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File: html.class.php

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File: html.class.php
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP HTML Database
Generate HTML from query results programmatically
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Last change: Update of html.class.php
Date: 9 months ago
Size: 49,478 bytes


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<?php /** * Class for creating a web page using only PHP. * It supports connections to MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server. * Allowing automate the creation of a complete website in a few lines of code. * * @todo Add HTML5 support * @package PHP2HTML * @version 1.0 BETA * @author MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @copyright Copyright (R) 2012, MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @license MIT */ ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); error_reporting(0); set_exception_handler('captureException'); register_shutdown_function('captureShutdown'); require_once 'html.def.php'; require_once 'html.attributes.php'; require_once 'html.attributes.ext.php'; require_once 'html.actions.php'; /** * Class for creating a web page using only PHP. * It supports connections to MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server. * Allowing automate the creation of a complete website in a few lines of code. * * * @todo Code optimization * @package PHP2HTML * @version 1.0 * @author MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @copyright Copyright (R) 2012, MANUEL GONZALEZ RIVERA <> * @license MIT */ class PHP2HTML{ /** * Determines whether the class is in development mode. * This allows you to show or hide the errors. * * @var Boolean */ private $DevelopMode; /** * Connection Type * * @var string Connection Type */ private $connType; /** * DocType * * @var string DocType */ private $docType; /** * Array for Meta tags * * @var array Meta tags */ private $meta_array = array(); /** * Array with the CSS Files added * * @var array CSS Files */ private $css_array = array(); /** * Array with the JS Files added * * @var array JS Files */ private $js_array = array(); /** * Css Styles added * * @var string CSS styles */ private $css_style = array(); /** * Header section (Js, CSS, Styles, Meta tags) * * @var string Header section */ private $head_scr = ''; /** * Body section * * @var string Body section */ private $body_doc = ''; /** * The css class for body tag * * @var string CSS body */ private $body_class=''; /** * * This is the active connection object * * @var object $Cnn Connection object */ public $Cnn; /** * Time when the class starts * @var time */ private $start; /** * The time that the class is started. */ function Start(){ $time = microtime(); $time = explode(' ', $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $this->start = $time; } /** * Time when the class ends */ function Ends(){ $time = microtime(); $time = explode(' ', $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $finish = $time; $total_time = round(($finish - $this->start), 4); echo BK.'<!--Page generated in '.$total_time.' seconds.-->'; } /** * Initialize the class and set default meta data, css and js defined in html.var.php * * @param boolean $mode */ function __construct($mode=DEVELOP){ set_error_handler(array( $this, 'handleBasicError' )); $this->Start(); $this->DevelopMode = $mode; $this->docType(DOC_TYPE); $this->Set_Meta(); $this->setConnType(); } /** * Ends the connection associated to class */ function __destruct() { $this->letConnection(); $this->Ends(); } /** * Set the database connection used in the class. * The class can use different connections types * for example switching from Oracle to MySql and then * to a Sql Server connection and retrieve data * from diferent sources for different parts of the page. * This use is restricted to only one connection at time * * Example: * <code> * $p = new PHP2HTML(); * * //Set the parameters at execution time * $p->setConnection("MyServer", "MyUser", "MyPass", "MyDB"); * * //Use the default parameters stored in html.var.php * $p->setConnection(); * </code> * * This variables could be set by default in the <strong>html.var.php</strong> * and changed at execution time. * * @todo Add PostegreSQL support * @param String $dbHost Database Host * @param String $db_User Database User * @param String $db_Pass User database Password * @param String $db_Database Database name * @param Boolean $db_persist Connection persistant * */ function setConnection($dbHost = DB_HOST, $db_User = DB_USER, $db_Pass = DB_PASS, $db_Database = DB_DATABASE, $db_persist = DB_PERSIST){ if($this->connType=='none'){ $this->letConnection(); $this->Cnn = null; }elseif($this->connType=='mssql'){ $this->Cnn = null; require_once 'mssql.class.php'; $this->Cnn = new mssqlConn($this, $dbHost, $db_Database, $db_User, $db_Pass, $db_persist); }elseif($this->connType=='mysql'){ $this->Cnn = null; require_once 'mysql.class.php'; $this->Cnn = new mysqlConn($this, $dbHost, $db_Database, $db_User, $db_Pass, $db_persist); }elseif($this->connType=='mysqli'){ $this->Cnn = null; require_once 'mysqli.class.php'; $this->Cnn = new mysqliConn($this, $dbHost, $db_Database, $db_User, $db_Pass, $db_persist); }elseif($this->connType=='oracle'){ $this->Cnn = null; require_once 'oracle.class.php'; $this->Cnn = new oracleConn($this, $dbHost, $db_Database, $db_User, $db_Pass, $db_persist); }else{ $this->Cnn = null; } } /** * Close the active connection * * @return null */ private function letConnection(){ if($this->Cnn!=null){ $this->Cnn->Close(); } } /** * Sets the connection type that will be used to populate the * contents of the page (none,mssql,oracle, mysql, mysqli). * Is limited to one connection at time * Example: * * <code> * $p->setConnType('mysqli'); * </code> * * @param string $connType mysql|mysqli|oracle|mssql */ function setConnType($connType=CON_TYPE){ $this->connType=$connType; } /** * Returns the connection object * * Example: * <code> * $myconn = $p->getConn(); * </code> * * @return object Returns the connection object */ function getConn(){ return $this->Cnn; } /** * Gets the connection type that will be used to populate the contents of the page * (none, mssql, mysql, oracle and mysqli) * * Example: * <code> * $p->setConnType("oracle"); * $connType = $p->getConn(); * echo $connType; * //Prints Oracle * </code> * * @return String Returns the active connection Type */ function getConnType(){ return $this->connType; } /** * Sets the new DocType HTML document (Transitional, Estrict, ETC) * Example: * * <code> * $newDocType='<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN..."'; * $p->docType($newDocType); * </code> * * @param string $newDocType */ function doctype($newDocType){ $this->docType = $newDocType; } /** * Sets the Body Class * * Example: * * <code> * $p->BodyClass("myBodyClass"); * </code> * * @param string $class */ function BodyClass($class){ $this->body_class.=" ".$class; } /** * Add the meta data defined by user in execution time * or defined in html.var.php * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Set_Meta("New Title for the page"); * </code> * * @param string $meta_title * @param string $meta_content * @param string $meta_charset * @param string $meta_description * @param string $meta_keywords * @param string $meta_author * @param string $meta_robots * * This variables could be set by default in the <strong>html.var.php</strong> * and changed at execution time. */ function Set_Meta($meta_title = META_TITLE, $meta_content = META_CONTENT, $meta_charset = META_CHARSET, $meta_description = META_DESC, $meta_keywords = META_KEYWORD, $meta_author = META_AUTHOR, $meta_robots = META_ROBOTS){ $this->meta_array['m_lang'] = HTML_LANG; $this->meta_array['m_contnt'] = $meta_content; $this->meta_array['m_charst'] = $meta_charset; $this->meta_array['m_ptitle'] = $meta_title; $this->meta_array['m_descri'] = $meta_description; $this->meta_array['m_keywor'] = $meta_keywords; $this->meta_array['m_author'] = $meta_author; $this->meta_array['m_robots'] = $meta_robots; } /** * Add a user defined meta data definition * * @param String $meta Meta Name * @param String $description Meta Description */ function Add_MetaData($meta, $description){ $this->meta_array[$meta] = $description; } /** * Add a style to the header * * Example: * * <code> * $myStyle= 'input{text-align:center;}'; * $p->Style($myStyle); * </code> * * @param String $style */ function Add_Style($style){ array_push($this->css_style,$style); } /** * Return to the user an array with the meta data definitions * * Example: * * <code> * $myMeta= $p->Return_Meta(); * print_r($myMeta); * </code> * * @return Array Returns array containing the meta tags */ function Return_Meta(){ return $this->meta_array; } /** * Add a CSS file to the headers. * If the file does not exists adds a comment * * Example: * * <code> * $p->CSS('css/styles.css'); * </code> * * @param string Add the css link to the header */ function CSS($cssfile=""){ if(checkCurl()){ if(!strstr($cssfile,"http")){ if(file_exists($cssfile)){ $cssfile = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$cssfile.'"/>'; array_push($this->css_array, $cssfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The local file $cssfile does not exists"); } }else{ if($this->remoteFileExists($cssfile)){ $cssfile = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$cssfile.'"