* MyProjectNameHere <http://www.example.com>
* Model Class
* It is recommended to extend Model classes from WWW_Factory in order to
* provide various useful functions and API access for the Model.
* @package Factory
* @author DeveloperNameHere <email@example.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, ProjectOwnerNameHere
* @license Unrestricted
* @tutorial /doc/pages/guide_mvc.htm
* @since 1.0.0
* @version 1.0.0
class WWW_model_example extends WWW_Factory {
* It is recommended to define all data variables here. Usually the
* data variables have the same names as the column names of database
* rows from a table.
public $id=0;
public $name='';
* Alternative to __construct()
* WWW_Factory does not allow to overwrite __construct() method, so
* this __initialize() is used instead and loaded automatically when
* object is created.
* @return boolean
public function __initialize(){
// Do something here
return true;
* This is intended to load data from database
* @param integer $id identifier of the object loaded
* @return boolean
public function load($id){
// Attempting to find the table row
// $data=$this->dbSingle('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=?',array($id));
// if($data){
// Assigning data to object parameters
// $this->id=$data['id'];
// $this->name=$data['name'];
// This below is just an example without database, used in some tutorials
$this->name='Lorem Ipsum #'.rand(1,1000); // This is used for simply testing cache
return true;
// } else {
// return false;
// }
* This returns all of the data of currently open object
* @return array
public function get(){
// Current Data is returned as an array
return array(
* This returns multiple objects from database as array entries, similar to regular
* get() method call. It also supports filtering.
* @param $config array of configuration data for the call, filters and so on
* @return array
public function all($config){
// If specific fields are requested
} else {
// Total row calculation is not necessary, but can be sometimes useful
$query='SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.$fields.' FROM table ';
// Filtering data
// Filtering with a field, if set
if(isset($config['filter-name']) && trim($config['filter-name'])!=''){ $filters[]='table.name LIKE ?'; $filterData[]='%'.str_replace(array('%','_'),array('\\%','\\_'),$config['filter-name']).'%'; }
// Building filtered query, if filters are set
foreach($filters as $key=>$filter){
$query.=' WHERE '.$filter;
} else {
$query.=' AND '.$filter;
// If ordering settings are used
if(!isset($config['order'])){ $config['order']='DESC'; }
$query.=' ORDER BY '.$this->filter($config['order-by'],'alphanumeric','_').' '.$this->filter($config['order'],'alphanumeric','_');
// If only certain amount of rows are requested
// Pre-setting limit from value if it was not sent
if(!isset($config['limit-from'])){ $config['limit-from']='0'; }
$query.=' LIMIT '.$this->filter($config['limit-from'],'integer').','.$this->filter($config['limit'],'integer');
// Making the request
// Finding total rows
$totalRows=$this->dbSingle('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as rows;');
// Returning entries and the total row count
return array('entries'=>$rows,'total'=>$totalRows['rows']);
} else {
// Returning empty data
return array('entries'=>array(),'total'=>0);
* This function is intended to save data to database
* @return integer|boolean
public function save(){
// These variables hold the data for prepared statement
// Preparing query command and data value for prepared statement
// Update if ID exists, otherwise insert
$save=$this->dbCommand('UPDATE table SET '.implode(',',$query).' WHERE id=?;',$data);
} else {
$save=$this->dbCommand('INSERT INTO table SET '.implode(',',$query).';',$data);
// Returning the ID if the adding was a success
// Returning the ID
return $this->id;
} else {
// Database command failed
return false;
* This function is intended to save data to database
* @return boolean
public function delete($id){
// Attempting to delete the row
if($this->dbCommand('DELETE FROM table WHERE id=?',array($id))){
// Returning the ID of deleted row
return $id;
} else {
// Database command failed
return false;