// Example
$v = new Validit();
// Check for alpha strings and length. This time we want to allow space (\t\r\n) so take
// note of the third parameter passed to alphaCheck(). This is optional and if left out will
// prevent strings from containing space.
$v -> alphaCheck($v -> lengthCheck($_GET['name'], 'name length problem', 30, 2), 'name contains illegal characters', '[:space:]');
// Check for validate email address format and length
$v -> emailCheck($v -> lengthCheck($_GET['email'], 'email length error', 80, 7), 'invalid email address');
// Check for integer and length
$v -> numericCheck($v -> lengthCheck($_GET['num'], 'number length error', 25, 2), 'not an integer');
// Check for alpha numeric strings and length. This time we want to allow space (\t\r\n) so take
// note of the third parameter passed to alphaNumericCheck().
$v -> alphaNumericCheck($v -> lengthCheck($_GET['address'], 'address length problem', 20, 5), 'address contains illegal characters', '[:space:]');
// Check for alpha numeric strings and length. Again take note of the third parameter passed to
// alphaNumericCheck() this time we want to allow the '_' character
$v -> alphaNumericCheck($v -> lengthCheck($_GET['pass'], 'password length problem', 20, 5), 'password contains illegal characters', '_');
// Check strings
$v -> compareCheck($_GET['pass'], $_GET['pass2'], 'passwords don\'t match');
// Output errors (if any)
foreach($v -> getErrors() as $output)
echo ($output.'<br>');
// Reset error list
$v -> resetErrorList();