/>'; array_push($this->css_array, $cssfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The external file $cssfile does not exists"); } } }else{ if(!strstr($cssfile,"http")){ $cssfile = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$cssfile.'"/>'; array_push($this->css_array, $cssfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The file $cssfile is external an CURL is deactivated"); $cssfile = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'.$cssfile.'"/>'; array_push($this->css_array, $cssfile); } } } /** * Return to the user the CSS files added * * Example: * * <code> * $myCSSFiles= $p->Return_CSS(); * print_r($myCSSFiles); * </code> * * @return Array Returns array containing the css files added */ function Return_CSS(){ return $this->css_array; } /** * Add a JS file to the page header * If the file does not exists adds a comment * * Example: * * <code> * $p->JS(''); * </code> * * @param string $jsfile */ function JS($jsfile){ if(checkCurl()){ if(!strstr($jsfile,"http")){ if(file_exists($jsfile)){ $jsfile = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$jsfile.'"></script>'; array_push($this->js_array, $jsfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The local file $jsfile does not exists"); } }else{ if($this->remoteFileExists($jsfile)){ $jsfile = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$jsfile.'"></script>'; array_push($this->js_array, $jsfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The external file $jsfile does not exists"); } } }else{ if(!strstr($jsfile,"http")){ $jsfile = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$jsfile.'"></script>'; array_push($this->js_array, $jsfile); }else{ $this->Comment("The file $jsfile is external an CURL is deactivated"); $jsfile = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$jsfile.'"></script>'; array_push($this->js_array, $jsfile); } } } /** * Returns the array whitch contains the js libraries imported * * Example: * * <code> * $myJSFiles= $p->Return_JS(); * print_r($myJSFiles); * </code> * * @return array Returns array containig the JS files added */ function Return_JS(){ return $this->js_array; } /** * Create de Page with the user defined contents * * @todo Validate and complete or remove this function * @deprecated since version 0.1 alpha * @param String $Template */ function CreateFromTemplate($Template){ $result = file_get_contents($Template); $result = str_replace('{d_type}',DOC_TYPE, $result); $meta_tag = $this->Return_Meta(); foreach ($meta_tag as $key=>$value) { $result = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $result); } foreach($this->Return_CSS() as $value){ $result = str_replace('</head>',$value.BK."</head>".BK, $result); } foreach($this->Return_JS() as $value){ $result = str_replace('</head>',$value.BK."</head>".BK, $result); } $result = ($this->head_scr=='' ? $result : str_replace('</head>','<script type="text/javascript">'.$this->head_scr.BK."</script>".BK."</head>".BK, $result)); $result = ($this->body_doc=='' ? $result : str_replace('</body>',$this->body_doc.BK."</body>".BK, $result)); print $result; } /** * Append an HTML Comment to the body * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Comment('This is a HTML Comment'); * </code> * * @param String $comment */ function Comment($comment){ $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc .BK.'<!--'.$comment.'-->'; } /** * Append an HTML tag/string to the body * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body('Add something to the body'); * $p->Body('<span>Add something more to the body</span>'); * </code> * * @param string $htmlTags */ function Body($htmlTags){ $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc . $htmlTags; } /** * Append a file content to the body * * Example: * * <code> * $p->File('contents/myFile.txt'); * $p->File('../libs/myLib.js'); * </code> * * @param string $file */ function File($file){ $result = htmlspecialchars(utf8_decode(file_get_contents($file))); if($result){ $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc .BK. $result; }else{ $this->Comment("Error reading the file: $file"); } } /** * Append a html file content to the body * * Example: * * <code> * $p->HTML('contents/myPage.htm'); * $p->HTML('../libs/other.html'); * </code> * * @param string $file */ function HTML($file){ $result = utf8_decode(file_get_contents($file)); if($result){ $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc .BK. $result; }else{ $this->Comment("Error reading the file: $file"); } } /** * Append a php file * * Example: * * <code> * $p->AddPHP('myfunctions.php'); * </code> * * @param String $file */ function AddPHP($file){ ob_start(); include($file); $returned = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc .BK. $returned; } /** * Append a Javascript Code * * Example: * * <code> * $myCode = '$("#target").click(function() { * alert("Handler for .click() called."); * });'; * $p->AddJS($myCode); * </code> * * @param String Add a javascript code to the header */ function AddJS($code){ $this->head_scr = $this->head_scr.BK.