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File: tools/compatibility.php

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File: tools/compatibility.php
Role: Auxiliary script
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Description: Compatibility Tester
Class: Wave Framework
MVC framework for building Web sites and APIs
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Last change: Update of tools/compatibility.php
Date: 11 months ago
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<?php /** * Wave Framework <> * System Compatibility Script * * This script checks if installation is ready for Wave Framework. It checks for PHP version, whether * Apache mod_rewrite RewriteEngine or Nginx URL rewriting is turned on and whether filesystem can be * written to. * * @package Tools * @author Kristo Vaher <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Kristo Vaher * @license GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 * @tutorial /doc/pages/guide_tools.htm * @since 1.5.1 * @version 3.6.0 */ // This initializes tools and authentication require('.'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tools_autoload.php'); // Log is printed out in plain text format header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Compatibility</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/> <link type="text/css" href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"/> <link rel="icon" href="../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/> <link rel="icon" href="../favicon.ico" type="image/"/> <meta content="noindex,nocache,nofollow,noarchive,noimageindex,nosnippet" name="robots"/> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"/> </head> <body> <?php // Pops up an alert about default password passwordNotification($config['http-authentication-password']); // Header echo '<h1>System compatibility</h1>'; echo '<h4 class="highlight">'; foreach($softwareVersions as $software=>$version){ // Adding version numbers echo '<b>'.$software.'</b> ('.$version.') '; } echo '</h4>'; echo '<h2>Reference</h2>'; echo '<div class="border box">'; echo '<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span> Everything is OK<br/>'; echo '<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span> Some functionality might not work or is unavailable<br/>'; echo '<span class="bold red">FAILURE</span> Wave Framework is not meant to work on this system'; echo '</div>'; echo '<h2>Details</h2>'; // Messages are stored in this array $log=array(); // PHP VERSION $phpVersion=phpversion(); if($phpVersion){ if(version_compare($phpVersion,'5.3.0')>=0){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PHP is version 5.3.0 or above (running '.$phpVersion.')'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: PHP is running older version than 5.3, Wave Framework has not been tested on older versions of PHP'; } } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Unable to detect PHP version number, Wave Framework requires PHP version 5.3 or above'; } // SHORT OPEN TAG if(function_exists('ini_get') && ini_get('short_open_tag')==1){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PHP setting short_open_tag is enabled'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PHP setting short_open_tag is turned off, default View controller requires this to work properly, if this is not possible then edit /controllers/controller.view.php and example view files in /views/ folder'; } // PDO // PDO if(extension_loaded('PDO')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO PHP extension is not supported, this extension is used by default database class, if database connections are not used then this warning can be ignored'; } // PDO MYSQL if(extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO MySQL is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO MySQL PHP extension is not supported, MySQL connections could not be used, if MySQL is not used then this warning can be ignored'; } // PDO SQLITE if(extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO SQLite is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO SQLite PHP extension is not supported, SQLite connections could not be used, if SQLite is not used then this warning can be ignored'; } //PDO POSTGRESQL if(extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO PostgreSQL is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO PostgreSQL PHP extension is not supported, PostgreSQL connections could not be used, if PostgreSQL is not used then this warning can be ignored'; } //PDO ORACLE if(extension_loaded('pdo_oci')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO Oracle is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO Oracle PHP extension is not supported, Oracle connections could not be used, if Oracle is not used then this warning can be ignored'; } //PDO MSSQL if(extension_loaded('pdo_mssql')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: PDO MSSQL is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: PDO MSSQL PHP extension is not supported, MSSQL connections could not be used, if MSSQL is not used then this warning can be ignored'; } // ZLIB if(extension_loaded('Zlib')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Zlib is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Zlib PHP extension is not supported, this is needed if output compression is used, but system turns it off automatically if extension is not present'; } // APC if(extension_loaded('apc')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: APC is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: APC PHP extension is not supported, this is not required by Wave Framework, but can improve performance, if supported'; } // XML if(extension_loaded('SimpleXML')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: SimpleXML is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: SimpleXML PHP extension is not supported, this is not required by Wave Framework, but it is needed if you wish to send direct XML procedure to API'; } // CURL AND URL OPEN if(extension_loaded('curl')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: cURL is supported'; } else { if(function_exists('ini_get') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen')==1){ $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: cURL PHP extension is not supported, this is not required by Wave Framework, but is useful when making API requests to other systems that include POST data'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: cURL PHP extension is not supported and allow_url_fopen setting is also off, these are not required by Wave Framework, but without them you cannot make API requests to other networks'; } } // FILEINFO if(extension_loaded('fileinfo')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Fileinfo is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Fileinfo PHP extension is not supported, this is used by File Handler, if this is not available then system detects all downloadable files as application/octet-stream'; } // MCRYPT if(extension_loaded('mcrypt')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Mcrypt is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Mcrypt PHP extension is not supported, this is optional and used only when API requests are made with www-crypt-input and www-crypt-output requests'; } // ZIP if(extension_loaded('Zip')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Zip is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Zip PHP extension is not supported, this is required by automatic update script, this warning can be ignored if update script is not used'; } // FTP if(extension_loaded('ftp')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: FTP is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: FTP PHP extension is not supported, this is required by automatic update script, this warning can be ignored if update script is not used'; } // FTP if(extension_loaded('memcache')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Memcache is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Memcache is not supported, this can be ignored if you do not intend to support Memcache as a caching layer'; } // GD LIBRARY if(extension_loaded('gd')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: GD Graphics Library is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: GD Graphics Library extension is not supported, this is required for dynamically loaded images, this warning can be ignored if dynamic loading is not used'; } // APACHE AND NGINX if(strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Apache')!==false){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Apache server is used'; // APACHE URL REWRITES if(file_exists('.htaccess')){ // .htaccess in this directory attempts to rewrite compatibility.php into compatibility.php?mod_rewrite_enabled and if this is <span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>ful then mod_rewrite must work if(isset($_GET['rewrite_enabled'])){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Apache mod_rewrite extension is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Apache mod_rewrite extension is not supported, Index Gateway and mod_rewrite functionality will not work, this warning can be ignored if Index Gateway is not used'; } } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Cannot test if mod_rewrite and RewriteEngine are enabled, .htaccess file is missing from /tools/ folder, this warning can be ignored if Index Gateway is not used'; } // HTACCESS if(file_exists('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'.htaccess')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: .htaccess file is present'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: .htaccess file is missing from root folder, Index Gateway and rewrite functionality will not work, this warning can be ignored if Index Gateway is not used'; } } else if(strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'nginx')!