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File: countryiso.php
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Description: CCountryISO Class
Class: CCountryISO
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Date: 2002-01-19 16:35
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// $Archive: /Homepages/demonware/include/countryiso.php $
// $Author: Hannesd $
// $Date: 19.01.02 22:30 $
// $Revision: 6 $
// $History: countryiso.php $
// *****************  Version 6  *****************
// User: Hannesd      Date: 19.01.02   Time: 22:30
// Updated in $/Homepages/demonware/include

/** ISO Countycodes 3166 in German, English, French, Spanish and Italian
	@autor Hannes Dorn DOH
	@history 23.02.2001 ALS Source Dokumentation.
	@history 07.03.2001 DOH Changed Sweeden to Sweden
	@history 19.01.2002 DOH Constructor: Changed Parameter Language from String to Number
	@history 19.01.2002 DOH Updated German, French and English names
	@history 19.01.2002 DOH Added Spanish and Italian names
Class CCountryISO
	/** Array with ISO Code as key and Country as Value */
    var $aCountry;

    /** <b>Constructor</b><br>
    	Initializes aCountry with the desired language
    	@param $iLanguage:
    	    0: german
    	    1: english
    	    2: french
    	    3: spanish
    	    4: italian
    	@param $sEmpty: string for an empty entry (eg: "please select a country")
    Function CCountryISO( $iLanguage = 0, $sEmpty = '' )
        if ( strlen( $sEmpty ) > 0 )
            $this->aCountry[ '' ] = $sEmpty;

        switch( $iLanguage )
            // german
            case 0:
                $this->aCountry[ 'AF' ] = 'Afghanistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XA' ] = 'Afrika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EG' ] = 'Ägypten';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AL' ] = 'Albanien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DZ' ] = 'Algerien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AS' ] = 'Amerik. Samoa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UM' ] = 'Amerik. Überseeinseln, kleinere';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VI' ] = 'Amerk. Jungferninseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AD' ] = 'Andorra';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AO' ] = 'Angola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AI' ] = 'Anguilla';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AQ' ] = 'Antarktis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AG' ] = 'Antigua und Barbuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GQ' ] = 'Äquatorial-Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AR' ] = 'Argentinien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AM' ] = 'Armenien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AW' ] = 'Aruba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AZ' ] = 'Aserbaidschan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XP' ] = 'Asien und Pazifik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ET' ] = 'Äthiopien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AU' ] = 'Australien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BS' ] = 'Bahamas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BH' ] = 'Bahrain';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BD' ] = 'Bangladesch';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BB' ] = 'Barbados';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BY' ] = 'Belarus';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BE' ] = 'Belgien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BZ' ] = 'Belize';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BJ' ] = 'Benin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BM' ] = 'Bermuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BT' ] = 'Bhutan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BO' ] = 'Bolivien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BA' ] = 'Bosnien und Herzegowina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BW' ] = 'Botsuana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BV' ] = 'Bouvetinsel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BR' ] = 'Brasilien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VG' ] = 'Brit. Jungferninseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IO' ] = 'Brit. Territorium im Indischen Ozean';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BN' ] = 'Brunei Darussalam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BG' ] = 'Bulgarien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BF' ] = 'Burkina Faso';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BI' ] = 'Burundi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CL' ] = 'Chile';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CN' ] = 'China';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CK' ] = 'Cookinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CR' ] = 'Costa Rica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CI' ] = 'Côte d\'Ivoire';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DK' ] = 'Dänemark';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DE' ] = 'Deutschland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DM' ] = 'Dominica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DO' ] = 'Dominikanische Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DJ' ] = 'Dschibuti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EC' ] = 'Ecuador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SV' ] = 'El Salvador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ER' ] = 'Eritrea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EE' ] = 'Estland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XE' ] = 'Europa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FK' ] = 'Falklandinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FO' ] = 'Färöer';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FJ' ] = 'Fidschi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FI' ] = 'Finnland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FR' ] = 'Frankreich';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TF' ] = 'Französische Südgebiete';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GF' ] = 'Französisch-Guayana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PF' ] = 'Französisch-Polynesien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GA' ] = 'Gabun';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GM' ] = 'Gambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GE' ] = 'Georgien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GH' ] = 'Ghana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GI' ] = 'Gibraltar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GD' ] = 'Grenada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GR' ] = 'Griechenland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GL' ] = 'Grönland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GP' ] = 'Guadeloupe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GT' ] = 'Guatemala';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GN' ] = 'Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GW' ] = 'Guinea-Bissau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GY' ] = 'Guyana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HT' ] = 'Haiti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VA' ] = 'Heiliger Stuhl (Vatikanstadt)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HM' ] = 'Herald und McDonaldinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HN' ] = 'Honduras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HK' ] = 'Hongkong';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IN' ] = 'Indien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ID' ] = 'Indonesien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IQ' ] = 'Irak';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IR' ] = 'Iran, Islamische Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IE' ] = 'Irland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IS' ] = 'Island';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IL' ] = 'Israel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IT' ] = 'Italien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JM' ] = 'Jamaika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JP' ] = 'Japan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Jemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Jemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JO' ] = 'Jordanien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YU' ] = 'Jugoslawien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KY' ] = 'Kaimaninseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KH' ] = 'Kambodscha';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CM' ] = 'Kamerun';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CA' ] = 'Kanada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CV' ] = 'Kap Verde';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XI' ] = 'Karibik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KZ' ] = 'Kasachstan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'QA' ] = 'Katar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KE' ] = 'Kenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KG' ] = 'Kirgisistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KI' ] = 'Kiribati';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CC' ] = 'Kokosinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CO' ] = 'Kolumbien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KM' ] = 'Komoren';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CG' ] = 'Kongo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CD' ] = 'Kongo, Demokratische Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KP' ] = 'Korea, Demo. Volksrepublik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KR' ] = 'Korea, Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HR' ] = 'Kroatien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CU' ] = 'Kuba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KW' ] = 'Kuwait';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LA' ] = 'Laos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XL' ] = 'Lateinamerika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LS' ] = 'Lesotho';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LV' ] = 'Lettland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LB' ] = 'Libanon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LR' ] = 'Liberia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LY' ] = 'Libysch-Arabische Dschamahirija';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LI' ] = 'Liechtenstein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LT' ] = 'Litauen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LU' ] = 'Luxemburg';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MO' ] = 'Macau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MG' ] = 'Madagaskar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MW' ] = 'Malawi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MY' ] = 'Malaysia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MV' ] = 'Malediven';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ML' ] = 'Mali';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MT' ] = 'Malta';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MP' ] = 'Marianen, nördliche';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MA' ] = 'Marokko';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MH' ] = 'Marshallinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MQ' ] = 'Martinique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MR' ] = 'Mauretanien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MU' ] = 'Mauritius';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YT' ] = 