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File: mysql_class.readme

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File: mysql_class.readme
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: English
Class: mysql_class
Easier insert, update methods with MySQL
Author: By
Last change: Corrected , adapted and added a few examples;
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 1,859 bytes


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The intention of this class is to simplify the mysql , queries and acess do database. What is Relevant in this class : It can be read from any location ( file.conf , url ) the host,user,password directives. If you don't like this you can use a require of a php file that olds the confs . Or replacement of code by placing require($file) instead of file($file). And then assining the variables to the class variables. example ($this->database=$database;) You can also create the object like : require("mysql_class.php"); /* requiring the class file at the begining of a new class .*/ $obj = new bd(); $obj->ligarBD(Arguments); ligarBD is the same has connectBD You can use an easy funtion to insert or update values similar to pg_insert, and pg_update available from Postgresql functions in PHP. The function are mysql_update(), mysql_insert(); Every result of the query's to the database are returned has an object. Has for returning values you can use execSQL($sql) this will return data has an object. example($var->field;) Execution of querys that we do not which to see the return can be made using exec($sql). This class can also read configuration from a file : Configuration envolving ( server , host , user , password ) " $this->confile = "db.conf"; " Version 1.1 Release a few new features keeping the old ones. Short description: This is a improvement (i think) from the previous class, now this class new version can . list all fields to an html table from a given sql table using listtable("table"); builds a form from table fields using buildform("table"); Now mysql_insert returns the maximum id in table on query success. Implements a small html class just to build the form.