* Wave Framework <http://github.com/kristovaher/Wave-Framework>
* Limiter Class
* This is an optional class that is used to limit HTTP requests based on user agent, IP,
* server condition and other information. This class is loaded by Index Gateway. WWW_Limiter
* can be used to block IP's if they make too many requests per minute, block requests if
* server load is detected as too high, block the request if it comes from blacklist provided
* by the system, allow only whitelisted IP's to access, ask for HTTP authentication or force
* the user agent to use HTTPS. Note that some of this functionality can be achieved by Apache
* configuration and modules, but it is provided here for cases where the project developer
* might not have control over server configuration.
* @package Limiter
* @author Kristo Vaher <kristo@waher.net>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Kristo Vaher
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3
* @tutorial /doc/pages/limiter.htm
* @since 1.0.0
* @version 3.6.4
class WWW_Limiter {
* This is the main address of the folder where limiter stores log files for
* request limiter.
private $logDir='./';
* This holds the WWW_Logger object, if it is used. This makes it possible for Limiter
* to write proper log files through Logger in case requests are blocked.
public $logger=false;
* Construction method of Logger expects just one variable: $logDir, which is the folder where
* limiter stores files for specific limiter methods. This folder should be writable by PHP.
* @param string $logDir location of directory to store log files at
* @return WWW_Limiter
public function __construct($logDir='./'){
// Defining IP
// Checking if log directory is valid
// Log directory is assigned
} else {
// Assigned folder is not detected as being a folder
trigger_error('Assigned limiter folder does not exist',E_USER_ERROR);
* This method will block requests from the request-making IP address for $duration amount
* of seconds, if the IP address makes more than $limit amount of requests per minute. It
* keeps track of the amount of requests by storing minimal log files in filesystem, in
* $logDir subfolder. Returns true if not limited, throws 403 error if limit exceeded.
* @param integer $limit amount of requests that cannot be exceeded per minute
* @param integer $duration duration of how long the IP will be blocked if limit is exceeded
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitRequestCount($limit=400,$duration=3600){
// Limiter is only used if limit is set higher than 0 and request does not originate from the same server
if($limit!=0 && __IP__!=$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']){
// Log filename is hashed user agents IP
// Subfolder name is derived from log filename
// If log directory does not exist, then it is created
// Error is returned if creating the limiter folder with proper permissions does not work
trigger_error('Cannot create limiter folder',E_USER_ERROR);
// If file exists, then the amount of requests are checked, if file does not exist then it is created
// Loading current contents of the file
// If current file does not say that the IP is blocked, the request frequency is checked
// Limit is checked by counting the most recent requests stored in the file
// Limited amount of rows is taken from the file before data is flipped, minimizing the timestamps for check
// Limit has been reached by all of the requests happening in the same minute
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>429,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Too many requests'));
// Block file is created and 403 page thrown to the user agent
// Returning proper header
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: '.$duration);
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">YOUR IP HAS MADE TOO MANY REQUESTS TO THIS SERVER, TRY AGAIN IN '.$duration.' SECONDS</div>';
// When limit was not exceeded, file is stored again with new data
file_put_contents($this->logDir.$logFilename.'.tmp',$limiterData."\n".date('Y-m-d H:i',$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']));
} else {
// The time when lock was created
// If the file that has blocked the requests is older than the limit duration, then block is deleted, otherwise 403 page is shown
// Block file is removed
} else {
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>429,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Too many requests'));
// Returning 403 header
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: '.$retryAfter);
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">YOUR IP HAS MADE TOO MANY REQUESTS TO THIS SERVER, TRY AGAIN IN '.$retryAfter.' SECONDS</div>';
} else {
// Current date, hour and minute are stored in the file
file_put_contents($this->logDir.$logFilename.'.tmp',date('Y-m-d H:i',$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']));
// Request limiter processed
return true;
* This method will block HTTP requests if server load is more than $limit. It throws
* 503 Service Unavailable message should that happen.
* @param integer $limit server load that, if exceeded, causes the user agents request to be blocked
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitServerLoad($limit=80){
// System load is checked only if limit is not set
// This function does not return on Windows servers
// Returns system load in the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes.
