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File: Console/Tests/Fixtures/application_asxml1.txt

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File: Console/Tests/Fixtures/application_asxml1.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: Redmine PHP Console Tools
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Last change: Update of Console/Tests/Fixtures/application_asxml1.txt
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 2,637 bytes


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <symfony> <commands> <command id="help" name="help"> <usage>help [--xml] [command_name]</usage> <description>Displays help for a command</description> <help>The &lt;info&gt;help&lt;/info&gt; command displays help for a given command: &lt;info&gt;php app/console help list&lt;/info&gt; You can also output the help as XML by using the &lt;comment&gt;--xml&lt;/comment&gt; option: &lt;info&gt;php app/console help --xml list&lt;/info&gt;</help> <aliases /> <arguments> <argument name="command_name" is_required="0" is_array="0"> <description>The command name</description> <defaults> <default>help</default> </defaults> </argument> </arguments> <options> <option name="--xml" shortcut="" accept_value="0" is_value_required="0" is_multiple="0"> <description>To output help as XML</description> </option> </options> </command> <command id="list" name="list"> <usage>list [--xml] [--raw] [namespace]</usage> <description>Lists commands</description> <help>The &lt;info&gt;list&lt;/info&gt; command lists all commands: &lt;info&gt;php app/console list&lt;/info&gt; You can also display the commands for a specific namespace: &lt;info&gt;php app/console list test&lt;/info&gt; You can also output the information as XML by using the &lt;comment&gt;--xml&lt;/comment&gt; option: &lt;info&gt;php app/console list --xml&lt;/info&gt; It's also possible to get raw list of commands (useful for embedding command runner): &lt;info&gt;php app/console list --raw&lt;/info&gt;</help> <aliases/> <arguments> <argument name="namespace" is_required="0" is_array="0"> <description>The namespace name</description> <defaults/> </argument> </arguments> <options> <option name="--xml" shortcut="" accept_value="0" is_value_required="0" is_multiple="0"> <description>To output help as XML</description> </option> <option name="--raw" shortcut="" accept_value="0" is_value_required="0" is_multiple="0"> <description>To output raw command list</description> </option> </options> </command> <command id="foo:bar" name="foo:bar"> <usage>foo:bar</usage> <description>The foo:bar command</description> <help/> <aliases> <alias>afoobar</alias> </aliases> <arguments/> <options/> </command> </commands> <namespaces> <namespace id="_global"> <command>help</command> <command>list</command> </namespace> <namespace id="foo"> <command>foo:bar</command> </namespace> </namespaces> </symfony>