$code.BK; } /** * Add a html break line * * @param int $c The number of html breaks */ function HTMLbr($c=1){ for($i=0;$i<$c;$i++){ $this->body_doc = $this->body_doc.BK.br_; } } /** * Append a Form tag to the body * * Example: * * <code> * $frmObj = $p->Text("", "", "txtName", "txtName"); * $frmObj.= $p->Pswd("", "", "txtPass", "txtPass"); * $frmObj.= $p->Btn(ST, "Go..."); * $p->Body($p->Form("myForm","POST","response.php", $frmObj)); * </code> * * @param String $name Form Name * @param String $method Method Form POST/GET * @param string $action Default Action * @param String $objects Objects * @param String $properties * @return String */ function Form($name = "", $method = "", $action = "", $objects = "", $properties=""){ $form = $this->iT(form_, name($name). method($method). action($action). $properties); $form.= BK. $objects; $form.=_form; return $form; } /** * Returns the Password input * * Example: * * <code> * $frmObj = $p->Text("", "25", "", "txtName", "txtName"); * $frmObj.= $p->Pswd("", "20", "", "txtPass", "txtPass"); * $frmObj.= $p->Btn(ST, "Go..."); * $p->Body($p->Form("myForm","POST","response.php", $frmObj)); * </code> * * @param String $value * @param String $size * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function Pswd($value="", $size="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $Pswd = '<input type="password"'; $Pswd.= size($size); $Pswd.= cClass($class); $Pswd.= id($id); $Pswd.= name($name); $Pswd.= ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties); $Pswd.= value($value); $Pswd.='>'; return $Pswd.BK; } /** * Returns the Input text field * * Example: * * <code> * $frmObj = $p->Text("", "25", "", "txtName", "txtName"); * $frmObj.= $p->Pswd("", "20", "", "txtPass", "txtPass"); * $frmObj.= $p->Btn(ST, "Go..."); * $p->Body($p->Form("myForm","POST","response.php", $frmObj)); * </code> * * @param String $value * @param String $size * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function Text($value="", $size="", $class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $Text = '<input type="text"'; $Text.= size($size); $Text.= cClass($class); $Text.= id($id); $Text.= name($name); $Text.= ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties); $Text.= value($value); $Text.= '>'; return $Text.BK; } /** * Returns a table * * @param String $data * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function tableField($data="", $class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $table = '<table '; $table.= cClass($class); $table.= id($id); $table.= name($name); $table.= ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties); $table.= '>'; $table.= $data; $table.= _table; return $table; } /** * Returns the table header * * @todo Complete the function * * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function tableHead($class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ return $tHead; } /** * Returns the table body * * @todo Complete the function * * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function tableBody($class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ return $tBody; } /** * Returns the table footer * * @todo Complete the function * * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function tableFoot($class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ return $tFoot; } /** * Convert a query to table * * * @param String $caption * @param String $class * @param String $id * @param String $name * @param String $properties * @return String */ function query2Table($caption="",$class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ if($this->connType=='none'){ $this->Comment("There is no valid resource to create the table."); return null; }else{ $cols = $this->Cnn->numColumns(); $rows = $this->Cnn->numRows(); $table_cols = ""; $table_rows = ""; $table = $this->iT(table_, cClass($class). id($id). name($name). ' '. $properties); $table.= ($caption== "" ? "": capt_ . $caption . _capt); $n = 0; while($this->Cnn->Fetch(false)){ if($n==0){ if($this->connType=='mssql'){ $table_cols = tr_; for($i=0;$i<$cols;$i++){ $finfo = mssql_fetch_field($this->Cnn->rs,$i); $table_cols.=th_.$finfo->name._th; } $table_cols.= _tr; }elseif($this->connType=='mysql'){ $table_cols = tr_; for($i=0;$i<$cols;$i++){ $finfo = mysql_fetch_field($this->Cnn->rs,$i); $table_cols.=th_.$finfo->name._th; } $table_cols.= _tr; }elseif($this->connType=='mysqli'){ $table_cols = tr_; while ($finfo = mysqli_fetch_field($this->Cnn->rs)) { $table_cols.=th_.