// some examples....
// create a new sql object
$sql = new MySql("dbhost","dbuser","dbpass",true);
// get some info on mysql server
$server_info = $sql->getServerInfo();
// create a database and receive databaseObj
$dbObject = $sql->createDB('testDatabase');
// and get a list of databases
$result = $sql->listDBs();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
print "Database: $row[0]<br>\n";
print "------------------------------------------<br>\n";
// drop this newly created table
// and get a list of databases
$result = $sql->listDBs();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
print "Database: $row[0]<br>\n";
print "------------------------------------------<br>\n";
// select a database
$dbObject = $sql->selectDB("anotherDB");
// and get a list of tables in this DB
$result = $dbObject->listTables();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
print "Table in ".$dbObject->getName().": $row[0]<br>\n";
print "------------------------------------------<br>\n";
// and create a table object linked to this DB table
$tableObj = $dbObject->selectTable("someTable");
// turn debug messages for queries to this table on
$tableObj->debug= true;
// insert a value
$result = $tableObj->insert("someColumn","'someString'");
// get some meta infos
print "AffectedRows:".$tableObj->getAffectedRows()."<br>\n";
// get all data in this table
$result = $tableObj->select("*");
// and print out number of hits
print "NumRows:".$tableObj->getNumRows()."<br>\n";