// Include MapBuilder class.
require_once 'class.MapBuilder.php';
// Create MapBuilder object.
$map = new MapBuilder();
// Set API key
// Set map's center position by latitude and longitude coordinates.
$map->setCenter(48.860181, 2.3249648);
// Set the default map type.
// Set width and height of the map.
$map->setSize(800, 500);
// Set default zoom level.
// Enable sensor.
// It's not required, as the sensor will turned on automatically by the following 2 methods.
// Add marker at location returned by GPS sensor.
'html' => '<b>Hey, it\'s my location!</b>',
'defColor' => '#FF6161',
'defSymbol' => '%E2%80%A2',
'infoCloseOthers' => true
// Make location returned by GPS sensor the map center.
// Display the map.