// only needed for IDE autocompletion
class GoogleAnimation {
* @var $duration integer
public $duration;
* @var string $easing linear|in|out|inAndOut
public $easing;
class GoogleColor {
public $stroke;
public $strokeWidth;
public $fill;
class GoogleColorAxis {
public $minValue;
public $maxValue;
public $values;
public $colors;
* @var GoogleLegendColorAxis
public $legend;
class GoogleCssClassNames {
* @var string */
public $headerRow;
* @var string */
public $tableRow;
* @var string */
public $oddTableRow;
* @var string */
public $selectedTableRow;
* @var string */
public $hoverTableRow;
* @var string */
public $headerCell;
* @var string */
public $tableCell;
* @var string */
public $rowNumberCell;
class GoogleMagnifyingGlass {
public $enable;
public $zoomFactor;
class GoogleSizeAxis {
* @var integer */
public $maxSize;
* @var integer */
public $maxValue;
* @var integer */
public $minSize;
* @var integer */
public $minValue;
class GoogleTextColor{
public $color;
public $fontName;
public $fontSize;
class GoogleChartArea{
public $top;
public $left;
public $width;
public $height;
class GoogleGridlines{
public $color;
public $count;
class GoogleViewWindow {
public $max;
public $min;
class GoogleLegend{
public $position;
* @var GoogleTextColor
public $textStyle;
public $alignment;
class GoogleLegendColorAxis {
public $position;
* @var GoogleTextColor
public $textStyle;
* @var string
public $numberFormat;
class GoogleAxis{
public $baseline;
public $baselineColor;
public $direction;
public $format;
* @var GoogleGridlines
public $gridlines;
* @var GoogleGridlines
public $minorGridLines;
public $logScale;
public $textStyle;
public $textPosition;
public $title;
public $titleTextStyle;
public $maxValue;
public $minValue;
public $viewWindowModule;
* @var GoogleViewWindow $viewWindow
public $viewWindow;
class GoogleAxisAreaChart extends GoogleAxis{
* @var boolean $slantedText
public $allowContainerBoundaryTextCufoff;
* @var boolean $slantedText
public $slantedText;
* @var integer $slantedTextAngle
public $slantedTextAngle;
* @var integer $maxAlternation
public $maxAlternation;
* @var integer $maxTextLines
public $maxTextLines;
* @var integer $minTextSpacing
public $minTextSpacing;
* @var integer $showTextEvery
public $showTextEvery;
class GoogleToolTip{
* @var GoogleTextColor
public $textStyle;
* @var boolean
public $showColorCode;
* @var string
public $trigger;
class GoogleBar{
* @var integer|string $groupWidth
public $groupWidth;
class GoogleChartOptions {
* @var GoogleAnimation $animation
public $animation;
* @var string $axisTitlesPosition in|out|none
public $axisTitlesPosition;
* @var GoogleColor|string $backgroundColor
public $backgroundColor;
* @var GoogleChartArea $chartArea
public $chartArea;
* @var array $colors
public $colors;
* @var boolean $enableInteractivity
public $enableInteractivity;
* @var string $focusTarget
public $focusTarget;
* @var string $fontSize
public $fontSize;
* @var string $fontName
public $fontName;
* @var array $hAxes
public $hAxes;
* @var integer $height
public $height;
* @var boolean $isHtml
public $isHtml;
* @var boolean $isStacked
public $isStacked;
* @var GoogleLegend $legend
public $legend;
* @var boolean $reverseCategories
public $reverseCategories;
* @var array|object $series
public $series;
* @var string $theme
public $theme;
* @var string $title
public $title;
* @var string $titlePosition
public $titlePosition;
* @var GoogleTextColor $titleTextStyle
public $titleTextStyle;
* @var GoogleToolTip $tooltip
public $tooltip;
* @var GoogleAxisAreaChart $vAxis
public $vAxis;
* @var GoogleAxisAreaChart $hAxis
public $hAxis;
* @var integer $width
public $width;
class GoogleBarchartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions{
* @var GoogleBar $bar
public $bar;
class GoogleAreachartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var integer $areaOpacity
public $areaOpacity;
* @var integer
public $lineWidth;
* @var integer
public $pointSize;
* @var boolean
public $reverseCategories;
* @var array
public $vAxes;
class GoogleBubbleProperties{
* @var float
public $opacity;
* @var string
public $stroke;
