<?php /** * Test for example1.php * @author Rubens Takiguti Ribeiro <rubs33@gmail.com> */
// Configure this variable with base url for example1.php $url = 'http://localhost/expires/';
/** * Execute test * @return void */ function do_test($url) { // Request #1 fwrite(STDOUT, "Request #1\n"); $context = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => '' ) ) ); $http_response_content = file_get_contents($url . 'example1.php', null, $context); if (!$http_response_content) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: unknown error\n"); exit(1); }
// Check header list($response_code, $header) = parse_header($http_response_header); fwrite(STDOUT, "Response code: {$response_code} / Expected: 200\n"); if ($response_code !== 200) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: invalid response code ({$response_code})\n"); exit(1); }
// Get cookie, date, cache-control, expires, last-modified $cookies = array(); if (isset($header['set-cookie'])) { $cookies = parse_cookies($header['set-cookie']); } if (!isset($header['date'])) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: date not received\n"); exit(1); } if (!isset($header['cache-control'])) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: cache-control not received\n"); exit(1); } if (!isset($header['expires'])) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: expires not received\n"); exit(1); } if (!isset($header['last-modified'])) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #1: last-modified not received\n"); exit(1); }
$if_modified_since = current($header['last-modified']);
$cookie_str = ''; $separator = ''; foreach ($cookies as $cookie => $value) { $cookie_str .= sprintf('%s%s=%s', $separator, $cookie, urlencode($value)); $separator = '; '; }
$header_str = ''; $header_str .= "If-Modified-Since: {$if_modified_since}\r\n"; $header_str .= "Cookie: {$cookie_str}\r\n";
// Request #2 fwrite(STDOUT, "Request #2\n"); $context = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => $header_str ) ) ); $http_response_content = file_get_contents($url . 'example1.php', null, $context);
// Check header list($response_code, $header) = parse_header($http_response_header); fwrite(STDOUT, "Response code: {$response_code} / Expected: 304\n"); if ($response_code !== 304) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #2: invalid response code ({$response_code})\n"); exit(1); }
fwrite(STDOUT, "Sleep for 11 seconds to expire cache\n"); sleep(11);
// Request #3 fwrite(STDOUT, "Request #3\n"); $context = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'header' => $header_str ) ) ); $http_response_content = file_get_contents($url . 'example1.php', null, $context);
// Check header list($response_code, $header) = parse_header($http_response_header); fwrite(STDOUT, "Response code: {$response_code} / Expected: 200\n"); if ($response_code !== 200) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error on response #3: invalid response code ({$response_code})\n"); exit(1); }
fwrite(STDOUT, "Test passed\n"); exit(0); }
/** * Parse header * @return array[int, array[string => string]] */ function parse_header($header) { $response_code = null; $parsed_header = array(); foreach ($header as $line) { if (preg_match('/^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s([1-5]\d\d)\s/i', $line, $matches)) { $response_code = (int)$matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/^\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/', $line, $matches)) { $key = strtolower($matches[1]); if (!isset($parsed_header[$key])) { $parsed_header[$key] = array(); } $parsed_header[$key][] = $matches[2]; } } return array($response_code, $parsed_header); }
/** * Parse cookies * @param array[string] $cookies * @return array[string => string] */ function parse_cookies($cookies) { $parsed_cookies = array(); foreach ($cookies as $value) { if (preg_match('/^([^=]+)=([^;]+)(;.*)?/', $value, $matches)) { $parsed_cookies[$matches[1]] = urldecode($matches[2]); } } return $parsed_cookies; }