Close a label for an <input> element */ define('_lbl','</label>'.BK); /** * Defines a caption for a <fieldset>, < figure>, or <details> element */ define('leg_','<legend>'); /** * Close a caption for a <fieldset>, < figure>, or <details> element */ define('_leg','</legend>'.BK); /** * Defines a list item */ define('li_','<li>'); /** * Close a list item */ define('_li','</li>'.BK); /** * Defines a client-side image-map */ define('map_','<map>'); /** * Close a client-side image-map */ define('_map','</map>'.BK); /** * Defines marked/highlighted text */ define('mark_','<mark>'); /** * Close marked/highlighted text */ define('_mark','</mark>'.BK); /** * Defines a list/menu of commands */ define('menu_','<menu>'); /** * Close a list/menu of commands */ define('_menu','</menu>'.BK); /** * Defines an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts */ define('noscr_','<noscript>'.BK); /** * Close an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts */ define('_noscr','</noscript>'.BK); /** * Defines an embedded object */ define('obj_','<object>'); /** * Clse an embedded object */ define('_obj','</object>'.BK); /** * Defines an ordered list */ define('ol_','<ol>'); /** * Close an ordered list */ define('_ol','</ol>'.BK); /** * Defines a group of related options in a drop-down list */ define('optg_','<optgroup>'); /** * Close a group of related options in a drop-down list */ define('_optg','</optgroup>'.BK); /** * Defines an option in a drop-down list */ define('opt_','<option>'); /** * Close an option in a drop-down list */ define('_opt','</option>'.BK); /** * Defines a paragraph */ define('p_','<p>'); /** * Close a paragraph */ define('_p','</p>'.BK); /** * Defines a parameter for an object */ define('param_','<param>'); /** * Close a parameter for an object */ define('_param','</param>'.BK); /** * Defines preformatted text */ define('pre_','<pre>'); /** * Close preformatted text */ define('_pre','</pre>'.BK); /** * Defines a short quotation */ define('q_','<q>'); /** * Close a short quotation */ define('_q','</q>'); /** * Defines text that is no longer correct */ define('s_','<s>'); /** * Close text that is no longer correct */ define('_s','</s>'); /** * Defines a client-side script */ define('scr_','<script>'.BK); /** * Close a client-side script */ define('_scr','</script>'.BK); /** * Defines a drop-down list */ define('select_','<select>'); /** * Close a drop-down list */ define('_select','</select>'.BK); /** * Defines a section in a document */ define('span_','<span>'); /** * Close a section in a document */ define('_span','</span>'); /** * Defines important text */ define('strong_','<strong>'); /** * Close important text */ define('_strong','</strong>'); /** * Defines subscripted text */ define('sub_','<sub>'); /** * Close subscripted text */ define('_sub','</sub>'.BK); /** * Defines superscripted text */ define('sup_','<sup>'); /** * Close superscripted text */ define('_sup','</sup>'.BK); /** * Defines a table */ define('table_','<table>'); /** * Close a table */ define('_table','</table>'.BK); /** * Groups the body content in a table */ define('tbody_','<tbody>'); /** * Close groups the body content in a table */ define('_tbody','</tbody>'.BK); /** * Defines a cell in a table */ define('td_','<td>'); /** * Close a cell in a table * */ define('_td','</td>'.BK); /** * Defines a multiline input control (text area) */ define('textarea_','<textarea>'); /** * Close a multiline input control (text area) */ define('_textarea','</textarea>'.BK); /** * Groups the footer content in a table */ define('tfoot_','<tfoot>'); /** * Close groups the footer content in a table */ define('_tfoot','</tfoot>'.BK); /** * Defines a header cell in a table */ define('th_','<th>'); /** * Close a header cell in a table */ define('_th','</th>'.BK); /** * Groups the header content in a table */ define('thead_','<thead>'); /** * Close groups the header content in a table */ define('_thead','</thead>'.BK); /** * Defines a row in a table */ define('tr_','<tr>'); /** * Close a row in a table */ define('_tr','</tr>'.BK); /** * Defines an unordered list */ define('ul_','<ul>'); /** * Close an unordered list */ define('_ul','</ul>'.BK); ?>