* @var GoogleTextColor
public $textStyle;
class GoogleBubblechartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var GoogleBubbleProperties $bubble
public $bubble;
* @var GoogleColorAxis $colorAxis
public $colorAxis;
* @var GoogleSizeAxis $sizeAxis
public $sizeAxis;
* @var boolean $sortBubbleSize */
public $sortBubbleSize;
class GoogleCandlestickProperties {
* @var boolean $hollowIsRising */
public $hollowIsRising;
* @var GoogleColor $fallingColor
public $fallingColor;
* @var GoogleColor $risingColor */
public $risingColor;
class GoogleCandlestickchartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var GoogleBar $bar
public $bar;
* @var GoogleCandlestickProperties $candlestick
public $candlestick;
class GoogleColumnchartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var GoogleBar $bar
public $bar;
class GoogleCombochartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var GoogleBar $bar
public $bar;
* @var GoogleCandlestickProperties $candlestick
public $candlestick;
* @var string $curveType
public $curveType;
* @var boolean $interpolateNulls
public $interpolateNulls;
* @var integer
public $lineWidth;
* @var integer
public $pointSize;
* The default line type for any series not specified in the series property. Available values are 'line', 'area', 'bars', 'candlesticks' and 'steppedArea'.
* @var string $seriesType
public $seriesType;
class GoogleGaugechartOptions {
* @var GoogleAnimation $animation */
public $animation;
* @var string $greenColor */
public $greenColor;
* @var integer */
public $greenFrom;
* @var integer */
public $greenTo;
* @var integer */
public $height;
* @var array */
public $majorTicks;
* @var integer */
public $max;
* @var integer */
public $min;
* @var integer */
public $minorTicks;
* @var string */
public $redColor;
* @var integer */
public $redFrom;
* @var integer */
public $redTo;
* @var integer
public $width;
* @var string
public $yellowColor;
* @var integer */
public $yellowFrom;
* @var integer */
public $yellowTo;
class GoogleGeochartOptions {
* @var GoogleColor|string $backgroundColor
public $backgroundColor;
* @var GoogleColorAxis $colorAxis
public $colorAxis;
* @var string
public $datalessRegionColor;
* @var string
public $displayMode;
* @var boolean $enableInteractivity
public $enableInteractivity;
* @var integer
public $height;
* @var boolean
public $keepAspectRatio;
* @var GoogleLegend $legend
public $legend;
* @var string $region
public $region;
* @var GoogleMagnifyingGlass $magnifyingGlass
public $magnifyingGlass;
* @var integer $markerOpacity
public $markerOpacity;
* @var string $resolution
public $resolution;
* @var GoogleSizeAxis $sizeAxis
public $sizeAxis;
* @var GoogleToolTip $tooltip
public $tooltip;
* @var integer $width
public $width;
class GoogleLinechartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var string $curveType
public $curveType;
* @var boolean $interpolateNulls
public $interpolateNulls;
* @var integer
public $lineWidth;
* @var integer
public $pointSize;
* The default line type for any series not specified in the series property. Available values are 'line', 'area', 'bars', 'candlesticks' and 'steppedArea'.
* @var string $seriesType
public $seriesType;
class GooglePiechartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var boolean $is3D
public $is3D;
* @var array $slices
public $slices;
* @var string $pieSliceBorderColor
public $pieSliceBorderColor;
* @var string $pieSliceText
public $pieSliceText;
* @var GoogleTextColor $pieSliceTextStyle
public $pieSliceTextStyle;
* @var integer $sliceVisibilityThreshold
public $sliceVisibilityThreshold;
* @var string $pieResidueSliceColor
public $pieResidueSliceColor;
* @var string $pieResidueSliceLabel
public $pieResidueSliceLabel;
class GoogleScatterchartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var string $curveType
public $curveType;
* @var boolean $interpolateNulls
public $interpolateNulls;
* @var integer
public $lineWidth;
* @var integer
public $pointSize;
* The default line type for any series not specified in the series property. Available values are 'line', 'area', 'bars', 'candlesticks' and 'steppedArea'.
