$myArchive = new ImageArchive;
// **********************************************************
// M A N D A T O R Y
// These variables MUST be set for the class to work
// **********************************************************
$myArchive->ARCHIVE_ROOT = "/mydocs/Digital Camera/"; // must end with /
$myArchive->VIRTUAL_ARCHIVE_ROOT = "/photos/archive/"; // must end with /
$myArchive->THUMBNAIL_ROOT = "/usr/local/apache/webroot/photos/thumbnails/"; // must end with /
$myArchive->VIRTUAL_THUMBNAIL_ROOT = "/photos/thumbnails/"; // must end with /
// **********************************************************
// O P T I O N A L
// These are optional - see the class for a comprehensive list
// **********************************************************
$myArchive->JPEG_QUALITY = 95;
$myArchive->IMAGEARCHIVE_TITLE = "My Images";
// To get the output as HTML for placement elsewhere use:
// $output_html = $myArchive->Go(false);
// then use
// print $output_html;
// to place the HTML where you like...