$finfo->name._th; } $table_cols.= _tr; }elseif($this->connType=='oracle'){ $table_cols = tr_; for($i=0;$i<$cols;$i++){ $finfo = oci_field_name($this->Cnn->rs,$i); $table_cols.=th_.$finfo->name._th; } $table_cols.= _tr; } } $table_rows.= tr_; for($colx=0; $colx<$cols; $colx++){ $table_rows.= td_ . $this->Cnn->row[$colx] ._td; } $table_rows.= _tr; $n++; } $table.=$table_cols.$table_rows._table; return $table; } } /** * Converts an array to table * * @todo Complete the function * * @param array $data * @param array $ColsName * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function arrayToTableData($data=array(), $ColsName=array(), $class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ return $table; } /** * Converts a database recordset in array * * @param object $result * @return array */ function db_result_array_values($result) { $type=$this->getConnType(); if($type=='mysql'){ for ($array = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); isset($row[0]) ? $array[$row[0]] = $row[1] : $array[] = $row[1]); }elseif($type=='mysqli'){ for ($array = array(); $row = mysqli_fetch_row($result); isset($row[0]) ? $array[$row[0]] = $row[1] : $array[] = $row[1]); }elseif($type=='mssql'){ for ($array = array(); $row = mssql_fetch_row($result); isset($row[0]) ? $array[$row[0]] = $row[1] : $array[] = $row[1]); }elseif($type=='oracle'){ for ($array = array(); $row = oci_fetch_row($result); isset($row[0]) ? $array[$row[0]] = $row[1] : $array[] = $row[1]); } return $array; } /** * Returns a Combo witch is populated from an array * * Example: * <code> * $data = array(); * * for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++){ * array_push($data, "Option ".$i); * } * * $p->Body($p->Combo($data)); * </code> * * @param array $data * @param bool $recordset * @param string $selected * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Combo($data = array(), $recordset = false, $selected="", $class="",$id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $combo = $this->iT(select_, cClass($class). id($id). name($name). ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties) ).BK; if($recordset==true){ $data = $this->db_result_array_values($data); } if($selected == ""){ $combo.= $this->iT(opt_, id("-1").selected_).SELECT_DEFAULT._opt; foreach($data as $key=>$value){ $combo.= $this->iT(opt_, id($key)).$value._opt; } }else{ $combo.= $this->iT(opt_, id("-1")).SELECT_DEFAULT._opt; foreach($data as $key=>$value){ if($selected == $key){ $combo.= $this->iT(opt_, id($key).selected_).$value._opt; }else{ $combo.= $this->iT(opt_, id($key)).$value._opt; } } } $combo.=_select; return $combo; } /** * Returns a Check element * * Example: * * <code> * $lb = $p->lblFor("Checkbox","chjs"); * $cj = $p->Check("ON", "chjs", "chjs", true, false); * $p->Body($lb.$cj); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param boolean $checked * @param boolean $disabled * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Check($value ="", $checked=false, $disabled=false, $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $check = '<input type="checkbox"'; $check.= cClass($class); $check.= id($id); $check.= name($name); $check.= ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties); $check.= ' value="'.$value.'">'; $check = ($checked ==false ? $check : str_replace('>',checked_.'>', $check)); $check = ($disabled==false ? $check : str_replace('>',disabled_.'>', $check)); return $check.BK; } /** * Returns a ratio element * * Example: * * <code> * $lb = $p->lblFor("Ratio button","rtbt"); * $rt = $p->Ratio("ON", "rtbt", "rtbt", true, false); * $p->Body($lb.$rt); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param boolean $checked * @param boolean $disabled * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Ratio($value ="", $checked=false, $disabled=false, $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $radio = '<input type="radio"'; $radio.= value($value); $radio.= cClass($class); $radio.= id($id); $radio.= name($name); $radio.= ($properties==""? "":' '.$properties); $radio.= '>'; $radio = ($checked ==false ? $radio : str_replace('>',checked_.'>', $radio)); $radio = ($disabled==false ? $radio : str_replace('>',disabled_.'>', $radio)); return $radio; } /** * Returns a Textarea Element * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->Area()); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param int $rows * @param int $cols * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Area($value ="", $rows=AREA_ROWS, $cols=AREA_COLS, $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $area = '<textarea rows="'.$rows.'" cols="'.$cols.'" '; $area.= cClass($class); $area.= id($id); $area.= name($name); $area.= ($properties==""?"":' '.$properties); $area.= '>'; $area.= $value; $area.