'Mayotte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MK' ] = 'Mazedonien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MX' ] = 'Mexiko';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FM' ] = 'Mikronesien, Föderierte Staaten von';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MD' ] = 'Moldau, Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MC' ] = 'Monaco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MN' ] = 'Mongolei';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MS' ] = 'Montserrat';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MZ' ] = 'Mosambik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MM' ] = 'Myanmar/Burma';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NA' ] = 'Namibia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NR' ] = 'Nauru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NP' ] = 'Nepal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NC' ] = 'Neukaledonien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NZ' ] = 'Neuseeland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NI' ] = 'Nicaragua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NL' ] = 'Niederlande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AN' ] = 'Niederländische Antillen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NE' ] = 'Niger';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NG' ] = 'Nigeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NU' ] = 'Niue';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XN' ] = 'Nordamerika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NF' ] = 'Norfolkinsel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NO' ] = 'Norwegen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'OM' ] = 'Oman';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AT' ] = 'Österreich';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TP' ] = 'Osttimor';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PK' ] = 'Pakistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PA' ] = 'Panama';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PG' ] = 'Papua-Neuguinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PY' ] = 'Paraguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PE' ] = 'Peru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PH' ] = 'Philippinen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PN' ] = 'Pitcairninseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PL' ] = 'Polen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PT' ] = 'Portugal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PR' ] = 'Puerto Rico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RE' ] = 'Réunion';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RW' ] = 'Ruanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RO' ] = 'Rumänien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RU' ] = 'Russische Föderation';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SB' ] = 'Salomonen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZM' ] = 'Sambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WS' ] = 'Samoa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SM' ] = 'San Marino';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ST' ] = 'São Tomé und Principe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SA' ] = 'Saudi-Arabien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SE' ] = 'Schweden';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CH' ] = 'Schweiz';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SN' ] = 'Senegal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SC' ] = 'Seychellen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SL' ] = 'Sierra Leone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZW' ] = 'Simbabwe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SG' ] = 'Singapur';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SK' ] = 'Slowakei';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SI' ] = 'Slowenien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SO' ] = 'Somalia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ES' ] = 'Spanien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LK' ] = 'Sri Lanka';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SH' ] = 'St. Helena';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KN' ] = 'St. Kitts und Nevis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LC' ] = 'St. Lucia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PM' ] = 'St. Pierre und Miquelon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VC' ] = 'St. Vincent und die Grenadinen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZA' ] = 'Südafrika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XS' ] = 'Südamerika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SD' ] = 'Sudan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GS' ] = 'Südgeorgien und die südlichen Sandwichinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SR' ] = 'Suriname';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SJ' ] = 'Svalbard und Jan Mayen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SZ' ] = 'Swasiland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SY' ] = 'Syrien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TJ' ] = 'Tadschikistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TW' ] = 'Taiwan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TZ' ] = 'Tansania, Vereinigte Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TH' ] = 'Thailand';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TG' ] = 'Togo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TK' ] = 'Tokelau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TO' ] = 'Tonga';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TT' ] = 'Trinidad und Tobago';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TD' ] = 'Tschad';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CZ' ] = 'Tschechische Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TN' ] = 'Tunesien';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TR' ] = 'Türkei';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TM' ] = 'Turkmenistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TC' ] = 'Turks- und Caicosinseln';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TV' ] = 'Tuvalu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UG' ] = 'Uganda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UA' ] = 'Ukraine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HU' ] = 'Ungarn';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UY' ] = 'Uruguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UZ' ] = 'Usbekistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VU' ] = 'Vanuatu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VE' ] = 'Venezuela';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AE' ] = 'Vereinigte Arabische Emirate';
                $this->aCountry[ 'US' ] = 'Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GB' ] = 'Vereinigtes Königreich';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VN' ] = 'Vietnam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WF' ] = 'Wallis und Futuna';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CX' ] = 'Weihnachtsinsel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XZ' ] = 'Weltweit';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EH' ] = 'Westsahara';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CF' ] = 'Zentralafrik. Republik';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XC' ] = 'Zentralamerika';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CY' ] = 'Zypern';

            // french
            case 2:
                $this->aCountry[ 'AF' ] = 'Afghanistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XA' ] = 'Afrique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZA' ] = 'Afrique du Sud';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AL' ] = 'Albanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DZ' ] = 'Algérie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DE' ] = 'Allemagne';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XC' ] = 'Amerique centrale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XN' ] = 'Amerique du nord';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XS' ] = 'Amerique du sud';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XL' ] = 'Amerique latine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AD' ] = 'Andorre';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AO' ] = 'Angola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AI' ] = 'Anguilla';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AQ' ] = 'Antarctique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AG' ] = 'Antigua -et-Barbuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AN' ] = 'Antilles néerlandaises';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SA' ] = 'Arabie Saoudite';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AR' ] = 'Argentine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AM' ] = 'Arménie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AW' ] = 'Aruba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XP' ] = 'Asie et Pacifique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AU' ] = 'Australie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AT' ] = 'Autriche';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AZ' ] = 'Azerbaïdjan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BS' ] = 'Bahamas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BH' ] = 'Bahreïn';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BD' ] = 'Bangladesh';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BB' ] = 'Barbade';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BY' ] = 'Bélarus';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BE' ] = 'Belgique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BZ' ] = 'Belize';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BJ' ] = 'Bénin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BM' ] = 'Bermudes';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BT' ] = 'Bhoutan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BO' ] = 'Bolivie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BA' ] = 'Bosnie-Herzégovine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BW' ] = 'Botswana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BR' ] = 'Brésil';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BN' ] = 'Brunéi Darussalam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BG' ] = 'Bulgarie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BF' ] = 'Burkina Faso';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BI' ] = 'Burundi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KY' ] = 'Caïmanes, îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KH' ] = 'Cambodge';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CM' ] = 'Cameroun';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CA' ] = 'Canada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CV' ] = 'Cap-Vert';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XI' ] = 'Caraibe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CF' ] = 'Centrafrique Rép.