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File: Console/Tests/Input/ArgvInputTest.php

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File: Console/Tests/Input/ArgvInputTest.php
Role: Unit test script
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Description: Unit test script
Class: Redmine PHP Console Tools
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Date: 11 months ago
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<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\Input; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; class ArgvInputTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testConstructor() { $_SERVER['argv'] = array('cli.php', 'foo'); $input = new ArgvInput(); $r = new \ReflectionObject($input); $p = $r->getProperty('tokens'); $p->setAccessible(true); $this->assertEquals(array('foo'), $p->getValue($input), '__construct() automatically get its input from the argv server variable'); } public function testParser() { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', 'foo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('name')))); $this->assertEquals(array('name' => 'foo'), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses required arguments'); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('name')))); $this->assertEquals(array('name' => 'foo'), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() is stateless'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo')))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses long options without a value'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo=bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses long options with a required value (with a = separator)'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo', 'bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses long options with a required value (with a space separator)'); try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); $this->assertEquals('The "--foo" option requires a value.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); } $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f')))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options without a value'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fbar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options with a required value (with no separator)'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f', 'bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options with a required value (with a space separator)'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f', '-b', 'foo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('name'), new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL), new InputOption('bar', 'b')))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => null, 'bar' => true), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options with an optional value which is not present'); try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); $this->assertEquals('The "--foo" option requires a value.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if no value is passed to an option when it is required'); } try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-ffoo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_NONE)))); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if a value is passed to an option which does not take one'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if a value is passed to an option which does not take one'); $this->assertEquals('The "-o" option does not exist.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if a value is passed to an option which does not take one'); } try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', 'foo', 'bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition()); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if too many arguments are passed'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if too many arguments are passed'); $this->assertEquals('Too many arguments.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if too many arguments are passed'); } try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition()); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown long option is passed'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown long option is passed'); $this->assertEquals('The "--foo" option does not exist.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown long option is passed'); } try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition()); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown short option is passed'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown short option is passed'); $this->assertEquals('The "-f" option does not exist.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown short option is passed'); } $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fb')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f'), new InputOption('bar', 'b')))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true, 'bar' => true), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options when they are aggregated as a single one'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fb', 'bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f'), new InputOption('bar', 'b', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true, 'bar' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options when they are aggregated as a single one and the last one has a required value'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fb', 'bar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f'), new InputOption('bar', 'b', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true, 'bar' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options when they are aggregated as a single one and the last one has an optional value'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fbbar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f'), new InputOption('bar', 'b', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => true, 'bar' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options when they are aggregated as a single one and the last one has an optional value with no separator'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fbbar')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL), new InputOption('bar', 'b', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bbar', 'bar' => null), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses short options when they are aggregated as a single one and one of them takes a value'); try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bat')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('name', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY)))); $this->assertEquals(array('name' => array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bat')), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses array arguments'); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $this->assertNotEquals('Too many arguments.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() parses array arguments'); } $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--name=foo', '--name=bar', '--name=baz')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputOption('name', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY)))); $this->assertEquals(array('name' => array('foo', 'bar', 'baz')), $input->getOptions()); try { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-1')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('number')))); $this->fail('->parse() throws a \RuntimeException if an unknown option is passed'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('\RuntimeException', $e, '->parse() parses arguments with leading dashes as options without having encountered a double-dash sequence'); $this->assertEquals('The "-1" option does not exist.', $e->getMessage(), '->parse() parses arguments with leading dashes as options without having encountered a double-dash sequence'); } $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--', '-1')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('number')))); $this->assertEquals(array('number' => '-1'), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses arguments with leading dashes as arguments after having encountered a double-dash sequence'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f', 'bar', '--', '-1')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('number'), new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL)))); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $input->getOptions(), '->parse() parses arguments with leading dashes as options before having encountered a double-dash sequence'); $this->assertEquals(array('number' => '-1'), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses arguments with leading dashes as arguments after having encountered a double-dash sequence'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f', 'bar', '')); $input->bind(new InputDefinition(array(new InputArgument('empty'), new InputOption('foo', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL)))); $this->assertEquals(array('empty' => ''), $input->getArguments(), '->parse() parses empty string arguments'); } public function testGetFirstArgument() { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fbbar')); $this->assertEquals('', $input->getFirstArgument(), '->getFirstArgument() returns the first argument from the raw input'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-fbbar', 'foo')); $this->assertEquals('foo', $input->getFirstArgument(), '->getFirstArgument() returns the first argument from the raw input'); } public function testHasParameterOption() { $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '-f', 'foo')); $this->assertTrue($input->hasParameterOption('-f'), '->hasParameterOption() returns true if the given short option is in the raw input'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', '--foo', 'foo')); $this->assertTrue($input->hasParameterOption('--foo'), '->hasParameterOption() returns true if the given short option is in the raw input'); $input = new ArgvInput(array('cli.php', 'foo')); $this->assertFalse($input->hasParameterOption('--foo'), '->hasParameterOption() returns false if the given short option is not in the raw input'); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetParameterOptionValues */ public function testGetParameterOptionEqualSign($argv, $key, $expected) { $input = new ArgvInput($argv); $this->assertEquals($expected, $input->getParameterOption($key), '->getParameterOption() returns the expected value'); } public function provideGetParameterOptionValues() { return array( array(array('app/console', 'foo:bar', '-e', 'dev'), '-e', 'dev'), array(array('app/console', 'foo:bar', '--env=dev'), '--env', 'dev'), array(array('app/console', 'foo:bar', '-e', 'dev'), array('-e', '--env'), 'dev'), array(array('app/console', 'foo:bar', '--env=dev'), array('-e', '--env'), 'dev'), ); } }