= '</textarea>'; return $area.BK; } /** * Returns a Button element * * Example: * * <code> * $buttons = $p->Btn(BT, "I'm a normal button","myClass") . * $p->Btn(ST, "I'm a submit button") . * $p->Btn(RT, "I'm a reset button"); * $p->Body($buttons); * </code> * * @param string $type * @param string $value * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Btn($type=BT, $value="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $button ='<button type="'.$type.'"'; $button.= cClass($class); $button.= id($id); $button.= name($name); $button.= ($properties == "" ? "" : ' '.$properties); $button.= '>'.$value.'</button>'; return $button.BK; } /** * Returns a Input element * * Example: * * <code> * $inputs = $p->Inp(BT, "I'm a normal input","myClass") . * $p->Inp(ST, "I'm a submit input") . * $p->Inp(RT, "I'm a reset input"); * $p->Body($inputs); * </code> * * @param string $type * @param string $value * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function Inp($type=BT, $value="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $inp = '<input type="'.$type.'"'; $inp.= cClass($class); $inp.= id($id); $inp.= name($name); $inp.= ($properties == "" ? "" : ' '.$properites); $inp.= value($value); $inp.= '/>'; return $inp.BK; } /** * Returns a label element * * Example: * * <code> * $lb = $newPage->lblFor("This is the label for Ratio button","rtbt"); * $rt = $newPage->Ratio("ON", "rtbt", "rtbt", true, false); * $p->Body($lb.$rt); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param string $tag * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function lblFor($value="", $tag ="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $label = '<label for="'.$tag.'"'; $label.= cClass($class); $label.= id($id); $label.= name($name); $label.= ($properties==""?"":' '.$properties); $label.= '>'.$value._lbl; return $label.BK; } /** * Returns an ordered/unordered list * * Example: * * <code> * $data = array(); * for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++){ * array_push($data, "Option ".$i); * } * $p->Body($p->listUi($data, false, "unorderedList")); * $p->Body($p->listUi($data, true, "orderedList")); * </code> * * @param array $data * @param boolean $ordered * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function listUi($data=array(), $ordered=false, $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $list = ($ordered== true?'<ol':'<ul'); $list.= cClass($class); $list.= id($id); $list.= name($name); $list.= ($properties==""?"":' '.$properties); $list.= '>'.BK; foreach($data as $key=>$value){ $list.= $this->iT(li_,id($key)).$value._li.BK; } $list.=($ordered==true ? _ol : _ul); return $list.BK; } /** * Returns a file input element * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->FileInput("upload")); * </code> * * @param String $name * @param String $width * @param boolean $enabled * @return String */ function FileInput($name="", $width="", $enabled=true){ $fileInp = '<input type="file"'; $fileInp.= name($name); $fileInp.= width($width); $fileInp.= '>'; $fileInp.= ($enabled==true ? '>': disabled_.'>'); return $fileInp; } /** * Returns a Code Element * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->TagCode($data)); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function TagCode($value="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $tagCode = $this->iT(code_,cClass($class).id($id).name($name).($properties==""? "":' '.$properties)).BK; $tagCode.= $value._code; return $tagCode; } /** * Returns a Pre element * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->TagPre($data)); * </code> * * @param string $value * @param string $class * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $properties * @return string */ function TagPre($value="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ $tagPre = $this->iT(pre_, cClass($class).id($id).name($name).($properties==""? "":' '.$properties)).BK; $tagPre.= $value._pre; return $tagPre; } /** * Returns a Image element. If the file does not exists adds a comment * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->Image("user.jpg","300","200","The User Picture")); * </code> * * @param string $filename Filename * @param string $height File Height * @param string $width File Width * @param string $alt Alternative text * @param string $class Picture class * @param string $id Id tag * @param string $name Name tag * @param string $properties Extended Properties * @return string|Comment If the file does not exists adds a comment */ function Image($filename, $height="", $width="", $alt="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ if(file_exists($filename)){ $image = '<img src="'.$filename.'" alt="'.$alt.'" title="'.$alt.'"'; $image.= height($height); $image.= width($width); $image.