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CL' ] = 'Chili';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CN' ] = 'Chine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CX' ] = 'Christmas, île';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CY' ] = 'Chypre';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CC' ] = 'Cocos (Keeling) îles des';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CO' ] = 'Colombie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KM' ] = 'Comores';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CG' ] = 'Congo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CD' ] = 'Congo, Rép. démocratique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CK' ] = 'Cook, îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KR' ] = 'Corée, Rép. de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KP' ] = 'Corée, Rép. Populaire Démocratique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CR' ] = 'Costa Rica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CI' ] = 'Côte d\'Ivoire';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HR' ] = 'Croatie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CU' ] = 'Cuba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DK' ] = 'Danemark';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DJ' ] = 'Djibouti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DO' ] = 'Dominicaine Rép.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DM' ] = 'Dominique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EG' ] = 'Égypte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SV' ] = 'El Salvador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AE' ] = 'Émirats Arabes Unis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EC' ] = 'Équateur';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ER' ] = 'Érythrée';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ES' ] = 'Espagne';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EE' ] = 'Estonie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'US' ] = 'Etats-Unis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ET' ] = 'Ethiopie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XE' ] = 'Europe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FK' ] = 'Falkland, Îles (Malvinas)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FO' ] = 'Féroé, îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FJ' ] = 'Fidji';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FI' ] = 'Finlande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FR' ] = 'France';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GA' ] = 'Gabon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GM' ] = 'Gambie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GE' ] = 'Géorgie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GS' ] = 'Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GH' ] = 'Ghana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GI' ] = 'Gibraltar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GB' ] = 'Grande-Bretagne';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GR' ] = 'Grèce';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GD' ] = 'Grenade';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GL' ] = 'Groenland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GP' ] = 'Guadeloupe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GT' ] = 'Guatemala';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GN' ] = 'Guinée';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GQ' ] = 'Guinée Équatoriale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GW' ] = 'Guinée-Bissau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GY' ] = 'Guyana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GF' ] = 'Guyane française';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HT' ] = 'Haïti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HM' ] = 'Heard et Îles de McDonald, Île';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HN' ] = 'Honduras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HK' ] = 'Hong Kong';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HU' ] = 'Hongrie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BV' ] = 'Île Bouvet';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UM' ] = 'Îles Mineures Éloignées des États-Unis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VI' ] = 'Îles Vierges (Etats-Unis)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VG' ] = 'Îles Vierges (GB)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IN' ] = 'Inde';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ID' ] = 'Indonésie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IR' ] = 'Iran (République islamique d\')';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IQ' ] = 'Iraq';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IE' ] = 'Irlande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IS' ] = 'Islande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IL' ] = 'Israël';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IT' ] = 'Italie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JM' ] = 'Jamaïque';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JP' ] = 'Japon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JO' ] = 'Jordanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KZ' ] = 'Kazakhstan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KE' ] = 'Kenya';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KG' ] = 'Kirghizistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KI' ] = 'Kiribati';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KW' ] = 'Koweït';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LA' ] = 'Lao, Rép. Démocratique Populaire';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LS' ] = 'Lesotho';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LV' ] = 'Lettonie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LB' ] = 'Liban';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LR' ] = 'Libéria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LY' ] = 'Libyenne, Jamahiriya Arabe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LI' ] = 'Liechtenstein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LT' ] = 'Lituanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LU' ] = 'Luxembourg';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MO' ] = 'Macao';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MK' ] = 'Macédoine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MG' ] = 'Madagascar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MY' ] = 'Malaisie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MW' ] = 'Malawi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MV' ] = 'Maldives';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ML' ] = 'Mali';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MT' ] = 'Malte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MP' ] = 'Mariannes du Nord, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MA' ] = 'Maroc';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MH' ] = 'Marshall, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MQ' ] = 'Martinique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MU' ] = 'Maurice';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MR' ] = 'Mauritanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YT' ] = 'Mayotte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MX' ] = 'Mexique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FM' ] = 'Micronésie (Etats fédérés)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MD' ] = 'Moldova, Rép. de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MC' ] = 'Monaco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XZ' ] = 'Mondial';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MN' ] = 'Mongolie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MS' ] = 'Montserrat';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MZ' ] = 'Mozambique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MM' ] = 'Myanmar/Birmanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NA' ] = 'Namibie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NR' ] = 'Nauru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NP' ] = 'Népal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NI' ] = 'Nicaragua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NE' ] = 'Niger';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NG' ] = 'Nigéria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NU' ] = 'Nioué';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NF' ] = 'Norfolk, île';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NO' ] = 'Norvège';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NC' ] = 'Nouvelle-Calédonie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NZ' ] = 'Nouvelle-Zélande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IO' ] = 'Océan Indien, Territoire britannique de l\'';
                $this->aCountry[ 'OM' ] = 'Oman';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UG' ] = 'Ouganda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UZ' ] = 'Ouzbékistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PK' ] = 'Pakistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PA' ] = 'Panama';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PG' ] = 'Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PY' ] = 'Paraguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NL' ] = 'Pays-Bas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PE' ] = 'Pérou';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PH' ] = 'Philippines';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PN' ] = 'Pitcairn';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PL' ] = 'Pologne';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PF' ] = 'Polynésie française';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PR' ] = 'Porto-Rico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PT' ] = 'Portugal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'QA' ] = 'Qatar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RE' ] = 'Réunion';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RO' ] = 'Roumanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RU' ] = 'Russie, Féd. de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RW' ] = 'Rwanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EH' ] = 'Sahara Occidental';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SH' ] = 'Sainte-Hélène';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LC' ] = 'Sainte-Lucie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KN' ] = 'Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SM' ] = 'Saint-Marin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PM' ] = 'Saint-Pierre et Miquelon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VC' ] = 'Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SB' ] = 'Salomon, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WS' ] = 'Samoa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AS' ] = 'Samoa Américaines';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ST' ] = 'Sao Tomé-et-Principe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SN' ] = 'Sénégal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SC' ] = 'Seychelles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SL' ] = 'Sierra Leone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SG' ] = 'Singapour';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SK' ] = 'Slovaquie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SI' ] = 'Slovénie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SO' ] = 'Somalie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SD' ] = 'Soudan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LK' ] = 'Sri Lanka';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SE' ] = 'Suède';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CH' ] = 'Suisse';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SR' ] = 'Suriname';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SJ' ] = 'Svalbard et Îles Jan Mayen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SZ' ] = 'Swaziland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SY' ] = 'Syrienne, Rép. Arabe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TJ' ] = 'Tadjikistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TW' ] = 'Taïwan, Povince de Chine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TZ' ] = 'Tanzanie, République-Unie de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TD' ] = 'Tchad';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CZ' ] = 'Tchèque, Rép.