* @fileoverview Core PHP Social functions
* @author Michael Robinson <mike@pagesofinterest.net>
* Following section taken from Google's social media tracking documentation
* A simple script to automatically track Facebook and Twitter
* buttons using Google Analytics social tracking feature.
* @author api.nickm@google.com (Nick Mihailovski)
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Namespace.
* @type {Object}.
var _ga = _ga || {};
* Ensure global _gaq Google Analytics queue has been initialized.
* @type {Array}
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
* Returns the normalized tracker name configuration parameter.
* @param {string} opt_trackerName An optional name for the tracker object.
* @return {string} If opt_trackerName is set, then the value appended with
* a . Otherwise an empty string.
* @private
_ga.buildTrackerName_ = function(opt_trackerName) {
return opt_trackerName ? opt_trackerName + '.' : '';
* Extracts a query parameter value from a URI.
* @param {string} uri The URI from which to extract the parameter.
* @param {string} paramName The name of the query paramater to extract.
* @return {string} The un-encoded value of the query paramater. underfined
* if there is no URI parameter.
* @private
_ga.extractParamFromUri_ = function(uri, paramName) {
if (!uri) {
uri = uri.split('#')[0]; // Remove anchor.
var parts = uri.split('?'); // Check for query params.
if (parts.length == 1) {
var query = decodeURI(parts[1]);
// Find url param.
paramName += '=';
var params = query.split('&');
for (var i = 0, param; param = params[i]; ++i) {
if (param.indexOf(paramName) === 0) {
return unescape(param.split('=')[1]);
* PHP Socializer functions
* @type {mixed[]} List of social objects to be loaded when the document is ready
_socialQueue = [];
* @param {Object} w The window.
* @param {Object} d The document.
(function(w, d) {
* Begin loading social assets.
var go = function() {
/** @type {Object} Fade handling object. */
var f = {
* Simple fade in effect.
* @param {Array} elements An array of elements to fade in
* @param {Integer} time Total animation time
fadeIn: function(elements, time) {
// If the browser supports CSS transitions, use them
var transition = false,
transitionNames = ['MozTransition', 'webkitTransition', 'OTransition'];
for (var i = 0; i < transitionNames.length; i++) {
if (typeof elements[0].style[transitionNames[i]] !== 'undefined') {
transition = transitionNames[i];
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (transition) {
elements[i].style[transition] = 'opacity ' + time + 'ms ease-in ' + time + 'ms';
elements[i].style.opacity = 1;
} else {
var startOpacity = 0, steps = 1 / 0.02;
(function step(element) {
element.style.opacity = +(element.style.opacity) + 0.02;
// for IE
element.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + element.style.opacity * 100 + ')';
if(element.style.opacity < 1) {
window.setTimeout(function() { step(element); }, time / steps);
* Attach the f.fadeIn function as an onload event to the iFrame,
* then 'kick' it.
* @param {Element} fr The iFrame
* @param {Element} b The wrapping div.
* @param {int} d Fade animation duration.
iframeOnload: function(fr, b, d) {
fr.onload = function() {
f.fadeIn([b], d);
var src = fr.src;
fr.src = '';
fr.src = src;
* Repeatedly check if button is rendered, when it is, perform
* appropriate action.
* @param {Element} b The wrapping div.
* @param {Function} r Function to call with b, returns true or false
* depending on whether button is rendered.
* @param {int} d Fade animation duration.
* @param {Function} m Optional function to be called when rendered.
awaitRenderButton: function(b, r, d, m) {
if (!r(b)) { // Button not rendered yet, wait
window.setTimeout(function() {
f.awaitRenderButton(b, r, d, m);
}, 100);
// Button rendered
if (typeof m !== 'undefined') { // An alternative rendered function was provided
m(b, d);
} else { // Fade in
f.fadeIn([b], d);
* Entry point to the fade in handling object.
* @param {Object} o Hash of options.
awaitRender: function(o) {
for(var i = 0; i < o.buttons.length; i++) {
f.awaitRenderButton(o.buttons[i], o.isRendered, o.duration, o.renderedMethod);
var fjs = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
* Load the social object
* @param {Object} s A social object to be loaded
var load = function(s, f) {
// Ensure script isn't loaded yet
if (d.getElementById(s.id)) {
if (s.preload) {
if (s.url) {
// Create and initialise script
var js = d.createElement('script');
js.src = s.url;
js.id = '_social' + s.id;
js.async = true;
if (s.onload) { // Attach the onload function if present
js.onload = function() { s.onload(f); };
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
// Process queue
for (var i = 0; i < _socialQueue.length; i++) {
load(_socialQueue[i], f);
// Bind 'go' function to load event
if (w.addEventListener) {
w.addEventListener('load', go, false);
} else if (w.attachEvent) {
w.attachEvent('onload', go);
})(window, document);