* created in 2012-12-12T19:02:00+00:00
class google_maps {
* Creates a new map inside of the given HTML container, which is typically a DIV e
* lement.
* @var document $mapDiv
* @var google_maps_MapOptions $opts
public function Map(document $mapDiv, google_maps_MapOptions $opts){}
* Creates a marker with the options specified. If a map is specified, the marker i
* s added to the map upon construction. Note that the position must be set for the
* marker to display.
* @var google_maps_MarkerOptions $opts
public function Marker(google_maps_MarkerOptions $opts){}
* A structure representing a Marker icon or shadow image. This class is deprecated
* in favor of Icon.
* @var string $url
* @var google_maps_Size $size
* @var google_maps_Point $origin
* @var google_maps_Point $anchor
* @var google_maps_Size $scaledSize
public function MarkerOptions( $url, google_maps_Size $size, google_maps_Point $origin, google_maps_Point $anchor, google_maps_Size $scaledSize){}
* A structure representing a Marker icon or shadow image. This class is deprecated
* in favor of Icon.
* @var string $url
* @var google_maps_Size $size
* @var google_maps_Point $origin
* @var google_maps_Point $anchor
* @var google_maps_Size $scaledSize
public function MarkerImage( $url, google_maps_Size $size, google_maps_Point $origin, google_maps_Point $anchor, google_maps_Size $scaledSize){}
* Creates an info window with the given options. An InfoWindow can be placed on a
* map at a particular position or above a marker, depending on what is specified i
* n the options. Unless auto-pan is disabled, an InfoWindow will pan the map to ma
* ke itself visible when it is opened. After constructing an InfoWindow, you must
* call open to display it on the map. The user can click the close button on the I
* nfoWindow to remove it from the map, or the developer can call close() for the s
* ame effect.
* @var google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts
public function SymbolPath(google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts){}
* Creates an info window with the given options. An InfoWindow can be placed on a
* map at a particular position or above a marker, depending on what is specified i
* n the options. Unless auto-pan is disabled, an InfoWindow will pan the map to ma
* ke itself visible when it is opened. After constructing an InfoWindow, you must
* call open to display it on the map. The user can click the close button on the I
* nfoWindow to remove it from the map, or the developer can call close() for the s
* ame effect.
* @var google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts
public function Animation(google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts){}
* Creates an info window with the given options. An InfoWindow can be placed on a
* map at a particular position or above a marker, depending on what is specified i
* n the options. Unless auto-pan is disabled, an InfoWindow will pan the map to ma
* ke itself visible when it is opened. After constructing an InfoWindow, you must
* call open to display it on the map. The user can click the close button on the I
* nfoWindow to remove it from the map, or the developer can call close() for the s
* ame effect.
* @var google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts
public function InfoWindow(google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $opts){}
* Create a polyline using the passed PolylineOptions, which specify both the path
* of the polyline and the stroke style to use when drawing the polyline. You may p
* ass either an array of LatLngs or an MVCArray of LatLngs when constructing a pol
* yline, though simple arrays are converted to MVCArrays within the polyline upon
* instantiation.
* @var google_maps_PolylineOptions $opts
public function Polyline(google_maps_PolylineOptions $opts){}
* Create a polygon using the passed PolygonOptions, which specify the polygon's pa
* th, the stroke style for the polygon's edges, and the fill style for the polygon
* 's interior regions. A polygon may contain one or more paths, where each path co
* nsists of an array of LatLngs. You may pass either an array of LatLngs or an MVC
* Array of LatLngs when constructing these paths. Arrays are converted to MVCArray
* s within the polygon upon instantiation.
* @var google_maps_PolygonOptions $opts
public function IconSequence(google_maps_PolygonOptions $opts){}
* Create a polygon using the passed PolygonOptions, which specify the polygon's pa
* th, the stroke style for the polygon's edges, and the fill style for the polygon
* 's interior regions. A polygon may contain one or more paths, where each path co
* nsists of an array of LatLngs. You may pass either an array of LatLngs or an MVC
* Array of LatLngs when constructing these paths. Arrays are converted to MVCArray
* s within the polygon upon instantiation.
* @var google_maps_PolygonOptions $opts
public function Polygon(google_maps_PolygonOptions $opts){}
* Create a rectangle using the passed RectangleOptions, which specify the bounds a
* nd style.
* @var google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts
public function PolygonOptions(google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts){}
* Create a rectangle using the passed RectangleOptions, which specify the bounds a
* nd style.
* @var google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts
public function PolyMouseEvent(google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts){}
* Create a rectangle using the passed RectangleOptions, which specify the bounds a
* nd style.
* @var google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts
public function Rectangle(google_maps_RectangleOptions $opts){}
* Create a circle using the passed CircleOptions, which specify the center, radius
* , and style.