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TF' ] = 'Terres Australes Françaises';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TH' ] = 'Thaïlande';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TP' ] = 'Timor Oriental';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TG' ] = 'Togo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TK' ] = 'Tokélaou';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TO' ] = 'Tonga';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TT' ] = 'Trinité-et-Tobago';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TN' ] = 'Tunisie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TM' ] = 'Turkménistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TC' ] = 'Turks et Caïques, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TR' ] = 'Turquie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TV' ] = 'Tuvalu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UA' ] = 'Ukraine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UY' ] = 'Uruguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VU' ] = 'Vanuatu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VA' ] = 'Vatican, État de la Cité du Saint Siège';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VE' ] = 'Venezuela';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VN' ] = 'Viet Nam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WF' ] = 'Wallis et Futuna, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yémen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yémen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YU' ] = 'Yougoslavie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZM' ] = 'Zambie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZW' ] = 'Zimbabwe';

            // spanish
            case 3:
                $this->aCountry[ 'AF' ] = 'Afganistán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XA' ] = 'AFRICA';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AL' ] = 'Albania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DE' ] = 'Alemania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XC' ] = 'AMERICA CENTRAL';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XN' ] = 'AMERICA DEL NORTE';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XS' ] = 'AMERICA DEL SUR';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XL' ] = 'AMERICA LATINA';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AD' ] = 'Andorra';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AO' ] = 'Angola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AI' ] = 'Anguilla';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AQ' ] = 'Antártida';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AG' ] = 'Antigua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AN' ] = 'Antillas Neerlandesas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SA' ] = 'Arabia Saudita';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DZ' ] = 'Argelia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AR' ] = 'Argentina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AM' ] = 'Arménie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AW' ] = 'Aruba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XP' ] = 'ASIA Y EL PACIFICO';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AU' ] = 'Australia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AT' ] = 'Austria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AZ' ] = 'Azerbaïdjan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BS' ] = 'Bahamas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BH' ] = 'Bahrein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BD' ] = 'Bangladesh';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BB' ] = 'Barbados';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BE' ] = 'Bélgica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BZ' ] = 'Belice';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BJ' ] = 'Bénin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BM' ] = 'Bermudas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BY' ] = 'Bielorrusia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BO' ] = 'Bolivia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BA' ] = 'Bosnie-Herzégovine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BW' ] = 'Botswana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BR' ] = 'Brasil';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BN' ] = 'Brunei';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BG' ] = 'Bulgaria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BF' ] = 'Burkina Faso';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MM' ] = 'Burma';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BI' ] = 'Burundi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BT' ] = 'Bután';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CV' ] = 'Cabo Verde';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CM' ] = 'Camerún';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CA' ] = 'Canadá';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XI' ] = 'CARIBE';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TD' ] = 'Chad';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CZ' ] = 'Checoslovaquia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CL' ] = 'Chile';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CN' ] = 'China';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CY' ] = 'Chipre';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VA' ] = 'Ciudad del Vaticano (Santa Sede)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CC' ] = 'Cocos (Keeling) îles des';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CO' ] = 'Colombia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KM' ] = 'Comoras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CG' ] = 'Congo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CD' ] = 'Congo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KP' ] = 'Corea, Rep. Democrática Popular';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KR' ] = 'Corea, República de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CR' ] = 'Costa Rica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CI' ] = 'Côte d\'Ivoire';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HR' ] = 'Croatie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CU' ] = 'Cuba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DK' ] = 'Dinamarca';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DJ' ] = 'Djibouti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DM' ] = 'Dominica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EC' ] = 'Ecuador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EG' ] = 'Egipto';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SV' ] = 'El Salvador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AE' ] = 'Emiratos Arabes Unidos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ER' ] = 'Érythrée';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ES' ] = 'España';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UM' ] = 'Estados Unidos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EE' ] = 'Estonie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'US' ] = 'Etats-Unis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ET' ] = 'Etiopía';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XE' ] = 'EUROPA';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FJ' ] = 'Fiji';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PH' ] = 'Filipinas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FI' ] = 'Finlandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FR' ] = 'Francia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GA' ] = 'Gabón';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GM' ] = 'Gambie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GE' ] = 'Géorgie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GS' ] = 'Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GH' ] = 'Ghana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GI' ] = 'Gibraltar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GD' ] = 'Granada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GR' ] = 'Grecia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GL' ] = 'Groenlandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GP' ] = 'Guadalupe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GT' ] = 'Guatemala';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GF' ] = 'Guayana Francesa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GN' ] = 'Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GW' ] = 'Guinea Bissau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GQ' ] = 'Guinea Ecuatorial';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GY' ] = 'Guyana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HT' ] = 'Haití';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HN' ] = 'Honduras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HK' ] = 'Hong Kong';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HU' ] = 'Hungría';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VI' ] = 'Îles Vierges (Etats-Unis)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IN' ] = 'India';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ID' ] = 'Indonesia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IR' ] = 'Irán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IQ' ] = 'Iraq';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IE' ] = 'Irlanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BV' ] = 'Isla Bouvet';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CX' ] = 'Isla de Pascua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NU' ] = 'Isla Niue';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NF' ] = 'Isla Norfolf';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IS' ] = 'Islandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KY' ] = 'Islas Caimán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CK' ] = 'Islas Cook';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FO' ] = 'Islas Feroe y la Antártida';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HM' ] = 'Islas Heard y McDonald';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FK' ] = 'Islas Malvinas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PN' ] = 'Islas Pitcairn';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SB' ] = 'Islas Salomón Británicas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SJ' ] = 'Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TK' ] = 'Islas Tokelau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TC' ] = 'Islas Turcas y Caicos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VG' ] = 'Islas Vírgenes Británicas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WF' ] = 'Islas Wallis y Futuna';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IL' ] = 'Israel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IT' ] = 'Italia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JM' ] = 'Jamaica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JP' ] = 'Japón';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JO' ] = 'Jordania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KH' ] = 'Kampuchea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KZ' ] = 'Kazakhstan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KE' ] = 'Kenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KG' ] = 'Kirghizistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KI' ] = 'Kiribati';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KW' ] = 'Kuwait';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LA' ] = 'Laos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LS' ] = 