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File: matrix.example.php

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  Classes of Jon Lawrence   LW_Matrix   matrix.example.php   Download  
File: matrix.example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example usage
Class: LW_Matrix
Perform math operations with matrices
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 2,992 bytes


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 * Example usage of the LW_Matrix class
 * Will show a variety of methods and how to handle errors
 * ©2012 Jon Lawrence

require_once "matrix.class.php"; //require the LW_Matrix class

 * Creating a matrix via constructor
 * | 1 2 3 |
 * | 4 5 6 |
 * | 7 8 9 |
$myMatrix = new LW_Matrix("[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]");

//For the sake of ease in demonstration, everything will
//be 'preformatted' in html.
echo "<pre>\n";

//return if it's a square matrix. In this case, true.
$isSquare = $myMatrix->isSquare();

//use a try block to so you can catch if an operation fails
try {
//Get the inverse matrix
$invMatrix = $myMatrix->inverse();
} catch (
Exception $e) {
$eCode = $e->getCode();
//Show your own error based on constant
echo "No inverse matrix exists\n";
//Show the error string provided by the class
echo $e->getMessage() ."\n";

//use the __toString() method by default for printing
echo "\$myMatrix : ". $myMatrix ."\n";

//Transpose the matrix, use (false, false) as parameters to return LW_Matrix object
$tranMatrix = $myMatrix->transpose(false, false);
"\$tranMatrix : ". $tranMatrix ."\n";

//Creating an identity matrix that is 3 by 3
$identMatrix = new LW_Matrix();
"\$identMatrix : ". $identMatrix ."\n";

 * Solving a set of linear equations using the LW_Matrix Class
 * Use in a try block to avoid a fatal error, and possibly
 * provide the user a reason why it failed
 * Equations to use:
 * 3x + 2y - z = 1
 * 2x - 2y + 4z = -2
 * -1x + .5y - z = 0
 * Matrices will then be:
 * | 3 2 -1 |
 * A = | 2 -2 4 |
 * | -1 .5 -1 |
 * for the variable, the solution set will be:
 * | 1 |
 * C = | -2 |
 * | 0 |
 * Solving the set is defined by A^(-1)C, with the solution set
 * being in the form of
 * | x |
 * solution = | y |
 * | z |
try {
$A = new LW_Matrix("[3,2,-1;2,-2,4;-1,.5,-1]");
$C = new LW_Matrix("[1;-2;0]");
//get the inverse of A
$invA = $A->inverse();
//now multiply the inverse by C
$solution = $invA->mpMatrix($C);
     * If we want to break down the solution to their own
     * variables, do the following:
    //first, remove the brackets
$sText = str_replace("[", "", $solution->toString());
$sText = str_replace("]", "", $sText);
//Now explode the contents to their own variables:
list($x,$y,$z) = explode(";", $sText);
//output the variables
echo "x = $x\ny = $y\nz = $z";
} catch (
Exception $e) {
//show the default string of the first thing to go wrong
echo "\n". $e->getMessage() ."\n";

 * Now that you are familiar with how the class is used,
 * and have plenty of documentation to reference, go have fun!
