echo "Your Username is: {$_POST['username']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Password is: {$_POST['password']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Confirmed Password is: {$_POST['password2']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Email is: {$_POST['email']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Confirmed Email is: {$_POST['email2']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Gender is: {$_POST['gender']}";
echo "<br>";
echo "Your Country is: {$_POST['country']}";
echo "<br>";
if(empty($_POST['username'])) echo "<b>Error: You have not entered a username, please go back and fill in the blank.</b>";
elseif(empty($_POST['password']) or $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password2']) echo "<b>Error: You have not entered a password, or you have not confirmed it successfully.</b>";
elseif(empty($_POST['email']) or $_POST['email'] != $_POST['email2']) echo "<b>Error: You have not entered an email, or you have not confirmed it successfully.</b>";
elseif($_POST['tos'] != "yes") echo "<b>Error: You have not yet agreed on the Terms of Services!</b>";
else echo "<b>You have registered successfully!</b>";
$document = new Document("regform");
$form = new Form("myform");
$form->setAlign(new Align("center", "middle"));
$src = new URL("http://www.tivo.com/assets/images/abouttivo/resources/downloads/backgrounds/Green_bkgd_72rgb.jpg");
$field = new FieldSet();
$field->setBackground(new Image($src, "back", 300));
$field->add(new Legend("Required Field"));
$field->add(new Division(new Comment("Please enter your username here, it must be alphanumeric."), "username"));
$field->add(new TextField("username", "admin", 10));
$field->add(new Paragraph(new Comment("Please fill in your password confirmed password here.")));
$field->add(new PasswordField("password", "password", "123456"));
$field->add(new PasswordField("password", "password2"));
$email = new Paragraph();
$email->setFont(new Font(14, "Times New Roman"));
$email->setForeground(new Color("#000080"));
$email->add(new Comment("Please type your email and confirmed email here.", TRUE));
$email->add(new PasswordField("email", "email"));
$email->add(new PasswordField("email", "email2"));
$checkbox = new CheckBox("I agree to the terms of services", "tos", "yes", "yes");
$field2 = new FieldSet(new Legend("Additional Fields"));
$field2->setBackground(new Color("red"));
$radiolist = new RadioList("gender");
$radiolist->add(new RadioButton("Male", "gender", "male"));
$radiolist->add(new RadioButton("Female", "gender", "female"));
$radiolist->add(new RadioButton("Unknown", "gender", "unknown"));
$countries = array("Britain", "France", "Germany", "Italy", "Spain", "America", "Canada", "Russia", "Australia");
$alias = array("gbr", "fra", "ger", "ita", "esp", "usa", "can", "rus", "aus");
$default = "usa";
$dropdown = new DropdownList("country");
$dropdown->fill($countries, $alias, $default);
$comment2 = new Comment("Your Citizenship: ", FALSE);
$comment2->setForeground(new Color("yellow"));
$field2->add(new Comment("Your Gender: ", FALSE));
$field2->add(new Comment("Select an Avatar: ", FALSE));
$field2->add(new FileField("avatar"));
$field2->add(new CheckBox("Receive System/Administrator Email", "systememail", "enabled"));
$submit = new Button("Register", "submit", "submit");
$form->add(new Image(new URL("../templates/icons/facebook.gif"), "facebook", 20));
$form->add(new Image(new URL("../templates/icons/twitter.gif"), "twitter", 20));
$lang = new Comment("Registratio Form", FALSE);
$lang2 = new Comment("Note: It is your own responsibility to protect your password!");
$lang2->setForeground(new Color("red"));
echo $document->render();
$links = $document->getLinks();
$images = $document->getImages();
$forms = $document->getForms();
$tables = $document->getTables();
echo "<center>The document contains:<br>";
echo "{$links->count()} links, {$images->count()} images, {$forms->count()} forms and {$tables->count()} tables.</center>";