'Lesotho';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LV' ] = 'Lettonie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LB' ] = 'Líbano';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LR' ] = 'Liberia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LY' ] = 'Libia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LI' ] = 'Liechtenstein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LT' ] = 'Lituanie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LU' ] = 'Luxemburgo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MO' ] = 'Macao';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MK' ] = 'Macédoine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MG' ] = 'Madagascar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MY' ] = 'Malasia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MW' ] = 'Malawi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MV' ] = 'Maldivas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ML' ] = 'Malí';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MT' ] = 'Malta';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MP' ] = 'Mariannes du Nord, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MA' ] = 'Marruecos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MH' ] = 'Marshall, Îles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MQ' ] = 'Martinica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MU' ] = 'Mauricio';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MR' ] = 'Mauritania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YT' ] = 'Mayotte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MX' ] = 'México';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FM' ] = 'Micronésie (Etats fédérés)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MD' ] = 'Moldova, Rép. de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MC' ] = 'Mónaco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MN' ] = 'Mongolia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MS' ] = 'Montserrat';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MZ' ] = 'Mozambique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XZ' ] = 'MUNDIAL';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NA' ] = 'Namibia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NR' ] = 'Nauru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NP' ] = 'Nepal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NI' ] = 'Nicaragua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NE' ] = 'Níger';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NG' ] = 'Nigeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NO' ] = 'Noruega';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NC' ] = 'Nueva Caledonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NZ' ] = 'Nueva Zelandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'OM' ] = 'Omán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UZ' ] = 'Ouzbékistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NL' ] = 'Países Bajos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PK' ] = 'Pakistán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PA' ] = 'Panamá';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PG' ] = 'Papua Nueva Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PY' ] = 'Paraguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PE' ] = 'Perú';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PF' ] = 'Polinesia Francesa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PL' ] = 'Polonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PT' ] = 'Portugal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PR' ] = 'Puerto Rico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'QA' ] = 'Qatar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GB' ] = 'Reino Unido';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CF' ] = 'República Centroafricana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DO' ] = 'República Dominicana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RE' ] = 'Reunión';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RO' ] = 'Rumania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RU' ] = 'Russie, Féd. de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RW' ] = 'Rwanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PM' ] = 'S. Pedro y Miguelón';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EH' ] = 'Sahara Occidental';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AS' ] = 'Samoa Americana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WS' ] = 'Samoa Occidental';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KN' ] = 'San Cristobal y Nevis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SM' ] = 'San Marino';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VC' ] = 'San Vicente';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SH' ] = 'Santa Elena';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LC' ] = 'Santa Lucía';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ST' ] = 'Santo Tomé y Príncipe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SN' ] = 'Senegal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SC' ] = 'Seychelles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SL' ] = 'Sierra Leona';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SK' ] = 'Sikkim';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SG' ] = 'Singapur';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SY' ] = 'Siria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SI' ] = 'Slovénie';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SO' ] = 'Somalia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LK' ] = 'Sri Lanka';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZA' ] = 'Sudáfrica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SD' ] = 'Sudán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SE' ] = 'Suecia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CH' ] = 'Suiza';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SR' ] = 'Suriname';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SZ' ] = 'Swazilandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TJ' ] = 'Tadjikistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TH' ] = 'Tailandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TW' ] = 'Taiwán';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TZ' ] = 'Tanzania, República Unida de';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IO' ] = 'Terr.Britán.del Oc.Indico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TF' ] = 'Terres Australes Françaises';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TT' ] = 'Territorio Francés de los Trinidad y Tabago';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TP' ] = 'Timor Oriental';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TG' ] = 'Togo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TO' ] = 'Tonga';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TN' ] = 'Túnez';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TM' ] = 'Turkménistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TR' ] = 'Turquía';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TV' ] = 'Tuvalu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UA' ] = 'Ucrania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UG' ] = 'Uganda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UY' ] = 'Uruguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VU' ] = 'Vanuatu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VE' ] = 'Venezuela';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VN' ] = 'Vietnam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen Democrático';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YU' ] = 'Yugoslavia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZM' ] = 'Zambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZW' ] = 'Zimbabwe';
            // italian
            case 4:
                $this->aCountry[ 'AF' ] = 'Afghanistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XA' ] = 'Africa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AL' ] = 'Albania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DZ' ] = 'Algeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XC' ] = 'America centrale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XN' ] = 'America del nord';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XS' ] = 'America del sud';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XL' ] = 'America latina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AD' ] = 'Andorra';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AO' ] = 'Angola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AI' ] = 'Anguilla';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AQ' ] = 'Antartide';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TF' ] = 'Antartide Francese';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AG' ] = 'Antigua/Barbuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AN' ] = 'Antille olandesi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SA' ] = 'Arabia Saudita';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AR' ] = 'Argentina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AM' ] = 'Armenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AW' ] = 'Aruba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XP' ] = 'Asia e Pacifico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AU' ] = 'Australia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AT' ] = 'Austria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AZ' ] = 'Azerbaigian';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BS' ] = 'Bahama';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BH' ] = 'Bahrein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BD' ] = 'Bangladesh';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BB' ] = 'Barbados';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BE' ] = 'Belgio';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BZ' ] = 'Belize';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BJ' ] = 'Benin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BM' ] = 'Bermude';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BT' ] = 'Bhutan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BY' ] = 'Bielorussia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BO' ] = 'Bolivia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BA' ] = 'Bosnia-Erzegovina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BW' ] = 'Botswana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BR' ] = 'Brasile';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BN' ] = 'Brunei';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BG' ] = 'Bulgaria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BF' ] = 'Burkina Faso';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BI' ] = 'Burundi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KH' ] = 'Cambogia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CM' ] = 'Camerun';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CA' ] = 'Canada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CV' ] = 'Capo Verde';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XI' ] = 'Caraibe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KY' ] = 'Cayman';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CF' ] = 'Centrafrica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CX' ] = 'Christmas, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TD' ] = 'Ciad';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CL' ] = 'Cile';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TW' ] = 'Cina Taiwan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CN' ] = 'Cina, Rep. pop.