= cClass($class); $image.= id($id); $image.= name($name); $image.= ($properties==""?"":' '.$properties); $image.= '/>'; }else{ $image = ""; $comment = "The file $filename does not exist"; $this->Comment($comment); } return $image; } /** * Returns an anchor element * An anchor is a piece of text which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link. * * Example: * * <code> * $p->Body($p->Anchor("TheTopOfMyPage")); * $p->Body($p->Anchor("TheBottomOfMyPage")); * </code> * * @param string $name * @return string */ function Anchor($name){ return $this->iT(a_, name($name).id($name))._a; } /** * Returns an hyperlink tag. * * Example: * * <code> * $link = $p->Link(PAGEF, "", "Google"); * $mail = $p->Link(MAIL,"","Wrote me!!!"); * $p->Body($link. ' - ' .$mail); * </code> * * @param string $type The type of hyperlink (mail, ftp, http) * @param string $url The Url * @param string $description The description * @param string $target The target * @param string $class The css class for the link * @param string $id The id for the link * @param string $name The name for the link * @param string $properties Extended properties * @return string Returns the tag */ function Link($type=PAGEF, $url="",$description="", $target="", $class="", $id="", $name="", $properties=""){ switch ($type) { case MAIL: $lnk = '<a href="mailto:'.$url.'"'; break; case FTP: $lnk = '<a href="ftp://'.$url.'"'; break; default: $lnk = '<a href="'.$url.'"'; break; } $lnk.= target($target); $lnk.= cClass($class); $lnk.= id($id); $lnk.= name($name); $lnk.= ($properties == ""?"":' '.$properties); $lnk.= '>'.$description.'</a>'; return $lnk .BK; } /** * Returns an iFrame tag * * @param string $src * @param integer $height * @param integer $width * @param string $scrolling Recive yes,no,auto. Depreceated in HTML5 * @param string $name * @return string */ function iFrame($src, $height, $width, $scrolling="auto", $name){ $ifr = $this->iT(ifr_, src($src). height($height). width($width). name($name). ' scrolling="'.$scrolling.'"'). _ifr; return $ifr; } /** * Check if a remote file exists * * @param string $url File route * @return boolean */ function remoteFileExists($url) { $curl = curl_init($url); //don't fetch the actual page, you only want to check the connection is ok curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); //do request $result = curl_exec($curl); $ret = false; //if request did not fail if ($result !== false) { //if request was ok, check response code $statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if ($statusCode == 200) { $ret = true; } } curl_close($curl); return $ret; } /** * Converts a decimal, double value to currency * * @param decimal $value * @param integer $decimals * @param string $dec_point * @param string $thousands_sep * @return string */ function nCurrency($value, $decimals=2, $dec_point=".", $thousands_sep=","){ return '$'.number_format($value, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); } /** * Formats number * * @param decimal $value * @param integer $decimals * @param string $dec_point * @param string $thousands_sep * @return string */ function nNumber($value, $decimals=2, $dec_point=".", $thousands_sep=","){ return number_format($value, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); } /** * Format a value to date YYYYMMDD to DD/MM/YYYY * @param string/date $value * @return string/date */ function nDate($value){ return ereg_replace('([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})', '\\3/\\2/\\1', $value); } /** * Insert extended properties * * @param string $tag * @param string $properties * @return string */ function iT($tag, $properties){ return preg_replace('/>/', $properties.'>', $tag, 1); } /** * Create the header tag * * @param integer $i * @param string $value * @return string */ function h($i=1, $value =""){ if($i>6){ $description = "The value \$i can not be higher than 6."; $this->display_error('html.class.php::h($i, $value)', $description); }else{ return "<h$i>$value</h$i>".BK; } } /** * Return errors when the DevelopMode is true * * @param string $source * @param string $description */ function display_error($source="", $description = ""){ $msj = $this->iT(p_, style('background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;')); $msj.= $this->iT(span_, style('color:#333;font-weight:bold;')); $msj.= "An error occurred: "._span; $msj.= $this->iT(span_, style('font-weight:bold;')).$source._span. br_. htmlentities($description); $msj.