==false){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Nginx server is used'; // NGINX URL REWRITES // This only works if the /nginx.conf location setting for compatibility script is used in Nginx server configuration if(isset($_GET['rewrite_enabled'])){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: Nginx HttpRewriteModule is supported'; } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Nginx HttpRewriteModule is not supported, Index Gateway and rewrite functionality will not work, this warning can be ignored if Index Gateway is not used'; } } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: Your server is not Apache or Nginx, Index Gateway will not work, this warning can be ignored if Index Gateway is not used'; } // FILESYSTEM // FILESYSTEM ROOT // No files should really be saved in this folder, but it might be necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/ is writable'; unlink('../filesystem/test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM CACHE ROOT // No files should really be saved in this folder, but it might be necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM IMAGE CACHE // All dynamically loaded image cache is stored here if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'images'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/images/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'images'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/images/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM OUTPUT CACHE // All API response cache is stored here if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'output'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/output/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'output'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/output/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM RESOURCE CACHE // All loaded resources (JavaScript, CSS and so on) in their compressed and/or minified format are cached here if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'resources'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/resources/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'resources'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/resources/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM CUSTOM CACHE // Cache created through Factory cache methods if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/custom/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'custom'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/custom/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM CACHE TAGS // Cache created through Factory cache methods if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tags'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/cache/tags/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tags'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold red"><span class="bold red">FAILURE</span></span>: /filesystem/cache/tags/ is not writable'; } // FILESYSTEM MESSENGER // All the certificates and encryption keys should be stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'messenger'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/messenger/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'messenger'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/messenger/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if state messenger is not used'; } // FILESYSTEM SESSIONS // User session cookies if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sessions'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/sessions/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sessions'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/sessions/ is not writable, user session storage is unavailable and session storage will not work, if used'; } // FILESYSTEM KEYS // All the certificates and encryption keys should be stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'keys'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/keys/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'keys'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/keys/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if API keys and security features are not used'; } // FILESYSTEM LIMITER // All the limiter data (requests per IP and so on) is stored here and is used by Limiter to check for possible denial of service attacks from IP's // Automatically blocked IP's are also stored here if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limiter'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/limiter/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'limiter'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/limiter/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if Limiter is not used by Index Gateway'; } // FILESYSTEM LOG // This stores all Logger generated log files if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/logs/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/logs/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if performance logging is not used by Index Gateway'; } // FILESYSTEM ERRORS // This stores all Logger generated log files if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'errors'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/errors/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'errors'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/errors/ is not writable, it is recommended to keep this folder writable, since it is useful for debugging purposes'; } // FILESYSTEM SESSION TOKENS // This stores all API sessions and tokens per API profile if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tokens'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/tokens/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tokens'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/tokens/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if API keys and security features are not used'; } // FILESYSTEM TEMPORARY FILES // Various temporary files should be stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tmp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/tmp/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'tmp'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/tmp/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if your system does not write anything to that folder'; } // FILESYSTEM USERDATA // Various user uploaded files should be stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'userdata'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/userdata/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'userdata'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/userdata/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if your system does not write anything to that folder'; } // BACKUPS // System backups are stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'backups'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/backups/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'backups'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/backups/ is not writable, this means that default update script cannot store backup archives when used'; } // STATIC // Static uploads are stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'static'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/static/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'static'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/static/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if you do not intend to write anything in static folder'; } // UPDATES // Update archives are stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/updates/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'updates'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/updates/ is not writable, this means that default update script cannot store update archives when used'; } // FILESYSTEM DATA // Various databases (like SQLite) should be stored here // Wave Framework itself does not use this folder and this should be used by developer, if necessary if(file_put_contents('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'data'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp','1')){ $log[]='<span class="bold">SUCCESS</span>: /filesystem/data/ is writable'; unlink('..'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'filesystem'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'data'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'test.tmp'); } else { $log[]='<span class="bold orange">WARNING</span>: /filesystem/data/ is not writable, this warning can be ignored if your system does not write anything to that folder'; } // Printing out the log echo '<p>'; echo implode('</p><p>',$log); echo '</p>'; // Footer echo '<p class="footer small bold">Generated at '.date('d.m.Y h:i').' GMT '.date('P').' for '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'</p>'; ?> </body> </html>