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CY' ] = 'Cipro';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VA' ] = 'Città del Vaticano';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CC' ] = 'Cocos, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CO' ] = 'Colombia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KM' ] = 'Comore';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CG' ] = 'Congo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CD' ] = 'Congo, Rep. Democratica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CK' ] = 'Cook, Arcipelago di';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KR' ] = 'Corea del Sud, Rep.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KP' ] = 'Corea, Rep. pop. dem.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CI' ] = 'Costa d\'Avorio';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CR' ] = 'Costa Rica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HR' ] = 'Croazia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CU' ] = 'Cuba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DK' ] = 'Danimarca';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DM' ] = 'Dominica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EG' ] = 'Egitto';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AE' ] = 'Emirati Arabi Uniti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EC' ] = 'Equatore';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ER' ] = 'Eritrea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EE' ] = 'Estonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ET' ] = 'Etiopia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XE' ] = 'Europa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FO' ] = 'Faeröer, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FK' ] = 'Falkland, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FJ' ] = 'Figi, Isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PH' ] = 'Filippine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FI' ] = 'Finlandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FR' ] = 'Francia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GA' ] = 'Gabon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GM' ] = 'Gambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GE' ] = 'Georgia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GS' ] = 'Georgia Australe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DE' ] = 'Germania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GH' ] = 'Ghana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JM' ] = 'Giamaica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JP' ] = 'Giappone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GI' ] = 'Gibilterra';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DJ' ] = 'Gibuti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JO' ] = 'Giordania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GB' ] = 'Gran Bretagna';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GR' ] = 'Grecia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GD' ] = 'Grenada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GL' ] = 'Groenlandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GP' ] = 'Guadalupa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GT' ] = 'Guatemala';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GY' ] = 'Guiana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GF' ] = 'Guiana francese';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GN' ] = 'Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GQ' ] = 'Guinea Equatoriale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GW' ] = 'Guinea-Bissau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HT' ] = 'Haiti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HN' ] = 'Honduras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HK' ] = 'Hongkong';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IN' ] = 'India';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ID' ] = 'Indonesia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IR' ] = 'Iran';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IQ' ] = 'Iraq';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IE' ] = 'Irlanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IS' ] = 'Islanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BV' ] = 'Isola Bouvet';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HM' ] = 'Isole Herald e McDonald';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UM' ] = 'Isole Minori (USA)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IL' ] = 'Israele';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IT' ] = 'Italia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YU' ] = 'Iugoslavia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KZ' ] = 'Kazakistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KE' ] = 'Kenya';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KG' ] = 'Kirghizistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KI' ] = 'Kiribati';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KW' ] = 'Kuwait';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LA' ] = 'Laos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LS' ] = 'Lesotho';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LV' ] = 'Lettonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LB' ] = 'Libano';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LR' ] = 'Liberia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LY' ] = 'Libia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LI' ] = 'Liechtenstein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LT' ] = 'Lituania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LU' ] = 'Lussemburgo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MO' ] = 'Macao';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MK' ] = 'Macedonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MG' ] = 'Madagascar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MY' ] = 'Malaisia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MW' ] = 'Malawi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MV' ] = 'Maldive';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ML' ] = 'Mali';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MT' ] = 'Malta';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MP' ] = 'Marianne, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MA' ] = 'Marocco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MH' ] = 'Marshall, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MQ' ] = 'Martinica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MR' ] = 'Mauritania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MU' ] = 'Maurizio';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YT' ] = 'Mayotte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MX' ] = 'Messico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FM' ] = 'Micronesia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MD' ] = 'Moldavia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MC' ] = 'Monaco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MN' ] = 'Mongolia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MS' ] = 'Montserrat';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MZ' ] = 'Mozambico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XZ' ] = 'Mundiale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MM' ] = 'Myanmar/Birmania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NA' ] = 'Namibia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NR' ] = 'Nauru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NP' ] = 'Nepal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NI' ] = 'Nicaragua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NE' ] = 'Niger';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NG' ] = 'Nigeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NU' ] = 'Niue';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NF' ] = 'Norfolk, isola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NO' ] = 'Norvegia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NC' ] = 'Nuova Caledonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NZ' ] = 'Nuova Zelanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'OM' ] = 'Oman';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NL' ] = 'Paesi bassi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PK' ] = 'Pakistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau, isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PA' ] = 'Panama';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PG' ] = 'Papua-Nuova Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PY' ] = 'Paraguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PE' ] = 'Perù';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PN' ] = 'Pitcairn';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PF' ] = 'Polinesia Francese';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PL' ] = 'Polonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PT' ] = 'Portogallo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PR' ] = 'Portorico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'QA' ] = 'Qatar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CZ' ] = 'Repubblica Ceca';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DO' ] = 'Repubblica Dominicana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RE' ] = 'Riunione';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RO' ] = 'Romania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RW' ] = 'Ruanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RU' ] = 'Russia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EH' ] = 'Sahara Occidentale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VC' ] = 'Saint Vincent e Grenadine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PM' ] = 'Saint-Pierre et Miquelon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SB' ] = 'Salomone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SV' ] = 'Salvador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AS' ] = 'Samoa Americane';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WS' ] = 'Samoa Occidentali';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KN' ] = 'San Cristoforo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SM' ] = 'San Marino';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LC' ] = 'Santa Lucia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SH' ] = 'Sant\'Elena';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ST' ] = 'Sao Tomé e Principe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SC' ] = 'Seicelle';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SN' ] = 'Senegal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SL' ] = 'Sierra Leone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SG' ] = 'Singapore';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SY' ] = 'Siria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SK' ] = 'Slovacchia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SI' ] = 'Slovenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SO' ] = 'Somalia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ES' ] = 'Spagna';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LK' ] = 'Sri Lanka';