= _p; if($this->DevelopMode==TRUE){ $this->Body($msj); } } /** * Create de Page with the user defined contents * prints Html generated code * Example: * * <code> * $p = new PHP2HTML(); * $p->Body("Hello World"); * $p->Create(); * </code> * * */ function Create(){ $styles = ""; $result = DOC_TYPE.BK; $result = $result . '<html xmlns="" lang="{m_lang}">'.BK; $result = $result . '<head>'.BK; $result = $result . '<title>{m_ptitle}</title>'.BK; $result = $result . '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="{m_contnt}" charset="{m_charst}"/>' .BK; $result = $result . '<meta name="title" content="{m_ptitle}"/>'.BK; $result = $result . '<meta name="keywords" content="{m_keywor}"/>'.BK; $result = $result . '<meta name="description" content="{m_descri}"/>'.BK; $result = $result . '<meta name="author" content="{m_author}"/>'.BK; $result = $result . '<meta name="robots" content="{m_robots}"/>'.BK; if(FAV_ICON==true){ $result = $result . '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.FAV_ICON_URL.'"/>'.BK; } $result = $result . '</head>'; $meta_tag = $this->Return_Meta(); foreach ($meta_tag as $key=>$value) { $result = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $result); } foreach($this->Return_CSS() as $value){ $result = str_replace('</head>',$value.BK."</head>", $result); } foreach($this->css_style as $value){ $styles.= $value.BK; } $result =($styles=="" ? $result : str_replace('</head>','<style type="text/css">'.$styles.BK."</style></head>",$result)); foreach($this->Return_JS() as $value){ $result = str_replace("</head>", $value.BK."</head>", $result); } $result.=BK.(trim($this->body_class)=="" ? "<body>" :'<body class="'.trim($this->body_class).'">'); $result.= '</body></html>'; $result = ($this->head_scr=='' ? $result : str_replace('</head>','<script type="text/javascript">'.$this->head_scr.BK."</script>".BK."</head>".BK, $result)); $result = ($this->body_doc=='' ? $result : str_replace('</body>',$this->body_doc.BK."</body>".BK, $result)); print $result; restore_error_handler(); } function handleBasicError($code, $message, $file, $line) { $this->display_error("PHP2HTML", $message); } } /*End of the class*/ /** * Returns if the curl extension is loaded * * @return boolean */ function checkCurl(){ return (extension_loaded('curl') ? true : false); } /** * Returns if the mysql extension is loaded * * @return boolean */ function checkMySQL(){ return (extension_loaded('mysql') ? true : false); } /** * Returns if the mysqli extension is loaded * * @return boolean */ function checkMySQLi(){ return (extension_loaded('mysqli') ? true : false); } /** * Returns if the mssql extension is loaded * * @return boolean */ function checkMsSQL(){ return (extension_loaded('mssql') ? true : false); } /** * Returns if the oracle extension is loaded * * @return boolean */ function checkOracle(){ return (extension_loaded('oci8') ? true : false); } /** * Returns information about whether the necessary libraries are installed. * * @return string */ function requirements(){ $msj = div_.span_.'Libraries'._span. _div.p_; $msj.= ul_; $msj.= li_.(checkCurl() ? "The CURL extension is loaded":"The CURL extension is not loaded")._li; $msj.= li_.(checkMySQL() ? "The MySQL extension is loaded":"The MySQL extension is not loaded")._li; $msj.= li_.(checkMySQLi() ? "The MySQLi extension is loaded":"The MySQLi extension is not loaded")._li; $msj.= li_.(checkMsSQL() ? "The MsSQL extension is loaded":"The MsSQL extension is not loaded")._li; $msj.= li_.(checkOracle() ? "The OCI8 extension is loaded":"The OCI8 extension is loaded")._li; $msj.= _ul._p; return $msj; } function captureNormal($code, $message, $file, $line) { echo '<p style="background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;"> <span style="color:#333; font-weight:bold;">An error occurred:</span> '.htmlentities($message).'</p>'; } set_error_handler('captureNormal'); function captureException($exception){ echo '<p style="background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;"> <span style="color:#333; font-weight:bold;">An Exception occurred:</span> <span style="font-weight:bold;">PHP2HMTL</span></p> <pre style="background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;">'; echo 'A Exception returns "' . $exception->getMessage().'"'; echo br_.strong_."Script Execution stopped at line ". $exception->getLine()._strong; echo '</pre>'; } // UNCATCHABLE ERRORS function captureShutdown( ){ $error = error_get_last( ); if($error) { //IF YOU WANT TO CLEAR ALL BUFFER, UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE: //ob_end_clean( ); // Display content $error variable echo '<p style="background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;"> <span style="color:#333; font-weight:bold;">An Fatal Error occurred:</span> <span style="font-weight:bold;">PHP2HMTL</span></p> <pre style="background:#fef1ec; color:#cd0a0a;">'; echo $error['message']; //print_r($error); echo br_.strong_."Script Execution stopped at line ". $error['line']._strong; echo _pre; }else{ return true; } } ?>