* @var google_maps_CircleOptions $opts
public function Circle(google_maps_CircleOptions $opts){}
* Creates a ground overlay from the provided image URL and its LatLngBounds. The i
* mage is scaled to fit the current bounds, and projected using the current map pr
* ojection.
* @var string $url
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
* @var google_maps_GroundOverlayOptions $opts
public function CircleOptions( $url, google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds, google_maps_GroundOverlayOptions $opts){}
* Creates a ground overlay from the provided image URL and its LatLngBounds. The i
* mage is scaled to fit the current bounds, and projected using the current map pr
* ojection.
* @var string $url
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
* @var google_maps_GroundOverlayOptions $opts
public function StrokePosition( $url, google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds, google_maps_GroundOverlayOptions $opts){}
* You should inherit from this class by setting your overlay's prototype to new Ov
* erlayView. You must implement three methods: onAdd(), draw(), and onRemove(). In
* the add() method, you should create DOM objects and append them as children of
* the panes. In the draw() method, you should position these elements. In the onRe
* move() method, you should remove the objects from the DOM. You must call setMap(
* ) with a valid Map object to trigger the call to the onAdd() method and setMap(n
* ull) in order to trigger the onRemove() method. The setMap() method can be calle
* d at the time of construction or at any point afterward when the overlay should
* be re-shown after removing. The draw() method will then be called whenever a map
* property changes that could change the position of the element, such as zoom, c
* enter, or map type.
public function GroundOverlayOptions(){}
* You should inherit from this class by setting your overlay's prototype to new Ov
* erlayView. You must implement three methods: onAdd(), draw(), and onRemove(). In
* the add() method, you should create DOM objects and append them as children of
* the panes. In the draw() method, you should position these elements. In the onRe
* move() method, you should remove the objects from the DOM. You must call setMap(
* ) with a valid Map object to trigger the call to the onAdd() method and setMap(n
* ull) in order to trigger the onRemove() method. The setMap() method can be calle
* d at the time of construction or at any point afterward when the overlay should
* be re-shown after removing. The draw() method will then be called whenever a map
* property changes that could change the position of the element, such as zoom, c
* enter, or map type.
public function OverlayView(){}
* Creates a new instance of a Geocoder that sends geocode requests to Google serve
* rs.
public function MapPanes(){}
* Creates a new instance of a Geocoder that sends geocode requests to Google serve
* rs.
public function MapCanvasProjection(){}
* Creates a new instance of a Geocoder that sends geocode requests to Google serve
* rs.
public function Geocoder(){}
* Creates the renderer with the given options. Directions can be rendered on a map
* (as visual overlays) or additionally on a <div> panel (as textual instructions)
* .
* @var google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $opts
public function GeocoderLocationType(google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $opts){}
* Creates the renderer with the given options. Directions can be rendered on a map
* (as visual overlays) or additionally on a <div> panel (as textual instructions)
* .
* @var google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $opts
public function DirectionsRenderer(google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $opts){}
* Creates a new instance of a DirectionsService that sends directions queries to G
* oogle servers.
public function DirectionsRendererOptions(){}
* Creates a new instance of a ElevationService that sends elevation queries to Goo
* gle servers.
public function TransitAgency(){}
* Creates a new instance of a ElevationService that sends elevation queries to Goo
* gle servers.
public function TransitVehicle(){}
* Creates a new instance of a ElevationService that sends elevation queries to Goo
* gle servers.
public function VehicleType(){}
* Creates a new instance of a DistanceMatrixService that sends distance matrix que
* ries to Google servers.
public function MaxZoomResult(){}
* Creates a new instance of a DistanceMatrixService that sends distance matrix que
* ries to Google servers.
public function DistanceMatrixService(){}
* The MapTypeRegistry holds the collection of custom map types available to the ma
* p for its use. The API consults this registry when providing the list of avaiabl
* e map types within controls, for example.
public function DistanceMatrixElementStatus(){}
* The MapTypeRegistry holds the collection of custom map types available to the ma
* p for its use. The API consults this registry when providing the list of avaiabl
* e map types within controls, for example.
public function MapType(){}
* Constructs an ImageMapType using the provided ImageMapTypeOptions
* @var google_maps_ImageMapTypeOptions $opts
public function Projection(google_maps_ImageMapTypeOptions $opts){}
* Constructs an ImageMapType using the provided ImageMapTypeOptions
* @var google_maps_ImageMapTypeOptions $opts
public function ImageMapType(google_maps_ImageMapTypeOptions $opts){}
* Creates a styled MapType with the specified options. The StyledMapType takes an
* array of MapTypeStyles, where each MapTypeStyle is applied to the map consecutiv
* ely. A later MapTypeStyle that applies the same MapTypeStylers to the same selec
* tors as an earlier MapTypeStyle will override the earlier MapTypeStyle.