* @var string $seriesType
public $seriesType;
class GoogleSteppedAreachartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
class GoogleTablechartOptions {
* @var boolean */
public $allowHtml;
* @var boolean */
public $alternatingRowStyle;
* @var GoogleCssClassNames $cssClassNames */
public $cssClassNames;
* @var integer */
public $firstRowNumber;
* @var string */
public $height;
* @var string */
public $page;
* @var integer */
public $pageSize;
* @var boolean */
public $rtlTable;
* @var integer */
public $scrollLeftStartPosition;
* @var boolean */
public $showRowNumber;
* @var string */
public $sort;
* @var boolean */
public $sortAscending;
* @var integer */
public $sortColumn;
* @var integer */
public $startPage;
* @var string */
public $width;
class GoogleTreeMapchartOptions extends GoogleChartOptions {
* @var string */
public $headerColor;
* @var integer */
public $headerHeight;
* @var string */
public $headerHighlightColor;
* @var string */
public $maxColor;
* @var integer */
public $maxDepth;
* @var string */
public $maxHighlightColor;
* @var integer */
public $maxPostDepth;
* @var integer */
public $maxColorValue;
* @var string */
public $midColor;
* @var string */
public $midHighlightColor;
* @var string */
public $minColor;
* @var string */
public $minHighlightColor;
* @var integer */
public $minColorValue;
* @var string */
public $noColor;
* @var string */
public $noHighlightColor;
* @var boolean */
public $showScale;
* @var boolean */
public $showTooltips;
* @var string */
public $fontColor;
* @var string */
public $fontFamily;
* @var integer */
public $fontSize;
* An interactive time series line chart with optional annotations.
* The chart is rendered within the browser using Flash.
* @tutorial http://code.google.com/apis/ajax/playground/?type=visualization
* @see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/annotatedtimeline?hl=de-DE
class GoogleAnnotatedTimelineOptions {
* If set to true, any annotation text that includes HTML tags will be rendered as HTML.
* @var boolean
public $allowHtml;
* Enables a more efficient redrawing technique for the second and later calls to draw() on this visualization. It only redraws the chart area. To use this option, you must fulfill the following requirements:
* <ul><li>allowRedraw must be true</li>
* <li>displayAnnotations must be false (that is, you cannot show annotations)</li>
* <li>you must pass in the same options and values (except for the allowRedraw and displayAnnotations) as in your first call to draw().</li>
* </ul>
* @var bool
public $allowRedraw;
* A suffix to be added to all values in the scales and the legend.
* @var string
public $allValuesSuffix;
* The width (in percent) of the annotations area, out of the entire chart area. Must be a number in the range 5-80.
* @var integer
public $annotationsWidth;
* The colors to use for the chart lines and labels. An array of strings. Each element is a string in a valid HTML color format. For example 'red' or '#00cc00'.
* @var array
public $colors;
* The format used to display the date information in the top right corner. The format of this field is as specified by the java SimpleDateFormat class.
* @var string
public $dateFormat;
* If set to true, the chart will show annotations on top of selected values. When this option is set to true, after every numeric column, two optional annotation string columns can be added, one for the annotation title and one for the annotation text.
* @var boolean $displayAnnotations
public $displayAnnotations;
* If set to true, the chart will display a filter contol to filter annotations. Use this option when there are many annotations.
* @var boolean
public $displayAnnotationsFilter;
* Whether to display a small bar separator ( | ) between the series values and the date in the legend, where true means yes.
* @var boolean
public $displayDateBarSeparator;
* Whether to display a shortened, rounded version of the values on the top of the graph, to save space; false indicates that it may. For example, if set to false, 56123.45 might be displayed as 56.12k.
