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File: readme.txt

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File: readme.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: How to install
Class: Loader Class
Automatically load MVC and library classes
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 1,277 bytes


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Installation is weary simple. Folow next steps: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Initialize loader class. $loader = new Loader(); Or u can use getInstanece() like this. Loader::getInstance(); All class from libraries, controllers, models will be loaded. Just need create new instance for all classes. Dont need include or require function. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Methods: ---------------------------------------------------------------- * getInstance() = Singleton instance * load_specific_library() = Method for load specific library. * initialize_class() = Methot for initializing defined class * user_library() = Load all user lib's from app/library directories. * system_library() = Load all core library from /lib/ directory or system/ * user_model() = Load all user models from /app/models/ * user_controller() = Load all user controller from /app/controllers/ * controller() = Load specific controller from /app/controllers/ * model() = Load specific model from /app/models/ * library() = Load specific library from /app/models/ * core_library() = Load specific library from /lib/ * config() = Load config files from /app/config. Create dir if missing.