                $this->aCountry[ 'US' ] = 'Stati Uniti d\'America';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZA' ] = 'Sudafrica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SD' ] = 'Sudan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SR' ] = 'Suriname';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SJ' ] = 'Svalbard e isole';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SE' ] = 'Svezia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CH' ] = 'Svizzera';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SZ' ] = 'Swaziland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TJ' ] = 'Tagiskistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TH' ] = 'Tailandia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TZ' ] = 'Tanzania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IO' ] = 'Territorio Britannico dell\'Oceano Indiano';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TP' ] = 'Timor Orientale';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TG' ] = 'Togo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TK' ] = 'Tokelau (isole)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TO' ] = 'Tonga';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TT' ] = 'Trinidad e Tobago';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TN' ] = 'Tunisia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TR' ] = 'Turchia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TM' ] = 'Turkmenistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TC' ] = 'Turks e Caicos';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TV' ] = 'Tuvalu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UA' ] = 'Ucraina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UG' ] = 'Uganda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HU' ] = 'Ungheria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UY' ] = 'Uruguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UZ' ] = 'Uzbekistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VU' ] = 'Vanuatu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VE' ] = 'Venezuela';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VG' ] = 'Vergini, (GB)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VI' ] = 'Vergini, (USA)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VN' ] = 'Vietnam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WF' ] = 'Wallis e Futuna';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZM' ] = 'Zambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZW' ] = 'Zimbabwe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AF' ] = 'Afghanistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XA' ] = 'Africa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AL' ] = 'Albania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DZ' ] = 'Algeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AS' ] = 'American Samoa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AD' ] = 'Andorra';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AO' ] = 'Angola';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AI' ] = 'Anguilla';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AQ' ] = 'Antarctica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AG' ] = 'Antigua and Barbuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AR' ] = 'Argentine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AM' ] = 'Armenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AW' ] = 'Aruba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XP' ] = 'Asia and Pacific';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AU' ] = 'Australia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AT' ] = 'Austria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AZ' ] = 'Azerbaijan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BS' ] = 'Bahamas';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BH' ] = 'Bahrain';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BD' ] = 'Bangladesh';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BB' ] = 'Barbados';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BY' ] = 'Belarus';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BE' ] = 'Belgium';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BZ' ] = 'Belize';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BJ' ] = 'Benin';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BM' ] = 'Bermuda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BT' ] = 'Bhutan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BO' ] = 'Bolivia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BA' ] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BW' ] = 'Botswana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BV' ] = 'Bouvet Island';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BR' ] = 'Brazil';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IO' ] = 'British Indian Ocean Territory';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BN' ] = 'Brunei Darussalam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BG' ] = 'Bulgaria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BF' ] = 'Burkina Faso';
                $this->aCountry[ 'BI' ] = 'Burundi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KH' ] = 'Cambodia (Kampuchea)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CM' ] = 'Cameroon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CA' ] = 'Canada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CV' ] = 'Cape Verde';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XI' ] = 'Caribean';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KY' ] = 'Cayman Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CF' ] = 'Central African Republic';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XC' ] = 'Central America';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TD' ] = 'Chad';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CL' ] = 'Chile';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CN' ] = 'China';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CX' ] = 'Christmas Island';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CC' ] = 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CO' ] = 'Colombia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KM' ] = 'Comoros';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CG' ] = 'Congo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CD' ] = 'Congo, democratic Rep.';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CK' ] = 'Cook Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CR' ] = 'Costa Rica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CI' ] = 'Côte d\'Ivoire';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HR' ] = 'Croatia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CU' ] = 'Cuba';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CY' ] = 'Cyprus';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CZ' ] = 'Czech Republic';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DK' ] = 'Denmark';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DJ' ] = 'Djibouti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DM' ] = 'Dominica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DO' ] = 'Dominican Republic';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TP' ] = 'East Timor';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EC' ] = 'Ecuador';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EG' ] = 'Egypt';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SV' ] = 'El Salvardor';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GQ' ] = 'Equatorial Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ER' ] = 'Eritrea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EE' ] = 'Estonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ET' ] = 'Ethiopia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XE' ] = 'Europe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FK' ] = 'Falkland Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FO' ] = 'Faroe Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FJ' ] = 'Fiji';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FI' ] = 'Finland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FR' ] = 'France';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GF' ] = 'French Guiana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PF' ] = 'French Polynesia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TF' ] = 'French Southern Territories';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GA' ] = 'Gabon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GM' ] = 'Gambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GE' ] = 'Georgia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'DE' ] = 'Germany';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GH' ] = 'Ghana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GI' ] = 'Gibraltar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GR' ] = 'Greece';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GL' ] = 'Greenland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GD' ] = 'Grenada';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GP' ] = 'Guadeloupe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GT' ] = 'Guatemala';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GN' ] = 'Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GW' ] = 'Guinea-Bissau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GY' ] = 'Guyana';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HT' ] = 'Haiti';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HM' ] = 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HN' ] = 'Honduras';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HK' ] = 'Hong Kong';
                $this->aCountry[ 'HU' ] = 'Hungary';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IS' ] = 'Iceland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IN' ] = 'India';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ID' ] = 'Indonesia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IR' ] = 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IQ' ] = 'Iraq';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IE' ] = 'Ireland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IL' ] = 'Israel';
                $this->aCountry[ 'IT' ] = 'Italy';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JM' ] = 'Jamaica';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JP' ] = 'Japan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'JO' ] = 'Jordan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KZ' ] = 'Kazakhstan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KE' ] = 'Kenya';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KI' ] = 'Kiribati';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KP' ] = 'Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KR' ] = 'Korea, Republic of';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KW' ] = 'Kuwait';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KG' ] = 'Kyrgyzstan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LA' ] = 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XL' ] = 'Latin America';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LV' ] = 'Latvia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LB' ] = 'Lebanon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LS' ] = 'Lesotho';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LR' ] = 'Liberia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LY' ] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LI' ] = 'Liechtenstein';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LT' ] = 'Lithuania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LU' ] = 'Luxembourg';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MO' ] = 'Macau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MK' ] = 'Macedonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MG' ] = 'Madagascar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MW' ] = 'Malawi';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MY' ] = 'Malaysia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MV' ] = 'Maldives';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ML' ] = 'Mali';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MT' ] = 'Malta';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MP' ] = 'Mariana Islands (Northern)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MH' ] = 'Marshall Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MQ' ] = 'Martinique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MR' ] = 'Mauritania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MU' ] = 'Mauritius';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YT' ] = 'Mayotte';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MX' ] = 'Mexico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'FM' ] = 'Micronesia, Federated States of';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MD' ] = 'Moldova, Republic of';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MC' ] = 'Monaco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MN' ] = 'Mongolia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MS' ] = 'Montserrat';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MA' ] = 'Morocco';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MZ' ] = 'Mozambique';