// 503 page is returned if load is above limit
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>503,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Server load exceeded, current load is '.$load[0].', limit is '.$limit));
// Returning 503 header
header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">SERVER IS UNDER A LOT OF STRESS, YOUR REQUEST IS CURRENTLY BLOCKED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER</div>';
} else {
return true;
// Server load limiter processed
return true;
* This method only allows HTTP requests from a comma-separated list of IP addresses
* sent with $whitelist. For every other IP address it throws a 403 Forbidden error.
* @param string $whiteList comma-separated list of whitelisted IP addresses
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitWhitelisted($whiteList=''){
// This value should be a comma-separated string of blacklisted IP's
// Exploding string of IP's into an array
// Checking if the user agent IP is set in blacklist array
if(empty($whiteList) || !in_array(__IP__,$whiteList)){
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>403,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Not whitelisted'));
// Returning 403 data
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">YOUR IP IS NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS SERVICE</div>';
// Blacklist processed
return true;
* This method blocks IP addresses sent with $blackList as a comma-separated list. If HTTP
* request has an IP defined in that list, then Limiter throws a 403 Forbidden error.
* @param string $blackList comma-separated list of blacklisted IP addresses
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitBlacklisted($blackList=''){
// This value should be a comma-separated string of blacklisted IP's
// Exploding string of IP's into an array
// Checking if the user agent IP is set in blacklist array
if(!empty($blackList) && in_array(__IP__,$blackList)){
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
// Returning 403 data
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">YOUR IP IS NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS SERVICE</div>';
// Blacklist processed
return true;
* This method asks for basic HTTP authentication $username and $password and throws a
* 403 Forbidden error if provided credentials are incorrect or missing. It is also
* possible to provide a comma-separated list of IP addresses in $ip that allow this
* type of authentication for additional security.
* @param string $username correct username for the request
* @param string $password correct password for the request
* @param string $ip comma separated list of allowed IP addresses
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitUnauthorized($username,$password,$ip='*'){
// If all IP's are not allowed
// If provided username and password are not correct, then 401 page is displayed to the user agent
if(is_array($ip) && !in_array(__IP__,$ip)){
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">YOUR IP IS NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS SERVICE</div>';
} elseif(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!=$username || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']!=$password){
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>401,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Authorization required'));
// Returning 401 headers
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'"');
header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">AUTHORIZATION DETAILS ARE REQUIRED</div>';
// HTTP authorization processed
return true;
* This method either throws a 403 Forbidden error if non-HTTPS connection is used to make
* a request, or redirects the request to HTTPS. If $autoRedirect is set to true, then HTTP
* requests are automatically redirected.
* @param boolean $autoRedirect if this is set to true, then system redirects user agent to HTTPS
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitNonSecureRequests($autoRedirect=true){
// HTTPS is detected from $_SERVER variables
if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || ($_SERVER['HTTPS']!=1 && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!='on')){
// If auto redirect is on, user agent is forwarded by replacing the http:// protocol with https://
// Redirecting to HTTPS address
header('Location: https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} else {
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>401,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'HTTPS required'));
// Returning 401 header
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">HTTPS CONNECTION IS REQUIRED</div>';
// Script is halted
} else {
// This tells the browser to remember to use HTTPS when accessing the site.
header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2147483647 [; includeSubdomains]');
// HTTPS check processed
return true;
* This method either throws a 403 Forbidden error if a referrer is used that is not accepted.
* @param string $allowed This is comma-separated list of domains that are allowed or not to be the referrer
* @return boolean or exit if limiter hit
public function limitReferrer($allowed='*'){
// Allowed setting can be a comma-separated string
// Parsing the referrer URL
// Checking for domain name existence and returning true, if accepted
if(in_array('*',$allowed) && !in_array('!'.$referrer['host'],$allowed)){
return true;
} elseif(in_array($referrer['host'],$allowed)){
return true;
// Request is logged and can be used for performance review later
$this->logger->setCustomLogData(array('response-code'=>401,'category'=>'limiter','reason'=>'Incorrect referrer'));
// Returning 401 header
header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
// Response to be displayed in browser
echo '<div style="font:18px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:100px 50px 10px 50px;">HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden</div>';
echo '<div style="font:14px Tahoma; text-align:center;padding:10px 50px 100px 50px;">THIS REFERRER IS NOT ALLOWED</div>';
// Script is halted
// Referrer check processed
return true;