* @var boolean
public $displayExactValues;
* Whether to display dots next to the values in the legend text, where true means yes.
* @var boolean
public $displayLegendDots;
* Whether to display the highlighted values in the legend, where true means yes.
* @var boolean
public $displayLegendValues;
* Whether to show the zoom range selection area (the area at the bottom of the chart), where false means no.
* The outline in the zoom selector is a log scale version of the last series in the chart, scaled to fit the height of the zoom selector.
* @var boolean
public $displayRangeSelector;
* Whether to show the zoom links ("1d 5d 1m" and so on), where false means no.
* @var boolean
public $displayZoomButtons;
* A number from 0—100 (inclusive) specifying the alpha of the fill below each line in the line graph. 100 means 100% opaque fill, 0 means no fill at all. The fill color is the same color as the line above it.
* @var string
public $fill;
* Which dot on the series to highlight, and corresponding values to show in the legend. Select from one of these values:
* 'nearest' - The values closest along the X axis to the mouse.
* 'last' - The next set of values to the left of the mouse.
* @var string
public $highlightDot;
* Whether to put the colored legend on the same row with the zoom buttons and the date ('sameRow'), or on a new row ('newRow').
* @var string
public $legendPosition;
* The maximum value to show on the Y axis. If the maximum data point exceeds this value, this setting will be ignored, and the chart will be adjusted to show the next major tick mark above the maximum data point. This will take precedence over the Y axis maximum determined by scaleType.
* @var integer
public $max;
* The minimum value to show on the Y axis. If the minimum data point is less than this value, this setting will be ignored, and the chart will be adjusted to show the next major tick mark below the minimum data point. This will take precedence over the Y axis minimum determined by scaleType.
* @var integer
public $min;
* Specifies the number format patterns to be used to format the values at the top of the graph.
* @var string|map
public $numberFormats;
* Specifies which values to show on the Y axis tick marks in the graph. The default is to have a single scale on the right side, which applies to both series; but you can have different sides of the graph scaled to different series values.
* @var array
public $scaleColumns;
* Sets the maximum and minimum values shown on the Y axis. The following options are available:
* @var string
public $scaleType;
* A number from 0—10 (inclusive) specifying the thickness of the lines, where 0 is the thinnest.
* @var integer
public $thickness;
* The Window Mode (wmode) parameter for the Flash chart. Available values are: 'opaque', 'window' or 'transparent'.
* @var string
public $wmode;
* Sets the end date/time of the selected zoom range.
* @var Date
public $zoomEndTime;
* Sets the start date/time of the selected zoom range.
* @var Date
public $zoomStartTime;
class GoogleOptions {
* An interactive time series line chart with optional annotations.
* @var GoogleAnnotatedTimelineOptions $AnnotatedTimeline
* @see https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/annotatedtimeline?hl=de-DE&csw=1
public $AnnotatedTimeline;
* @var GoogleAreachartOptions $Areachart
public $Areachart;
* @var GoogleBarchartOptions $Barchart
public $Barchart;
* @var GoogleBubblechartOptions $Bubblechart
public $Bubblechart;
* @var GoogleCandlestickchartOptions $Candlestickchart
public $Candlestickchart;
* @var GoogleColumnchartOptions $Columnchart
public $Columnchart;
* @var GoogleCombochartOptions $Combochart
public $Combochart;
* @var GoogleGaugechartOptions $Gaugechart
public $Gaugechart;
* @var GoogleGeochartOptions $Geochart
public $Geochart;
* @var GoogleLinechartOptions $Linechart
public $Linechart;
* @var GooglePiechartOptions $Piechart
public $Piechart;
* @var GoogleScatterchartOptions $Scatterchart
public $Scatterchart;
* @var GoogleSteppedAreachartOptions $SteppedAreachart
public $SteppedAreachart;
* @var GoogleTablechartOptions $Tablechart
public $Tablechart;
* @var GoogleTreeMapchartOptions $TreeMapchart
public $TreeMapchart;