                $this->aCountry[ 'MM' ] = 'Myanmar/Burma';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NA' ] = 'Namibia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NR' ] = 'Nauru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NP' ] = 'Nepal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NL' ] = 'Netherlands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AN' ] = 'Netherlands Antilles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NC' ] = 'New Caledonia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NZ' ] = 'New Zealand';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NI' ] = 'Nicaragua';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NE' ] = 'Niger';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NG' ] = 'Nigeria';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NU' ] = 'Niue';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NF' ] = 'Norfolk Island';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XN' ] = 'North America';
                $this->aCountry[ 'NO' ] = 'Norway';
                $this->aCountry[ 'OM' ] = 'Oman';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PK' ] = 'Pakistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PA' ] = 'Panama';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PG' ] = 'Papua New Guinea';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PY' ] = 'Paraguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PE' ] = 'Peru';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PH' ] = 'Philipines';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PN' ] = 'Pitcairn Island';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PL' ] = 'Poland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PT' ] = 'Portugal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PR' ] = 'Puerto Rico';
                $this->aCountry[ 'QA' ] = 'Qatar';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RE' ] = 'Réunion';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RO' ] = 'Romania';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RU' ] = 'Russian Federation';
                $this->aCountry[ 'RW' ] = 'Rwanda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SH' ] = 'Saint Helena';
                $this->aCountry[ 'KN' ] = 'Saint Kitts and Nevis';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LC' ] = 'Saint Lucia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'PM' ] = 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VC' ] = 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WS' ] = 'Samoa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SM' ] = 'San Marino';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ST' ] = 'São Tome and Principe';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SA' ] = 'Saudi Arabia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SN' ] = 'Senegal';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SC' ] = 'Seychelles';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SL' ] = 'Sierra Leone';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SG' ] = 'Singapore';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SK' ] = 'Slovakia (Slovak Republic)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SI' ] = 'Slovenia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SB' ] = 'Solomon Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SO' ] = 'Somalia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZA' ] = 'South Africa';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XS' ] = 'South America';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GS' ] = 'South Georgia and the south Sandwich Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ES' ] = 'Spain';
                $this->aCountry[ 'LK' ] = 'Sri Lanka';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SD' ] = 'Sudan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SR' ] = 'Suriname';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SJ' ] = 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SZ' ] = 'Swaziland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SE' ] = 'Sweden';
                $this->aCountry[ 'CH' ] = 'Switzerland';
                $this->aCountry[ 'SY' ] = 'Syrian Arab Republic';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TW' ] = 'Taiwan, Province of China';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TJ' ] = 'Tajikistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TZ' ] = 'Tanzania, United Republic of';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TH' ] = 'Thailand';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TG' ] = 'Togo';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TK' ] = 'Tokelau Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TO' ] = 'Tonga';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TT' ] = 'Trinidad and Tobago';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TN' ] = 'Tunisia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TR' ] = 'Turkey';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TM' ] = 'Turkmenistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TC' ] = 'Turks and Caicos Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'TV' ] = 'Tuvalu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UG' ] = 'Uganda';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UA' ] = 'Ukraine';
                $this->aCountry[ 'AE' ] = 'United Arab Emirates';
                $this->aCountry[ 'GB' ] = 'United Kingdom';
                $this->aCountry[ 'US' ] = 'United States';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UM' ] = 'United States Minor Outlying Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UY' ] = 'Uruguay';
                $this->aCountry[ 'UZ' ] = 'Uzbekistan';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VU' ] = 'Vanuatu';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VA' ] = 'Vatican City State (Holy See)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VE' ] = 'Venezuela';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VN' ] = 'Viet Nam';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VG' ] = 'Virgin Islands (GB)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'VI' ] = 'Virgin Islands (US)';
                $this->aCountry[ 'WF' ] = 'Wallis and Futuna Islands';
                $this->aCountry[ 'EH' ] = 'Western Sahara';
                $this->aCountry[ 'XZ' ] = 'Worldwide';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YE' ] = 'Yemen';
                $this->aCountry[ 'YU' ] = 'Yugoslavia, former';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZM' ] = 'Zambia';
                $this->aCountry[ 'ZW' ] = 'Zimbabwe';

    /** Returns a copy of the List
    	@return Array: List of all countries
    Function GetList()
        return( $this->aCountry );

    /** Returns the country name for a given ISO string
    	@param $sISO: ISO string
    	@return String: country name
    Function GetCountry( $sISO )
        return( $this->aCountry[ $sISO ] );

/** US State
	@autor Hannes Dorn DOH
	@history 19.01.2002 DOH First Version
Class CStateUS
	/** Array with Code as key and State as Value */
    var $aState;

    /** <b>Constructor</b><br>
    	Initializes aState with the desired language
    	@param $sEmpty: string for an empty entry (eg: "please select a state")
    Function CStateUS( $sEmpty = '' )
        if ( strlen( $sEmpty ) > 0 )
            $this->aState[ '' ] = $sEmpty;

        $this->aState[ 'AL' ] = 'Alabama';
        $this->aState[ 'AK' ] = 'Alaska';
        $this->aState[ 'AB' ] = 'Alberta';
        $this->aState[ 'AS' ] = 'American Samoa';
        $this->aState[ 'AZ' ] = 'Arizona';
        $this->aState[ 'AR' ] = 'Arkansas';
        $this->aState[ 'AA' ] = 'Armed F. Americas';
        $this->aState[ 'AE' ] = 'Armed F. Europe';
        $this->aState[ 'AP' ] = 'Armed F. Pacific';
        $this->aState[ 'BC' ] = 'British Columbia';
        $this->aState[ 'CA' ] = 'California';
        $this->aState[ 'CO' ] = 'Colorado';
        $this->aState[ 'CT' ] = 'Connecticut';
        $this->aState[ 'DE' ] = 'Delaware';
        $this->aState[ 'FL' ] = 'Florida';
        $this->aState[ 'GA' ] = 'Georgia';
        $this->aState[ 'GU' ] = 'Guam';
        $this->aState[ 'HI' ] = 'Hawaii';
        $this->aState[ 'ID' ] = 'Idaho';
        $this->aState[ 'IL' ] = 'Illinois';
        $this->aState[ 'IN' ] = 'Indiana';
        $this->aState[ 'IA' ] = 'Iowa';
        $this->aState[ 'KS' ] = 'Kansas';
        $this->aState[ 'KY' ] = 'Kentucky';
        $this->aState[ 'LA' ] = 'Louisiana';
        $this->aState[ 'ME' ] = 'Maine';
        $this->aState[ 'MB' ] = 'Manitoba';
        $this->aState[ 'MD' ] = 'Maryland';
        $this->aState[ 'MA' ] = 'Massachusetts';
        $this->aState[ 'MI' ] = 'Michigan';
        $this->aState[ 'MN' ] = 'Minnesota';
        $this->aState[ 'MS' ] = 'Mississippi';
        $this->aState[ 'MO' ] = 'Missouri';
        $this->aState[ 'MT' ] = 'Montana';
        $this->aState[ 'NE' ] = 'Nebraska';
        $this->aState[ 'NV' ] = 'Nevada';
        $this->aState[ 'NB' ] = 'New Brunswick';
        $this->aState[ 'NH' ] = 'New Hampshire';
        $this->aState[ 'NJ' ] = 'New Jersey';
        $this->aState[ 'NM' ] = 'New Mexico';
        $this->aState[ 'NY' ] = 'New York';
        $this->aState[ 'NF' ] = 'Newfoundland';
        $this->aState[ 'NC' ] = 'North Carolina';
        $this->aState[ 'ND' ] = 'North Dakota';
        $this->aState[ 'MP' ] = 'Northern Mariana Is.';
        $this->aState[ 'NT' ] = 'Northwest Territories';
        $this->aState[ 'NS' ] = 'Nova Scotia';
        $this->aState[ 'OH' ] = 'Ohio';
        $this->aState[ 'OK' ] = 'Oklahoma';
        $this->aState[ 'ON' ] = 'Ontario';
        $this->aState[ 'OR' ] = 'Oregon';
        $this->aState[ 'PW' ] = 'Palau';
        $this->aState[ 'PA' ] = 'Pennsylvania';
        $this->aState[ 'PE' ] = 'Prince Edward Island';
        $this->aState[ 'PQ' ] = 'Province du Quebec';
        $this->aState[ 'PR' ] = 'Puerto Rico';
        $this->aState[ 'RI' ] = 'Rhode Island';
        $this->aState[ 'SK' ] = 'Saskatchewan';
        $this->aState[ 'SC' ] = 'South Carolina';
        $this->aState[ 'SD' ] = 'South Dakota';
        $this->aState[ 'TN' ] = 'Tennessee';
        $this->aState[ 'TX' ] = 'Texas';
        $this->aState[ 'UT' ] = 'Utah';
        $this->aState[ 'VT' ] = 'Vermont';
        $this->aState[ 'VI' ] = 'Virgin Islands';
        $this->aState[ 'VA' ] = 'Virginia';
        $this->aState[ 'WA' ] = 'Washington';
        $this->aState[ 'DC' ] = 'Washington, D.C.';
        $this->aState[ 'WV' ] = 'West Virginia';
        $this->aState[ 'WI' ] = 'Wisconsin';
        $this->aState[ 'WY' ] = 'Wyoming';
        $this->aState[ 'YT' ] = 'Yukon Territory';

    /** Returns a copy of the List
    	@return Array: List of all States
    Function GetList()
        return( $this->aState );

    /** Returns the state name for a given string
    	@param $sCode: string
    	@return String: state name
    Function GetState( $sCode )
        return( $this->aState[ $sCode ] );
