* 1) initiate the class passing the $_POST data
* 2) optional: set a different divider than comma (default) with function set_divider(';') or set_divider(chr(9)); options are: ; and tab
* 3) call the function save_data() without parameter to get the data returned OR call the function save_data('filename') with a parameter to save the data with the given filename
if(isset($_POST['xls']) && trim($_POST['xls']) != ''){
$csv = new textarea_2_csv($_POST);
// possibility to set the divider to another format
// $xls->set_divider(';');
// $xls->set_divider(chr(9));
// process data and save it with filename output
$data = $csv->save_data('output');
<h2>Example of class "Textarea 2 csv"</h2>
<p>Copy the the content of an excel sheet, paste it in the textarea and click on "Send".</p>
<form method="post">
<p><textarea name="xls" style="width: 800px; height: 400px"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Send" /></p>