* @var array $styles
* @var google_maps_StyledMapTypeOptions $options
public function ImageMapTypeOptions(array $styles, google_maps_StyledMapTypeOptions $options){}
* A layer that displays bike lanes and paths and demotes large roads.
public function MapTypeStyleElementType(){}
* A layer that displays bike lanes and paths and demotes large roads.
public function MapTypeStyler(){}
* Creates a KmlLayer which renders the contents of the specified KML/KMZ file (htt
* ps://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference) or GeoRSS file (http:
* //www.georss.org).
* @var google_maps_KmlLayerOptions $opts
public function FusionTablesMouseEvent(google_maps_KmlLayerOptions $opts){}
* Creates a KmlLayer which renders the contents of the specified KML/KMZ file (htt
* ps://developers.google.com/kml/documentation/kmlreference) or GeoRSS file (http:
* //www.georss.org).
* @var google_maps_KmlLayerOptions $opts
public function KmlLayer(google_maps_KmlLayerOptions $opts){}
* A layer that displays current road traffic.
public function KmlFeatureData(){}
* A layer that displays current road traffic.
public function KmlAuthor(){}
* A layer that displays current road traffic.
public function TrafficLayer(){}
* A layer that displays transit lines.
public function TransitLayer(){}
* Creates a panorama with the passed StreetViewPanoramaOptions.
* @var document $container
* @var google_maps_StreetViewPanoramaOptions $opts
public function StreetViewPanorama(document $container, google_maps_StreetViewPanoramaOptions $opts){}
* Creates a LatLng object representing a geographic point. Latitude is specified i
* n degrees within the range [-90, 90]. Longitude is specified in degrees within t
* he range [-180, 180]. Set noWrap to true to enable values outside of this range.
* Note the ordering of latitude and longitude.
* @var integer $lat
* @var integer $lng
* @var boolean $noWrap
public function LatLng( $lat, $lng, boolean $noWrap){}
* Constructs a rectangle from the points at its south-west and north-east corners.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $sw
* @var google_maps_LatLng $ne
public function LatLngBounds(google_maps_LatLng $sw, google_maps_LatLng $ne){}
* A point on a two-dimensional plane.
* @var integer $x
* @var integer $y
public function Point( $x, $y){}
* Two-dimensonal size, where width is the distance on the x-axis, and height is th
* e distance on the y-axis.
* @var integer $width
* @var integer $height
* @var string $widthUnit
* @var string $heightUnit
public function Size( $width, $height, $widthUnit, $heightUnit){}
* Base class implementing KVO.
public function MVCObject(){}
* A mutable MVC Array.
* @var array $array
public function MVCArray(array $array){}
* Creates an AdSense for Content display ad on the associated map.
* @var document $container
* @var google_maps_AdUnitOptions $opts
public function AdUnit(document $container, google_maps_AdUnitOptions $opts){}
* A layer that displays data from Panoramio.
* @var google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $opts
public function AdFormat(google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $opts){}
* A layer that displays data from Panoramio.
* @var google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $opts
public function PanoramioLayer(google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $opts){}
* Creates a new instance of Autocomplete that attaches to the specified input text
* field with the given options.
* @var google_maps_HTMLInputElement $inputField
* @var google_maps_AutocompleteOptions $opts
public function PanoramioMouseEvent(google_maps_HTMLInputElement $inputField, google_maps_AutocompleteOptions $opts){}
* Creates a new instance of the AutocompleteService.
public function PredictionSubstring(){}
* Creates a new instance of the AutocompleteService.
public function AutocompleteService(){}
* Creates a new instance of the PlacesService that renders attributions in the spe
* cified container.
* @var google_maps_HTMLDivElement $attrContainer
public function PlaceSearchRequest(google_maps_HTMLDivElement $attrContainer){}
* Creates a new instance of SearchBox that attaches to the specified input text fi
* eld with the given options.
* @var google_maps_HTMLInputElement $inputField
* @var google_maps_SearchBoxOptions $opts
public function RankBy(google_maps_HTMLInputElement $inputField, google_maps_SearchBoxOptions $opts){}
* Creates a DrawingManager that allows users to draw overlays on the map, and swit
* ch between the type of overlay to be drawn with a drawing control.
* @var google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options
public function TextSearchRequest(google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options){}
* Creates a DrawingManager that allows users to draw overlays on the map, and swit
* ch between the type of overlay to be drawn with a drawing control.
* @var google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options
public function DrawingManager(google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options){}
* Creates a new instance of HeatmapLayer.
* @var google_maps_HeatmapLayerOptions $opts
public function WeatherForecast(google_maps_HeatmapLayerOptions $opts){}
* Creates a new instance of HeatmapLayer.
* @var google_maps_HeatmapLayerOptions $opts
public function HeatmapLayer(google_maps_HeatmapLayerOptions $opts){}